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Everything posted by DaberAudio

  1. DaberAudio

    MASSIVE steering wheel flex!

    Looks fun man!
  2. DaberAudio

    A little build

    That box just can't breath in my trunk. I built a much smaller box and I am far more satisfied. If anyone has a hatchback or SUV and wants a box for a single 12, it can be yours.
  3. DaberAudio

    How To Do A Recone

    Brandon, Email me a picture of the damage. I might be able to help.
  4. DaberAudio

    Hello Everyone!

    Hey guys - I wanted to take just a second and say hi and tell you a little about me, Daber Audio, and planned future products. I'm an audio junkie, drag racing fan, father of two, married, guy from central Illinois. When I was a little kid (probably about two years old) my dad had an Pionner/Technics/Marantz home stereo set up. I loved to sit and watch the equalizer (digital display) and thought the lines moving up and down were stick people dancing. I then figured out there was a correloation between what sound was being played and which "stick people" danced. So there it began, the obsession. As I got a little older I started getting in to home hifi, then a natural progression to car audio at around age 14. Since then I have continued to try to learn as much as I can, build as much as I can, and more so than anything, enjoy the hobby. Daber Audio was actually conceptualized back in early 2006. At that time I had been on the search for a good home audio subwoofer. I've owned, built, and installed more subwoofer boxes in cars than I can put a number on. I knew how subs worked, knew what a good box was etc. In my search for a real, accurate, and powerful home subwoofer I became quite frustrated and decided to just build my own. I hooked up with a guy up in Minnesota who helped me on the business end of things and I eventually started offering my Daber Audio subwoofers to the home audio crowd. I also do restoration work/custom builds for home audio guys. Anything from a simple refoam/recone, to crossover mods, to cabinet repair, to custom monitors. Last year I decided that I wanted to take a stab at the Car Audio market. The """"SQL"""" subs are similar to the home sub drivers I use. I am in the process of doing some modifications that will make them less similar and I will start a seperate thread about that either later this week or Monday, it just depends on what kind of time I have to post a new in depth topic. Yesterday I leaked the T/S specs on the upcoming """"SQL"""" DVC 12 inch drivers. These will most likely come out after a few other projects get released. We are currently in the beginning stages of bringing out a component set. The component set has a couple of areas that are causing me problems and I am seeking solutions for them (and I think we are almost there). I'm a crossover freak. I don't care how good your drivers are - If you are not using quality components (caps, coils, resistors) you are not realizing the full potential of your drivers. The problem is, true audiophile grade components can get bulky, and therefore the outboard x-over box is rather large (which we all know can be a hindrance to not only installation but to sales). The other issue is that the tweeters have a considerable mounting size. For you sound quality freaks, and talented installers, this is no big deal. However, it's most likely an obstacle for the average consumer. High output drivers are coming. I'm not going to say a lot at this point, because they too will get their own thread. There are some details that have not been hammered out, but rest assured, when they are they will go here first. It's been a slow process, but I'm working to speed things. I'm very excited about what the future holds, and I'm glad to be here. I've got a few different projects going on, so please don't be offended if it takes me a day or so to respond. I REALLY appreciate the warm welcomes that I have received from Aaron, Mark, and the rest of you guys here at the forum. Thank you, Steve Brown Daber Audio
  5. DaberAudio

    A little build

    Just got back from doing some testing on the SQL 12 DVC prototype. Keep in mind that I drive a GTO. I'm not sure if you are familiar with those cars or not, but let me explain something. Behind my rear seat is a solid wall of steel. The gas tank sits behind this wall of steel. The only way for sound to get in to my cabin is through two 7.5 inch holes where the stock 8 inch woofers used to be. Furthermore, I didn't build this box to be an all out ass kicking beast, it's made to be as flat and enjoyable as possible. I did with ~ 500 watts: At 25hz 132.1 At 27hz 133.5 At 33hz 135.2 and that was the peak Not exactly "huge" numbers, but I only have a total of 47.1 square inches of area that actually let sound in to my cabin. In comparison, my sales guy has two SQL 12s in a civic two door that is doing 142.4 @ 52hz with a 300 watt amp driving both woofers. We could quite easily get high 140s out of his box. Sorry if you guys were expecting insane numbers, would be happy to let someone with an actual trunk with fold down seats or a hatchback try it out with a termlab! Forgot my camera, had to meet a dealer this morning before we did this and was in a hurry. Got a print out, and if you need it, John has a picture on his iPhone.
  6. DaberAudio

