yo, aaron...so i edited a banner to use on ca.com since the admin is all pissy. How do i go about putting it in my sig?? one i created myself??? peace NG
As title says, anyone know for sure the displacement of the original 12" magnum d2's with the claw baskets. I'm designing a new box right now, and i need to know their displacement, thanx...need replies asap if any knows. peace NG
do you have a specific you want in there?? that way I would know exactly what you are looking for Ok...to simplify it do: Stereo Integrity Logo, and sub Eclipse Logo Colors: Red/white or Red/black My name somewhere Arrange them however you please, thanks man. peace NG
Donn, obviously you KNOW i will be attending A LOT of competitions this year. i'd definitely be intersted in being sponsored, also i'm not TOO far away from you. I mean a few hours at most, an easy drive any day. LMK man, peace NG
hey denim, if u could whip up a quick Stereo Integrity, Eclipse, Diamond Audio banner that'd be pimp! With some red and either white or black. peace NG