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Everything posted by sefugi

  1. sefugi

    Daily Driver Lumina

    Replaced my daily driver with a '96 Lumina(my pawpaw car as my son calls it), but I got a good deal and I needed some decent transpo for back and forth to work. Seems everyone in my family has a nice ride but Dad. Oh well, my time will come. Not doing anything crazy here, just some simple tunes to make my commute to work a little more enjoyable. This has been done on the cheap with some simple stuff, but will give the guys my son keeps attracting an idea what they can do without breaking the bank. Some of this install has already started and hope to have it all completed by the end of the week. Beginning pics uploading now...
  2. sefugi

    Sleeping on the Couch

    Tuned in for more!!
  3. sefugi

    This Ship Has Sailed!

    Congrats!!! Little Orphan will be adopted by an Alerion Enclosure!!
  4. sefugi

    '07 GMC Sierra Build

    Looking forward to seeing this come together!!
  5. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    this was his last post 16 days ago.... maybe kevin sent some goons to murk him Don't see that happening...
  6. sefugi

    New to Form

    Welcome to SSA Forum!!!
  7. sefugi

    New to Forum

  8. sefugi

    need to double baffle in this case?

    Just because of using 4 10s I would double baffle, wouldn't matter about the surface area they are mounted on.
  9. Looks like you are well on your way!!!
  10. sefugi

    Daily Driver Lumina

    Thanks!!! Still have the SA-8s, but they have been moved to another vehicle. Never did a build log on it, but it turned out nice and it's my new daily driver.
  11. sefugi

    My truck and last system

    Sounds like a great build log is coming!!
  12. sefugi

    Sleeping on the Couch

    How is the "Sleeping on the Couch" going?? Don't mind the couch myself, it's right in front of my 60" TV, and the wife does not steal the covers.
  13. sefugi

    New from Detroit

  14. sefugi

    Another Icon 15" box

    Looks great!!! Enjoy seeing your enclosures come together!!
  15. sefugi

    avalanche build

    Not a box designer, but I would say you are fairly close. For "the most SPL i can get out of this thing" as you stated, wouldn't you want a little more port area and tune slightly higher?? Hopefully some other members will chime in and give their thoughts.
  16. sefugi

    Box Question For 4 10's

    I agree, sometimes less is more.
  17. sefugi

    Silverado by Epicenter Designs

    Why didn't they make them like that to start with...Love the blacked out look!! Damn, those are gonna look great in the doors the way you have it designed!!
  18. sefugi

    New member in AZ

  19. sefugi

    The UPS driver struggled with this one...

    Ya think? Very Nice!!
  20. sefugi

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Only thing I miss is my BT, that may be a future upgrade but I don't know yet. Got a feeling you'll forget about BT when those ZCONs get installed. Sadly I have a few weeks to thinking about the BT while I wait. Anywhere from 1-4 week wait. The waiting can suck!!
  21. sefugi

    My truck and last system

    Very nice!! Yes, more pics needed when doing your rebuild!!
  22. sefugi

    $800-$1000 Budget on Subs/ Amp

    Sounds good. Yes thats the best answer anyone could give lol I read it and was like YUP Yup Great advice! Yes Couldn't agree more!
  23. sefugi

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Only thing I miss is my BT, that may be a future upgrade but I don't know yet. Got a feeling you'll forget about BT when those ZCONs get installed.