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Everything posted by sefugi

  1. sefugi

    SSA Blackout Special!!!! | EXTENTED! Thru Sunday&#

    I'm reachin' in my pockets but all I got is lint!! Thanks for these offers SSA!!
  2. sefugi

    From "Bassing" to "Basting"

    How bout tater salad?!
  3. sefugi

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Image shack gives options on the size you want when uploading. 640x480 for message boards is what I always use. If you have questions pm me I'll be glad to help! Sefugi is the man, No Problem, Keep up the great work!!!
  4. sefugi

    8" sub

    For some entry 8" I likey these, would like to try them myself!!
  5. sefugi

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Image shack gives options on the size you want when uploading. 640x480 for message boards is what I always use. If you have questions pm me I'll be glad to help!
  6. sefugi

    Subwoofers in Unique Enclosure.

    Kewl stuff!!
  7. sefugi

    Closing for Thanksgiving

    Thank you Sir, and the same to you and yours!!!
  8. sefugi

    New SPL truck.

  9. ^X2!!! It is cheaper to have a little more than you need than not enough.
  10. Having to pull this damn motor back out :(

    1. Aaron Clinton
    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Damn doo, that sucks. Grasshoppa needs to show that fool what it do.

    3. sefugi


      Grasshopper is giving the guy a chance to make it right

    4. Show next comments  333 more
  11. sefugi

    Happy 20th Dvalue!

    Happy B-day!!!!
  12. sefugi

    Chat Bar Upgraded

    Got it!!
  13. sefugi

    Chat Bar Upgraded

    I havn't been able to locate is either...
  14. sefugi

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Yes I can read and I'm subscribed to your Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/thecrxbeats Tuned in to this build, have always liked the CRX!!
  15. sefugi

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Fi bl 15 fully loaded Sundown Audio SAZ-1500D 3.5 ft^3 tuned to 33 hertz Bring on the front stage!!!!!
  16. sefugi

    sefugi schools grasshoper

    Been working on a few problems with the sending unit and fuel pump, should get those issues ironed out tomorrow evening. Have yet to drive and check out the trans. One thing at a time and working with Grasshopper's work schedule so he is included in all the fun!!
  17. sefugi

    Orion hcca 25001

    You did not say what you are using for power wire right now or if the 4 channel amp is already installed, but the Orion 25001 uses 1/0 inputs for power and ground so you will probly need a run of 1/0 from bat to amp with a 250amp fuse within 6-8" from the bat. and a 1/0 wire for your ground. That should get you started. Good Luck and maybe start a build log to show pics of what you are doing and through that thread you can get more info as you move along.
  18. sefugi

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    Lots of time consuming work right there!!! That ought to be one stiff frame when your done.
  19. sefugi

    21 inches of TERROR

    You know that was not what I meant.
  20. sefugi

    21 inches of TERROR

    I see 2 big woofas in that one picture!!
  21. sefugi

    Sundown SA-15 Pre-Order

    Got mine!!!