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Notorious on mobile

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Everything posted by Notorious on mobile

  1. Notorious on mobile

    rockford v. powerbass

    RF or Powerbass only ? Why ? There are so much brands on the market. Give a budget, you may find some good deals.
  2. Notorious on mobile

    Upgrading 98 Neon Sound System

    I would buy a 4 ch amp, a small sub, and a complete kit with 2 rca, power wire and fuse holder. You can find good deals on classifieds.com (or something like that) or here on ssa. You will easily find a sealed box for the sub. Keep your front speakers for now. With the x-overs on the amp, you will stop the bass they receive. Your next upgrade will be the front speakers : you'll have to get a component set (6.5") for you front doors. You don't need rear speakers. Just my 2 cents. We'll see what other members will tell you. Good luck.
  3. Notorious on mobile

    Power Acoustik Amp

    Mids & Highs amplifiers are cheap. You don't need a lot of watts. Save some money, and get a nice 4 channels amp when you're ready !
  4. Notorious on mobile

    Finally got my box built and my BTL in...

    That box is huge ! Congrats ! Life without bass is so sad !
  5. Notorious on mobile

    Please Read: Savings Inside for Existing and Future Customers!&#33

    That's nice ! Well done!
  6. Notorious on mobile

    two 15" re audio srx?

    A 40 hz tuning for your box can't be good for music. You need to tune it to around 32hz. Try to look for other subs, don't be too fast. Maybe just one big sub can be enough for you if you're on a tight budget. You will add another sub later when money comes!
  7. Notorious on mobile

    help on cap install

    You must have a problem somewhere in your install. I'm not an expert, but I don't think the big cap will help you a lot. I want to read what other members or mods will tell you. Good luck
  8. Notorious on mobile

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    Send him a wiring diagram, just in case ! :)
  9. Notorious on mobile

    Component Prefrences!

    X2 Take your time to play with them all. I'd'like to read your reviews!
  10. Notorious on mobile

    2~15" Icon's Build

    It finally fits very well ! What a huge cargo area! You still have a lot of room left. Nice work with the 45s everywhere inside. You're a serious box builder !
  11. Notorious on mobile

    Advice for Battery or Alternator

    That is what I understood. But I see a lot of guys running 2 batts without upgraded alternator. Why ? Maybe HO alt are too expensive? (I'm sure I can't find one for my car).
  12. Notorious on mobile

    More Sundown Issues Unfortunately

    You're really not lucky on this one. Sorry for you. It's the first topic like that I've read on db-r. These guys are human, after all ! I'm sure they will take good care of you. They don't want to have bad rep. Cross your fingers!!
  13. Notorious on mobile

    95 Grand Am build

    Nice build ! I like your false floor. I would love to hide my amps like that, but it's so hot here ! 30 degrees C all year long I can't drive without spare tire. You're lucky to have good roads!
  14. Notorious on mobile

    I'm Stuck

    No dimming and 0.1 v dropping with engine on. No matter the rpm. 1500 - 1800 rms ON MUSIC. Music is dynamic. I have 0 ga for power and grounds. Big3 is not finished yet(Ineed + from alt to batt). It all depends of your car, your alt, engine,...my car has a Diesel engine, so it may have a stronger alt than others.
  15. Notorious on mobile

    Spl/ daily ports?

    I've often read 12 to 16 sq ft of port area per cubic feet.
  16. Notorious on mobile

    I'm Stuck

    I think you can't need a HO alt for 1300 watts rms ! Upgrade your power and grounds to 1/0. Get a voltmeter and watch it. Then, you will know if you need something else. You're listening to music, you will not be at full volume every time. Your amps won't be at their max very often. So, instal and test ! I am on my stock alt (don't even know kind) with a 1500.1 and a 50.4 amplifiers. No dimming, and 0,1 v of drop ! I still have the stock battery. The AC makes my voltage drop seriously, but not the music. Good luck
  17. Notorious on mobile

    ICON Prototype 12" Temp build

    Looks like an Heavy box : triple baffle, lots of (artistic) bracing. You will make an happy customer! Congrats
  18. Notorious on mobile

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    You have a nice box, well built to specs. You have enough power to run a FANTASTIC sub. What do you use for front speakers? Are they good enough, are they installed right ? Your problem is not the bass. Listen to the mods. My rearview mirror can't stay on the windshield no more!!! My xcon is amazing. The LPF is set at 80 hz , but my front stage is "serious".
  19. Notorious on mobile

    icon 15 vs xcon 12

    Why do you want to give 1600 watts to an Icon? Look at the specs. Read the rules and post a better question, please !
  20. Notorious on mobile

    1 15 or 2 15 ; 8 cft

    8 cu ft gross ? With bracings, sub displacement, PORT, double baffle, I don't think you will have enough room for two 15". Maybe enough for one 18". Don't try to put 2 subs in a tiny box. With 2000 watts and a big box, a Btl 15" should be loud and low !! If I had this room and this power, I would take an 18" Xcon. But I am biaised. I love mine!!! :)
  21. Notorious on mobile

    round port, slot port ?

    Yes it is, Sir. I would like to try a box with aeroport, if it can be smaller than my actual one : 3.5 ft3 net @ 32 hz. In my country, people are afraid of big box in their small trunk ! (This is still me, it's my mobile account)
  22. Notorious on mobile

    i need the best

    What power do you want ? For what speaker(s) ? How is your car electrical system ?
  23. Notorious on mobile

    Enclosure Build for Super Trucker (Two 12 Inch Fi BL's)

    Nice, as usual with your work ! How much volume for thsee 2 12's ? The box looks big, but not so much.
  24. Notorious on mobile

    SSAudio :)

    Happy Birthday ! Joyeux Anniversaire ! Today is yours! Enjoy! :)
  25. The Audiopipe amps are cheap. They will do the job. Lots of people like and use them in my country, without problem. I'm sure you will be able to re-sell it easily later if you want. I hope you have the electrical system to run a 3000 watts amp.