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Everything posted by nicawatts

  1. nicawatts

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    very nice scores your write there with me in usaci . BUT ebb you better get a little tunning done . or more batts. 159.++ was the high score for middleweight. dont get me wrong im impressed thats beast.
  2. nicawatts


    more power for 2013? ? ? what do you guys suggest ? IA, DD , AB , DC , stetsom , sundown ????? hmmmmm
  3. also remember when you push subs past there rated limits warranty goes out the window and one look at the subs coil will tell all.
  4. correct fl hertz is on the money . whenever you add over rated power to a sub you must change the box to accommodate .smaller enclosure more power handling, but still at shorter periods of play time. the more power you add the higher the freq will be unless in a 4th order, it can be counter tuned with the ported section. tunning will also change by adding or subtracting power in large quantities..
  5. nicawatts

    2012 Team SSA SBN results.

    thank you mark for the awsome vid.
  6. nicawatts


    Big thanks to Mark and his lovely wife and aaron for all there pics and vids so far . heres one mark sent today enjoy
  7. nicawatts

    Santa Fe Rebuild. Lots of new toys.

    awsome test bench ftw
  8. i recomend reconing sub and getting the box designed and built by a pro or competitor . also look at the power supplied is it clean and working correctly .
  9. i am most impressed with the low end these subs produce .
  10. Im putting 4300 clamped power on the zcons in a box peaking at 37 and play 24 hrts wide open with no rubbing of coarse after about a few min the coils heat up and and burn glue . thats when it gets turned down, not off to cure. amazing power handling and quality . I dont recomend just anyone trying this . unless you have YEARS of experiance. go by specs and remember there speced for internal airspace not external.
  11. too much power too big of box = bottomed out coil = damage to bottom of coil = rub on poll or motor.....................
  12. nicawatts

    2012 Team SSA SBN results.

    in a 4th order they will handle rediculas power . ported im sure will be a little less depending on tunning and length of full tilt play time . they are moving pretty good on 4300 clamped ea . id like to get it up to about 5k clamped and see what happens. also it will be hard to get as much power from a ported incloser . ported in your car is your best bet though. all the angles are not good for a 4th order. I wanna get 4 7.5s =-) or 2 12ks. my impedence rise is under 2 ohms so dropping the load wont work. id really like to touch a 160 before i change set up.
  13. nicawatts

    2012 Team SSA SBN results.

    in your car middleweight you should be able to hit 59s door open . with maxing everything out. jared hit mid 59s with sundown equipment in middle weight. theres no affence steve I will have a very large bullseye on my back lol. my box size limits me. but im hoping for 59s by next inac.
  14. nicawatts

    Spring Break Nationals '12 Part 2

    thanks bro ill see you soon enough. mostly demoing this season.
  15. nicawatts

    Spring Break Nationals '12 Part 2

    skrillex narsasistic cannible is one of my favorite songs . it freaking rocks in my truck. awsome vid bro.
  16. nicawatts

    Team SSA @ SBN 2012 Video Thread

    awsome I love that blazer. awsome video
  17. nicawatts

    Spring Break Nationals '12 SSA, Crescendo, Incriminator.

    awsome vid man . ima be doing lots of demoing this year . I have a free ride on points,lol
  18. nicawatts

    2012 Team SSA SBN results.

    and held it on music for a few seconds at 37 herts. I did a in the kick run today came out 158.2 dropped to 156.5 . I need batteries bad most of my batteries are over 10 years old lol. I clamped 17200 on a burp . if I can get that to 20000 on music 160 will happen . played all 3 30 second rounds and these subs were not even warm.
  19. nicawatts

    Team SSA blazer at SBN

    awsome demo machine. and looks good as hell.
  20. nicawatts


  21. nicawatts


    one of a few vids this is one of the 3 rounds . either sealed or door open.
  22. nicawatts


  23. nicawatts


    awsome weekend .
  24. nicawatts

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    ima shoot for 160s out of my lw setup but ill be happy with 58 -59 its harder than people think.
  25. nicawatts

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    160 in a middleweight legal setup is extremely hard ive heard of it one time. the numbers look good steve is that meter at all accurate to the newest termlab program . hitting 57 on that thing was a biaitch. but if it is your on track and need to get points for inac next year play with the sb section of the newest usaci cd get scores at 57 after 30 second runs .