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About waxmyjmy

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  1. waxmyjmy

    Sa 8 ported am I on right track

    It has nothing to do with anything other than it being a bad ass 8 other then that and wanting to make it loud so people any believe it's a 8 is basically the only reason
  2. waxmyjmy

    Sa 8 ported am I on right track

    I'm under the impression it'll withstand 1000watts it's mainly a project iv been wanting to do.
  3. waxmyjmy

    Sa 8 ported am I on right track

    Man I only have an iPad right now and I'm not really computer savvy so I'm not sure what to do about the download. I wish I could bridge the gap and get the answers to a few of the questions about the calculations thanks for all the help thus far do I calculate the box volume for the port length using the number before the port is included or the number of net volume after the port. Maybe I'm asking this right
  4. Ported SA does this make sense? Hey guys iv been searching back and forth between forums to calculate my box as close as possible. Before I spend more time and most importantly money on my design I'd like to know if I'm on the right track. Any help would be greatly appreciated Box width - 24 Box height -11 Depth 1- 8 Depth 2- 8.5 Total Net - .835 Port measurements Height - 3 Width- 3.5 Length - 29.64 Now when i put that port in the calculator it says my total net will be .653 the sa 8 calls for .5-.75 ported so I guess I'm right in the middle the other forum I used says that port will have the boxs original net volume of .641 ft3 tuned to 36 hertz Does this seem to be correct? Do I tune my box to the total net before the port or after the port because my numbers change accordingly and it really doesn't say either way. Considering my box is only 22 inches wide is it ok for my port to extrude from the box so roughly 16 inches sticking out. And 13 actualy inside the box. Is there a change in my calculations if i do it this way. The sites iv been using are car stereo port calculator/ tuner Home theater shack witch has a calculator for box the box and port. But I'm not sure what to do if the port isnt completely in the box. Thanks for any help
  5. waxmyjmy

    Help with stealth box b4 building

    Lol ok well what sort of box should we do... theres no room for the sub behind the seat?????
  6. MY buddy drives a 2008 regular cab silverado..... He has a matrix 12' that is a fairly beefy subwoofer..... if im correct his amp is 1000 watt This weekend we plan to build a box like Fi-Ford Console/Enclosure...STEALTH - SSA Car Audio Forum Has built for trucks.... My question is.... WE plan on just doing it sealed to begin with... I think with this small of a truck it will be just fine and loud enough.... If he is no satisfied if we were to use like 1 or 2 tubes of pipe to port it would it in any way mess up the subwoofer or anything... ( could we vary the sound by length of the port in the box what size pipe would be best... ) also... if we do it either seale dor ported should we place the sub facing to the back glass or the front... and would if we put it facing back will it matter if the ports are placed under the subwoofer facing the rear also or would this sound crappy.... thanks for all your help.... I've done enough to know that this stuff gets down to a science and he's the type that build a box and cuts a hole in it and its the loudest thing ever.... So i just want to basically know if we can uses tubing like 2inch round or 3 or whatever... and if we do that will it hurt the subwoofer in any way....thanks for the help we plan to be building it this weekend....