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Everything posted by xxaderxx

  1. xxaderxx

    Hey whats up

    I have been a member for some time now just lurking around and now I plan to be active. So hey whats up? I am kinda new to car audio.
  2. Thanks everyone. Ill take a look. More suggestions appreciated tho!
  3. I am looking to buy a head unit with a built in gps. I want a high end head unit and I am willing to spend around 500-1000. So any suggestions will be appreciated. It will be for a pontiac g6 gxp.
  4. Thank you. I skimmed over your post. I am pretty tired so I will read it in the morning.
  5. I have a pontiac g6 gxp and plan on getting a sundown 2500d and was wondering if I will need a alternator and or just batteries.
  6. xxaderxx

    Atten Facebook users...

    Looks really nice. I will like the fanpage.
  7. xxaderxx

    Review of an SSA DCON 12"

    Very detailed. I agree to. My friend has a dcon.
  8. xxaderxx

    SSA Xcon 12" Short n Sweet

    Nice review. Short and simple. I was looking into xcons rto.
  9. These movies were sick. I can't wait til the next one.
  10. xxaderxx

    Happy Birthday Mac N Cheese

    Happy belated. Hope u had a good one.
  11. xxaderxx

    Looking for a new TV

    I prefer using a monitor with a tv tuner. I have asus.
  12. xxaderxx

    Will this 21" work in LLT/EBS?

    agreed. ^^^^^^
  13. xxaderxx

    So, I got pulled over yesterday...

    Hate this shit. just tryna to bump
  14. xxaderxx

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    when the ups guy can drive to my house blind folded
  15. xxaderxx

    ssa xcons flex & shirt

    Very nice! Looks like good air flow
  16. xxaderxx

    New Woofas

    I can not wait for this to come out. I really am interested in this sub. Nice.
  17. xxaderxx

    Current remaining Xcon's

    Any idea when you think the supplies is going to come in? I can wait like a month or two but if you think there's a chance of it taking longer then I guess ill just purchase now. Thanks
  18. I am very curious to hear what you have to say about buying this box - https://www.woofersetc.com/p-7421-sqp15spl-ground-shaker-15-single-ported-high-spl-box.aspx It would be going with a Sundown nightshade. The 4.2 cu ft. seem good and the box looks nice to me. I know building one will be a little cheaper but it probably wont come out as nice and would save me the headache of building one myself. But if you recommended that I just build one myself then that's what ill do. I emailed them asking what the tuning is so if its not around 33hz then obviously wont get. Also its not double baffled so idk if it will be strong enough for 2500 watts. Theirs also this http://cgi.ebay.com/4-0-CU-FT-CUSTOM-PORTED-BOX-fits-KICKER-CVR15-CVX15-/160554332666?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2561c8b1fa And is double baffled and 4.0 cu ft tuned to 33 hz seems perfect. But just let me know what your thought for these are and if or if not I should just go with one of these or just build my own. Thanks
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/4-0-CU-FT-CUSTOM-PORTED-BOX-fits-KICKER-CVR15-CVX15-/160554332666?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2561c8b1fa It would be going with a Sundown nightshade. I am very curious to hear what you have to say about this, being that its from ebay. But 4.0 CU. Ft. tuned to 32 hz seem perfect. I know building one will be a little cheaper but it probably wont come out as nice and would save me the headache of building one myself. But if you recommended that I just build one myself then thats what ill do.
  20. Or should I just go with two xcons or maybe even a zcon if they ever decide to release it.
  21. xxaderxx

    SSA ICON Series out of stock

    Anymore updates on these?
  22. Can someone design me a box for a nightshade v2. Thanks
  23. I need some help designing the best box possible for daily. I want the box to be tuned about 33. And this is the space I have to work with - Width - 38, Height 13, Depth 36. I sill did not order the sub yet as I still am not sure on what sub to get. My plans are a 15" nightshade, a sundown 2500d (already own), dc alternator all going in a 2003 Mercury Sable. Any comments or suggestions on my future build would be appreciated. Thanks
  24. woofersetc_outlet has nightshade v2 for sale. http://cgi.ebay.com/NIGHTSHADE-V2-SUNDOWN-AUDIO-SUB-15-DVC-2-OHM-SUBWOOFER-/110593096169?pt=Car_Subwoofers_Enclosures&hash=item19bfdcb9e9 Anything wrong with buying from them?
  25. When will the Sundown Nightshade v.2 be in ssa's store?