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Everything posted by sefugi

  1. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks, I wouldn't have time to work on the car if I was posting on other sites like I've been doin' here. 2-time SSA Forum?? NO way!! I know what you mean some people have their whole build logs over several forums and I'm like howd they come up with the time for all that lol. What battery(s) are you waiting on? Long Story......short version-2-Kinetik HC600's buried under amp rack. Did not have isolated from front. Had a draw and killed them. They will not charge back up. Talked to tech support and getting it handled but have to wait for the processing time. Volts dip Looooow if we try to bang on it. Sucks cause now we are ready to use them and they are DRT. oh... is kinetik pretty good with replacing them? good customer service? And I know what you mean as far as voltage drop my stock alt idles at 13.5v...on a good day XD This is my first experience with them. Called, answer, transfer to tech support, gave info on what was goin' on, tranfered to guy that asked for some info and now we are waiting on replacsments. Not bad at this point. Sounds like their the perfect size company, not hard to contact as some smaller companies, but not so big that their CS goes to shit. Hope everything gets sorted out. This car is going to be ridiculously awesome when it's finished and playing some tunes! Yep, I'm getting sycd and I'm not the one that is going to drive it!
  2. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks, I wouldn't have time to work on the car if I was posting on other sites like I've been doin' here. 2-time SSA Forum?? NO way!! I know what you mean some people have their whole build logs over several forums and I'm like howd they come up with the time for all that lol. What battery(s) are you waiting on? Long Story......short version-2-Kinetik HC600's buried under amp rack. Did not have isolated from front. Had a draw and killed them. They will not charge back up. Talked to tech support and getting it handled but have to wait for the processing time. Volts dip Looooow if we try to bang on it. Sucks cause now we are ready to use them and they are DRT. oh... is kinetik pretty good with replacing them? good customer service? And I know what you mean as far as voltage drop my stock alt idles at 13.5v...on a good day XD This is my first experience with them. Called, answer, transfer to tech support, gave info on what was goin' on, tranfered to guy that asked for some info and now we are waiting on replacsments. Not bad at this point.
  3. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks, I wouldn't have time to work on the car if I was posting on other sites like I've been doin' here. 2-time SSA Forum?? NO way!! I know what you mean some people have their whole build logs over several forums and I'm like howd they come up with the time for all that lol. What battery(s) are you waiting on? Long Story......short version-2-Kinetik HC600's buried under amp rack. Did not have isolated from front. Had a draw and killed them. They will not charge back up. Talked to tech support and getting it handled but have to wait for the processing time. Volts dip Looooow if we try to bang on it. Sucks cause now we are ready to use them and they are DRT.
  4. sefugi


    Check out this thread Version 2 of that amp coming!
  5. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    My son's name is Hunter. It just fits now pass me a shot! Thanks!!
  6. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks, I wouldn't have time to work on the car if I was posting on other sites like I've been doin' here. 2-time SSA Forum?? NO way!!
  7. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks, won't be long. Waiting on replacement batteries.
  8. sefugi

    1997 Jeep Wrangler

    Nice!!! How's the FI??
  9. uploaded a teaser vid

  10. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Were making some progress on the frontend will have some pics of the progress tomorrow night. Since I've been hearing so much about vids vids vids I figured I better give posting some vids a try. This will be another first for me, never uploaded any vids so here goes a little teaser vid until I can make some time to really get goin'. Enjoy!!
  11. sefugi

    Hello from San Antonio Tx!!!!

    Welcome to SSA!!!
  12. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks for the comments. I have always loved a challenge, painting the car has I think been my biggest so far (something I have never done) and think I don't really want to do again. It is a lot of preparation and very time consuming. I did have some issues through the paint process, but I feel the overall product at least paint wise has turned out good. Thanks!
  13. sefugi

    Jason Voorhees Tattoo

    The reflection in the knife blade is squeet!!
  14. sefugi

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    That's a big change from the old rear deck with a pair of 6x9's I remember!
  15. sefugi

    R/C Monster Truck

    Really nice pics!!
  16. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks!! The 3-ways were picked out by my son ( I think he was intrigued by the blue cones). I think they will sound good once we get the car put together more and can spend some time making some adjustments.
  17. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks for the comments and Thanks for the props. I have always tried to do clean work and it has taken a long time to learn not to get in a hurry.
  18. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    I will contact Soundstream just shortly. I just got home from work and checked the posts and saw "p.s. All those "#1 Dad" mugs should have your picture on the back for sure." and I'm rolling so hard I don't think I'll get any work done on the car tonight. Thanks for the good laugh!
  19. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Naw, it's an LX but I think it can tote the 4 SA15's my son and his buddy are talking me into.
  20. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks!! I'll get some night pics or vids up pretty soon.
  21. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Made it to the library again?? Thanks! I got a get these bats figured out then I am contacting Soundstream.
  22. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thank You!
  23. sefugi

    Sundown SA-15 Pre-Order

    Normally the SA series is capable of more power in a smaller enclosure is this the same with the 15? My thoughts are 4 15's in about 10-11cu net with approx. 160-165cu" of port @34-35htrz.These would be powered by 2-SAZ-2000D's. I ask this to help make decision on pre-oreder. Thanks