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Everything posted by swift

  1. I have had this setup now since January and I am very pleased with it. Sorry if the vid sucks but this is my first one. I posted 2 so you could see the console box in the 2nd vid. Iphone does decent but was holding it upright on the second vid which narrowed the view.
  2. swift

    Work Truck, one 15 FI Q, sa1500v.2

    Thanks, Here are a few from the build 3.65cu tuned at 29hz before the leather arm pad
  3. swift

    Work Truck, one 15 FI Q, sa1500v.2

    Thanks alot, Yeah it turned out really well. I should have shown more of the setup in the vid. I will make a better one soon.
  4. swift

    Windows down... F#@K!

    Mine are mounted inside my door panels. But I have them inside 2 ziplock freezer bags sealed up and taped closed with the wires coming out of the bottom of the bags with them sealed shut. Works great for keeping them dry
  5. swift

    Limited Space For Fi 18 BL..

    I bet a 15 in 4cu ported will sound much better than what you have now
  6. swift

    I got my sa-12 :D

    The box should not flex or vibrate much at all it its built right. Everything else around it will vibrate much more than the box will. I can sit a cup of water directly on my box and it wont do much of anything with 1500 watts going to one 15. Now if I sit a cup of water on the armrest up front it would spill and fly out everywhere.
  7. swift

    New guy. Deciding on my new equipment

    Nice truck!
  8. swift

    First set up sub suggestions

    I have a 15in FI Q on a SA1500 and it slams! Mine is also tuned low to 29hz. To be honest you may want to tune alittle higher around 32hz+ if you listen to alot of Rock....unless you have a strong midbass setup. You will be surprised how hard any of these subs hit if they are in a good enclosure with proper tuning.
  9. swift

    Single cab center console box

    Yes its a new FI Q 15 loaded, 3.65cu @ 28-29hz on a SA-1500v2 I am way beyond school but most that have rode in it say its the loudest single sub setup they have heard. Its a lowend monster! Good work on yours!
  10. swift

    Single cab center console box

    Looks great, I would maybe add a leather arm pad on top maybe even in gray. That would make it feel more in place then just a box sitting there. Here is what I did with mine just to give you an idea. before and after after...... sorry for the shitty phone pics I just used 1/4in MDF, some thin foam and a piece of leather and a staple gun. Double sided Velcro holds it in place on the box. Pics really dont do it justice. I bet that things sounds great in that single cab.
  11. swift

    Steve Meade's Clipping Tool

    One of the only real things I learn from this site is how big of an arseho M5 is. It doesnt matter what the topic, brand, newb, veteran or anything else. He never fails to be a complete arseho with some smart ass comment. I think he or (you if your reading) truely bring down this entire site. This almost has nothing to do with this thread in general. Its almost every single thread the arseho posts in.
  12. swift

    Tacoma Cut Through

    Really awesome work! Cant wait to see this complete, and I am sure for 2 12's this shit will SLAP hard! I also love drag racing, here is a car me and a friend did and I am trying to sell it now.
  13. swift

    09 silverado crewcab LT IAK worktruck THE REMIX

    Very good build! Its fun having some sound in your work truck. Mine is a rolling office as well!
  14. Whatever it will hold. I have 10 gauge on mine, 8-12 should be ok too.
  15. My console fires forward with the port to the side in the rear, It also puts the sub almost in the center of the cab and I will say first hand there is no null or dead spot in mine. Its also tuned at 29hz as well. So I wouldnt be too worried about the port being on the opposite side of the sub. Post some pics when the project gets going
  16. swift

    A big question......

    can i pick up either of those for around 350? You could definitly get a BL for that price range, the Nightshade is out though, its 500 bucks But between a SA-15 and a FI BL 15 I would still go with the BL on 1500 watts
  17. swift

    A big question......

    My vote would be to go with one FI BL 15 in around 4 cubes ported. On 1500 watts it would slap hard! A Sundown Nightshade would to the trick also
  18. swift

    Whats better than a Fi BTL?

    What is sad is that you dont even know how stupid you actually look. lol
  19. If you fire the port under the dash or at it, soon the entire dash will sound like one big can of pennies it will rattle so bad. I would fire both towards the rear.
  20. If you have sharp bends or tight turns you may want something alittle more flexible than welding cable.
  21. swift

    Wood Splitting

    Put wood glue on heavily, clamp wood together (or use a small nail gun) then pre drill holes with a 3 dollar counter sink bit from Home depot. Then do your 1 1/4 drywall screws in the pre drilled locations, unclamp and move on to the next piece. I like doing 1 1/4 screws first because if for some reason you need to take one out you can go back in with a 1 5/8 screw the next time and not strip the hole out.
  22. swift

    stealth box for custom bug convertible

    Awesome build, I bet it sounds great too!
  23. swift

    Help with sub decision plz

    FI q, FI bl, icon or xcon. Any of these would impress you I am sure.
  24. swift

    Which subs

    Why not do 10's sealed in 1.5 cubes. Then end up with 4 10's after the console addition. I have always preferred my sealed setups on the larger side to help low end output. Just because u have 1.76 doesn't mean u have to use it all.
  25. swift

    Where to put subs? What would u do?

    More output at a lower distortion would mean more cone area at a lower volume I would think. Are you going to compete with this or not? If not this all seems way over thought