    A little build

    I'm not much of a youtube guy, but I guess I do have to become one, don't I? Pics of the meter in the car take the measurement not good enough porn ? You know, I remember when we didn't have internet porn and we had to look at pictures...in magazines! Lol. I will try to take some video.
  7. DaberAudio

    A little build

    Oh, I will post numbers Don't expect anything out of this world though....I'm only running a memphis 500D (old school chrome chassis) to it.
  8. DaberAudio

    A little build

    Thank you. I guess if I didn't know in my mind how it was *supposed* to look, I'd be pretty happy with it.
  9. DaberAudio

    A little build

    Alright, I don't even want to talk about the table saw situation, but I guess I have to in order to explain the box. Sears parts direct lost my order. They have no idea where it is. The place that located the other belts for me? Yeah, they were wrong. I spent the first half of the day trying to find some. To hell with it. My saw is a Ryobi built Craftsman...I called every store I could think of in a 60 mile radius. Oh well.... I really NEED to get this thing on a meter in both a sealed box and a ported box so the build must go on. I need some in car output data from this prototype. I decided to just use a pretty standard style slot port for the other side. I hated to do it, but I can ALWAYS just build another box if I deem it necessary. I went in to town to the other shop, got on the panel saw and radial arm saw (we have a MASSIVE, very old DeWalt radial). I was so angry that I forgot to bring my router for edging off the port., made my cuts and made my way back. I didn't take a lot of pictures of the completion. It's still not "done". There is no carpet, vinyl, paint or anything...just raw MDF, but the microphone will not care. I admit, this box volume is really large, and a bit uncalled for. I really only did it so I could get as much bottom octave output as possible. For real world applications this would be stupid unless you really need tons of mid 20hz output. Not really going for an all out SPL tune here. I have no idea what it's doing as of right now, but I can tell you that on super low frequency information it makes me uncomfortable as hell and induces a fair amount of ear and sinus pressure. Will post meter results tomorrow!
  10. DaberAudio

    Please, don't use UPS...

    I can one up that, unfortunately. I custom made a home theater sub for a guy down in Atlanta. I packed the absolute hell out of that thing. It came to him destroyed. I don't mean it had dents in it either..... It came back to me so messed up that the driver was out the enclosure, the macined cones on the bottom were pushed THROUGH the MDF, and the top of the box (also mdf) was TORN down the middle. Every try to tear MDF? Can you even begin to imagine how that happened? I have become afraid...very afraid of UPS since then. Not to mention: Failed to reserve signature on a $2800 Krell CD player I shipped to Brooklyn that the recipient *magically* did not receive. It took me over a month to get paid on that one. Dropped a high dollar Onkyo receiver I mailed to a guy in TN. Destroyed a set of Magnepan 10.1s I shipped to NJ Sorry to hear about the disappointing arrival of new equipment though.
  11. DaberAudio

    A little build

    Alright, I lied. I have no progress to post. Table saw belts DID NOT come in, although I was able to locate some about 30 miles from home, which is good, cause now I will have backups for future belt failures. Spent two hours today dismantling the saw. Shouldn't have been so bad, except for there was a shaft that has a bearing machined on to it. It goes in to a holding bracket that is machined to accept it. It was so caked with MDF that I had to pry from different angles for well over an hour just to get it off without warping my shaft. A total and complete nightmare. I'm spending the rest of the evening with my two daughters and plan on getting back to work on the reassembly first thing in the morning. I don't know how much work I will get done on my box though, because I have a build for a customer that I need to get started on too. I plan on at least getting the port put together tomorrow so that I can post pictures. I almost just said to heck with it and bought another saw.
  12. DaberAudio

