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Everything posted by sefugi

  1. sefugi

    '80 Vette Tunes

    So far I have been able to clean up the wiring, actually go through and remove a mess of wiring that looks as though it has been added to and added to for quite a few years. Built a harness for the HU we purchased from Julian. Thanks Man!! Installed some new A/C vents while the HU was going in and added a few missing screws that tightened up the HU mounting. Notice the extention cord used for the front speakers. New HU (Pioneer MVH-P8200BT) installed. Thanks again Julian!!
  2. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Understand, hope your day gets better!!
  3. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How so... I am happy I woke up and I'm breathing.
  4. sefugi


  5. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good Morning!!!! TOP
  6. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can't you catch it on Hulu?? I didn't think it was on there. I planned on either catching the rerun sometime IIRC they do, Usually newer episodes will come 2-3 days after it airs. Oh how'd the HU work out for you? Installed/powered up yesterday but havn't connected to amp yet.
  7. sefugi

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    They broke my junk and my money is on the zcons raping the hell out of your car too. Oh My!! Maybe ZCONs need to come with a coupon for re-inforcement metal??
  8. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can't you catch it on Hulu?? I didn't think it was on there. I planned on either catching the rerun sometime IIRC they do, Usually newer episodes will come 2-3 days after it airs.
  9. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can't you catch it on Hulu?? I didn't think it was on there. I planned on either catching the rerun sometime I saw Walking Dead on there, but not sure of the episode.
  10. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can't you catch it on Hulu??
  11. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Skars I hope Perhaps if they were free. I have nothing against the drivers. Knowing who designed them, I'm sure they perform well. With that being said, the scum they represent, is an entirely different story. That earns a
  12. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Double post, yes... Triple post?? I did not feel like deleting all of them. Understand, seems there is enough posts being moved, deleted or whatever is happening... Like what? If you something being deleted or moved that shouldn't be, notify a mod immediately. I'll keep that in mind for future reference, but I feel it's like beating a dead horse(it has left a skar). Some things are beyond our control and their is a relationship somewhere here preventing a boot. Understood!
  13. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Skars I hope
  14. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Double post, yes... Triple post?? I did not feel like deleting all of them. Understand, seems there is enough posts being moved, deleted or whatever is happening... Like what? If you something being deleted or moved that shouldn't be, notify a mod immediately. I'll keep that in mind for future reference, but I feel it's like beating a dead horse(it has left a skar).
  15. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Agreed, I am a family of 4 and it really hurts each month to pay the payment. Same here family of 4, but ours is now based on your pay. I pay more than people making less money for the same coverage. Just does not seem fare to work hard to be promoted and make more money only to give more to this. That is total How did they come up with that idea??
  16. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Agreed, I am a family of 4 and it really hurts each month to pay the payment.
  17. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Double post, yes... Triple post?? I did not feel like deleting all of them. Understand, seems there is enough posts being moved, deleted or whatever is happening...
  18. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Double post, yes... Triple post??
  19. sefugi

    another noob

  20. sefugi

    Sundown eg

  21. sefugi

    Team SSA welcomes Zack Metts | World Bass Boxing Champion

    3X your trouble Sir!! Welcome Zack!!!!! Hope to see some of the destruction you cause with the ZCONs!
  22. sefugi

    18" BTL N2 Box Design

    Chill. OP - Looks good! You'll have to show us what it looks like when you get it all done! He has a build log started!! Ohhh, thanks Sefugi! Just trying to help!!
  23. sefugi

    18" BTL N2 Box Design

    Chill. OP - Looks good! You'll have to show us what it looks like when you get it all done! He has a build log started!!
  24. sefugi

    New to Forum

    Looks nice!!!