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Everything posted by akrod2as

  1. akrod2as

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    you measure them and calculate the volume...
  2. Um...there's a shroud over the belt, I'd take that off and see if the belt is intact or even on the pulleys. That would explain your lack of power steering as well.
  3. akrod2as

    vegascarshow 157.JPG

    god bless huwers
  4. akrod2as

    Elblako's SA-8 build log

    Who told you that?
  5. akrod2as

    My first box build...

    There is another piece of 3/4 going over it so the plexi will sit flush. Ah, I like.
  6. akrod2as

    SSA APP?

    Well damn, they need to add a profile for opera mini or something.
  7. akrod2as

    SSA APP?

    I must be blind...where is the mobile version?
  8. akrod2as

    My first box build...

    For aesthetics any reason why you didn't put the plexi on the inside or am I seeing it wrong?
  9. akrod2as

    1995 Chevy Suburban

    I got really bored tonight and threw together a 1 cube sealed enclosure for an old alum10 I had laying around. It's all caked with dirt and shit. and nothing new with shakes' suburban. Got the alternator and such, probably install that later this week.
  10. ok thats what i was thinking. So i can then do one right after the starter batt then one right before the rear batt then the 2 right after the rear batt for both amps?? You don't NEED to fuse but it's recommended between the rear bat and the amps if they are not located very close.
  11. No fusing is required on the ground. All you need is 2 fuse blocks and 2 fuses to make this work.
  12. If the amp is fused it won't be necessary to run a fuse between the amp and rear battery. Fuse 18 or less inches from rear battery on +, and 18 or less from front battery on + on each run of power wire (if you're planning on running more that is down the line.)
  13. akrod2as

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    drill before, the holes are there for aid in the air pockets rising to the surface when filling with F/G resin. Thumpper, I like how you're using wider ports now on some enclosures. It's a little harder to handle when putting it in the enclosure (I know) but it looks so damn cool!!! Excellent, I hath learned something.
  14. akrod2as

    re audio mt 18

    I was simply being sarcastic to someone asking a specific question without giving specific details. That's all.
  15. akrod2as

    re audio mt 18

    NOT MINE ITS MY FRIEND AND HE ALLREADY HAS IT SO I NEED TO NO WHATS THE SMALLEST I CAN GO PORTED 15 cubes at least. 15 cubes for 1 18 ???? You could try 20.
  16. akrod2as

    re audio mt 18

  17. akrod2as

    4 Fi Audio IB3 18's walled off 15Hz tune in a VAN BUILD LOG

    I don't agree with the use of duct tape. It conducts when moisture is present.
  18. akrod2as

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    Do you drill before cutting for the kerf so you can put glue in it? I never understood the drilling part and I've bent a few pieces of MDF to give it a go for my next enclosure.
  19. akrod2as

    1995 Chevy Suburban

  20. akrod2as

    Any idea what the problem could be?

    Want to get rid of that shiva?
  21. We have MidWest SPL around this area, which seems to be a decent organization. I guess I was more or less talking about something close, twin cities area. Everything near me is quite a drive. Any quality dealers in the area that are willing to get some competitions going? Everything in South Dakota is 100 mile drive to a comp ... I honestly have no idea. But if there were I'm sure it'd be listed on minnesota's loudest's forum. Most of the stuff they go to, which has been listed here in some thread, is a decent drive north.
  22. We have MidWest SPL around this area, which seems to be a decent organization. I guess I was more or less talking about something close, twin cities area. Everything near me is quite a drive.
  23. I'm sure I'd be into it if there was anything worth while in MN.
  24. Take a nice pic of the resistor in question. Like was said previously something had to go before hand to send too much current through the resistor to blow it.