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Everything posted by ngsm13

  1. ngsm13

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    aaron, ur on AIM right now aren't you...come back from away i need to ask you a quick question!! peace NG p.s. my aim name is ngbd13
  2. ngsm13

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    yo, aaron...so i edited a banner to use on ca.com since the admin is all pissy. How do i go about putting it in my sig?? one i created myself??? peace NG
  3. ngsm13

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    ok, so how do i get this to show up in my sig here or at other forums???? peace NG
  4. As title says, anyone know for sure the displacement of the original 12" magnum d2's with the claw baskets. I'm designing a new box right now, and i need to know their displacement, thanx...need replies asap if any knows. peace NG
  5. ngsm13

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    do you have a specific you want in there?? that way I would know exactly what you are looking for Ok...to simplify it do: Stereo Integrity Logo, and sub Eclipse Logo Colors: Red/white or Red/black My name somewhere Arrange them however you please, thanks man. peace NG
  6. ngsm13

    Gnome Audio: Past, Present, Future.

    Donn, obviously you KNOW i will be attending A LOT of competitions this year. i'd definitely be intersted in being sponsored, also i'm not TOO far away from you. I mean a few hours at most, an easy drive any day. LMK man, peace NG
  7. ngsm13

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    hey denim, if u could whip up a quick Stereo Integrity, Eclipse, Diamond Audio banner that'd be pimp! With some red and either white or black. peace NG
  8. ngsm13

    Yo, fools...

    Sup guys, thought it's about itme i join around here...looks to be a great group of people. hope to contribute well...peace NG
  9. ngsm13

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    werd, i like SI magnum d2...avionixx amp...CDT symbol...alpine symbol and my name. if it's too much just tell me...thanx man. peace NG