    3-Way monitor (Home Audio)

    Hey guys, I thought I’d drop a quick line and show you a project I was working on. This is a pretty basic build, nothing too special. All of these pictures are from inside of my house since I needed my amp to make final crossver adjustments if needed. I sold my Thiel CS 2.2's to fund this build. The drivers are: 8” Hi-Vi M8N magnesium/aluminum driver woofer, 3” Dayton dome mid, and Hi-Vi RT-1C planar tweeter. http://www.daberaudio.com/projectimages/back%20of%20drivers.jpg The crossovers are not yet soldered, but you can see the individual boards for the woofers, mids, and tweets. All parts are Jantzen, Dayton, and Mills. The cabinets are pretty sweet, though I cannot take credit for them completely. These are actually pretty high quality prefabs. That's not to say that I don't have to make some minor modifications I have to port the rears still and install the binding posts. The front baffles are in need of another coat or paint. The router marred them and you can see the natural MDFs color around the sides of the mid (which is really only about 1/64th of an inch gap.) Thought you guys might find this interesting - more to come
  13. DaberAudio

    Drag Racing fans?

    How many of you guys are drag racing fans, specifically Top Fuel and Funny Car. I'm just about gay for it. I have nhra.com "live timing" up so I can watch qualifying numbers while I work on the computer. I even had our Daber Audio logo on Tim Wilkerson's Funny Car for the first two events. I'm not sure if the sticker is on it at Gainesville this weekend because he just got his new body. I guess I will see when the pictures come out on CompetitionPlus.com tonight. I'm also loving the fact that Pro Mod is now an NHRA recognized class. Just wanted to know if there were any other NHRA fan boys on here.
  14. That is some truly great work. Nice job!
  15. DaberAudio

    New here

  16. DaberAudio

    A little build

    The box is just a slot port with a flared end. It will look reminiscent of an old school JBL horn when I'm done with it. I just felt like being creative with this box. I may end up using fiberglass and body filler on it and painting it to match my GTO.
  17. DaberAudio

    Drag Racing fans?

    watching drag racing = meh actually drag racing = freakin' awesome I *Kind of* agree with that. Watching the nitro classes is pretty cool on TV. Watching it in person is ridiculously awesome. Basic sportsman stuff is pretty boring to watch in person or on tv. However, I did do some Outlaw Drags this year and it was a GREAT time.
  18. DaberAudio

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    Brown Bunny - most pointless fucking movie in the history of movies. an hour and a half long movie with ten words.
  19. DaberAudio

    A little build

    I want to fire it up so bad. I have other boxes here that I COULD throw it in, but they aren't *the* box i'm trying to finish, which should be pretty flippin' awesome. I think I'm just going to let it sit until I either A) get my belt on Wednesday or B) find someone else with a saw I can use.
  20. DaberAudio

    A little build

    Alright, I've got good news and bad news. Bad news - the belt for my table saw was out of stock and had to be ordered. It will not be in until WEDNESDAY ( F*&^*) and no progress will be made until that belt is on. Ultimate frustration.....I'm just dying to hear this thing. Good news - I'm going to go ahead and post photos of..... Daber Audio SQL 12 DVC prototype
  21. DaberAudio

    A little build

    Yeah, I'm having the same problem....trying to fix it.
  22. DaberAudio

    From: A little build

    Alright, I've got good news and bad news. Bad news - the belt for my table saw was out of stock and had to be ordered. It will not be in until WEDNESDAY ( F*&^*) and no progress will be made until that belt is on. Ultimate frustration.....I'm just dying to hear this thing. Good news - I'm going to go ahead and post photos of..... Daber Audio ""SQL"" 12 DVC prototype Here it is Does anyone in Central Illinois have a nice table saw that they will let me use to expedite this build?
  23. DaberAudio

    A little build

    The "Special Guest" has arrived. Getting ready to get back to woodworking. Pics tonight.
  24. DaberAudio

    Happy Birthday Godsmack

    Happy Birthday
  25. DaberAudio

    Ryan J's build log

    Good luck, I'm excited to see how it turns out.