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Everything posted by heckvr4

  1. heckvr4

    AudioQue Comps???

    buy them and give us a review... i was looking @ buying them too.. but i went with crescendo :popcorn:
  2. heckvr4

    2009 Malibu *Update*

    good luck bro ! go big ! even if it takes a while...
  3. heckvr4

    Best 12s for the $

    man you got all the mods looking at this , 6 User(s) are reading this topic 6 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users 1. heckvr4, 2. Shag, 3. patented17, 4. Sir-Lancelot, 5. lithium, 6. Julian
  4. heckvr4

    I am SubSam: 15" BtL N2 on 2230K

    looks like a lot of work... very nice...
  5. heckvr4

    Funny story.

    video ??
  6. Confusing, but it works haha. Alternator would be the best choice in the long run. Some Companies: DC Power, Mechman. I myself have been looking for a new alternator and came across the mechman site but have been unable to browse it because it seems to be infected with a nasty virus/spyware... x2
  7. heckvr4

    Favorite supplement

    cool , thanks ill check it out,,, i want to gain maybe 15lbs,., should i get a weigth gainer? or just keep lifting and wait ..? hmm,,,
  8. how big of an alternator's ? how many batteries , etc etc , would i need to run 2 Saz-3500d's 'safely' on my truck? they would be @ 1 ohm , just for daily..
  9. heckvr4

    Favorite supplement

    I'm using jack3d right now, and it works for me. I get all the boosts with no ill side effects. The only thing I cannot do is run long distance with it. The protein I am using now is MaBSN Truess. Excellent taste and I have gained 10 pounds in the past month. I work out almost everyday for at least an hour. Looking to get stronger rather than put on a ton of weight, but this stuff works great. im almost out of protein, im going to give BSN true mass a try... were did u get it @?
  10. heckvr4

    db-r Customer Service

    great prices right too !
  11. Hey man ill buy that sundown from you...

    Whats your paypal add?

  12. heckvr4

    btl + 4th order ??

    red panels are removable . Without them, the port area increases, port length decrease, chamber volume increases and the tuning goes up. It will cause 3dB more output from 41Hz to 50Hz or so. im hoping to start building the box next week... ill deff post pictures because im sure ill have a lot of more questions...
  13. heckvr4

    btl + 4th order ??

    ok , i have 2 15'' fi btl's and i want to do a 4th order .... i cant remember where i read that btl's are not made or not good for 4th order designs .... its this true?? can somebody explain...
  14. heckvr4

    btl + 4th order ??

    well i got an email from the guy thats designing me the box... The Fi BTL is not suitable for 4th order bandpasses (essentially a sealed box with an acoustic low pass filter). It will however work great in a 6th order bandpass(Essentially a ported box with a acoustic low pass filter). Magenta is a 6TH order bandpass, Cyan is a 4th order bandpass. As you can see the 6th order bandpass is better with the Fi BTL. Even if we make the 4th order bandpass into a SPL box, the SPL 6th order bandpass will be louder. makes sence to me... i just never heard of btl's not beign suitable for 4th order's... i keeep learning new stuff everyday
  15. heckvr4

    Which is better amp for my FI 18's

    maybe a better box too,,,,
  16. heckvr4

    Favorite supplement

    i ended up buying 'jack3d'... its working great for me! im 6'1'' 190lbs... lots of energy without the side effects , its only been 10 days but i like it so far... im just getting started in this buissnes..
  17. heckvr4

    Let's see some pics!

    15'' fi btl, sorry , its a lil dusty...
  18. heckvr4

    Favorite supplement

    anyone have tryed ' jack3d ' ? its a pre-workout drink.....
  19. heckvr4

    2 sa-12s daily on a [email protected]

    if you have 2 dual ones just get one decent sized amp that runs at 1 ohm, wire up to 2 ohms then back down to 1 ohm. that easy, How do you wire 2 dual 2ohm to 2ohm and then back down to 1ohm ??? can you explain this to me ?
  20. heckvr4


    ok makes sence... lol so the GOTOGUY for 4th order designs is....???
  21. heckvr4


    is it safe to run my sundown audio 2000d at i believe .5 ohm? i have 2 15'' fi btl's dual 2ohm subs,,, so i can wire them to .5 ohm... i have a 05 f150 , 1 optima yellow top , 0 gauge , big 3 , xs battery 900d and of course the 2000d... am i ' safe ' ??? im currently savingmoneys for a HO alt.. please help...
  22. heckvr4


    Since you have lots of space to work with, wire your woofers to a "normal" impedance, and make your enclosure on the large side to increase efficiency. He already has the D2 woofers, so options are 2ohm and .5ohm. 2ohm will disappoint him I'm sure. I think you should build a large 4th order of Duran's design to utilize as much of the woofer as you can at .5ohm. Just keep a close eye on your voltage. Thank you sir ,very good advice. if i buy a second 2000d can i use one on each sub to run them at 1 ohm?? or how does it work? im deff getin the ho alt, and a couple more batteries. 4th order for sure ! If you get a second 2000 you can strap the amps together with the woofers wired at 2ohm. That will put each amp at 1ohm. ok cool... am i better of buying a second 2000d ?? orjust getting another bigger amp for both subs ??