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About Ddogsc93

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 12/15/1992

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  • Interests
    CARS, Musics, PS3, djing, on the early stages of it haha, o hail yea

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  1. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    i just realized i never put a vid up lemme get on that
  2. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    Yea dooood and thanks! i got the ecu reflashed by them and it made a huge difference.
  3. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    oo yea that is possible. I could try and put it in the sealed box i have, i never tried it out
  4. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    Thanks guys! I made a comment on my phone earlier but apparently it didn't send. I think i might put the mono amp down there now that i know that there's enough room under there for it to cool off, but before i wasn't sure since it puts out a lot more power. Also, the sub seems to not hit the higher frequencies like in Paper Planes - MIA. Is it the sub or the mids that are at fault? I've turned up the low pass filter pretty much all the way to see, but it doesn't seem like it will go up enough. Any suggestions?
  5. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    The inside all put together: The Trunk Space all put together. I got someone to build the floor with a plexi window. I might cut more out of the wood cuz the plexi glass is bigger than that under the wood. Stickerr PICTURE WONT FLIP OVER Ampp ALL TOGETHA NOW A woofa drawing i did for AP Art last year haha
  6. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    yea it's built in, i was gonna get one to put in my coin holder, but i just kinda forgot about it honestly haha woops
  7. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    (Dynamat VANQUISHED haha it sucked to take off, but watever didn't rip went under the amp in the trunk) Cld tiles on THE trunkk (on the outer skin too, helped alot)
  8. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    The annoying/messy part: No Crossovers... Crossovers Velcro'd to old bose amp Covers
  9. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    Under the hood: Getting those terminals on sucksss hammering FTW Amp wiring:
  10. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    tell me about it and it's the only thing that rattles!! haha If i can find the butyl rope i got from Don i thought about putting it around the edges, but that requires taking the sub back out and putting it in straight again
  11. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    that mofo's small but it weighs like 40 lbs!! i tore my fingers up trying to get it straight like that haha and i'll put up the rest of the pics up tomorrow cuz i gotta get them off mmy phone
  12. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    Yeaa for sure i might have to get knock offs to save me $2000
  13. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    All the stuff: Sub + Boxx
  14. Ddogsc93

    First Build (with help) FINALLY!

    The Car: Not a huge fan of the rims i want these :horse: