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Everything posted by PhishHead

  1. PhishHead

    A peek at whats going down this weekend

    Off topic but are those JL rims?
  2. PhishHead

    what screws

    Will do!
  3. PhishHead

    what screws

    Ok thank you. I will be doing an install soon and that seems to be my best option. Going to order my Lethal Injection and SAE-1200d tonight!!! Cant wait!
  4. PhishHead

    what screws

    Not to sound too much like a noob but how would you go about using a t nut?
  5. PhishHead

    Happy Birthday Duran

    Havent been here long but Duran has always been helpful. Happy Birthday.
  6. PhishHead

    Pictures of your new equipment

    No over heating issues under the plexi?
  7. So what size speaker wire should I use to go from my sub to sub box? Also what size should I use to go from my sub box to amp. I am getting a 12" Lethal Injection and a Sundown Audio SAE-1200D. Thanks in advance. Jeremy
  8. PhishHead

    Couple of questions on wiring.

    If I am going to go with 4 gauge wire what should I fuse it at? Max of the wire or a little more than the amp handles? I'm going to have a sae 1200d/. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. PhishHead

    Rattlebox317's new build

    Sorry Porkchop. Didnt mean to interupt your build log. My bad.
  10. So I have a 2007 Honda Accord Coupe. I am looking to get a 12'' Lethal Injection and I am looking for a sub box. I was looking on the Fisher Custom site but that is out of my price range. I was hoping that this one I found on SonicElectronix would be good. If someone could please help me out it would be much appreciated. I will ask my other question here so I don't make an extra post. Like stated above I want to get a 12'' Lethal Injection and I was wondering what would be a good amplifier to get? I was looking at a Sundown Audio but I guess the prices were just raised? That or the 1000 watt was taken off of this website? If someone could help me out it would be much appreciated. Thank you. Jeremy
  11. PhishHead

    Rattlebox317's new build

    Hahaha Way to be.
  12. PhishHead

    Xbox Live Screen Names

    Play Halo 3, MW2 and Need for Speed Shift. Gamertag- xGanjaKing
  13. PhishHead

    Jet Set Radio Future

    Good game. I first played it for Dreamcast. I still play my dreamcast constantly. Good system. Too far ahead of the times if you ask me.
  14. PhishHead

    Couple of questions on wiring.

    Sorry about that. I should have checked. Wasnt thinking. Thanks for the help though. Jeremy
  15. PhishHead

    Rattlebox317's new build

    Its all vehicle specific. I use chuck taylors, duct tape, and baby blanket. Trust me bro, Ive made debeez with less! The only thing you are missing is the big smile on your face with the new equipment! Nice score. Is that a Half Baked reference you sneaked in there?
  16. PhishHead

    I can get a great deal on some RF P3 12"

    x2 I had my p2 12 cone break. Hence why I am now getting the LI. I'm done with plastic cones.
  17. PhishHead

    Phoenix Gold Amp for Sub?

    I would like to but have no idea where to run it in my car. The side pannels I usually run it through is way too small. It was a big hassle getting the 8 gauge I have in there now. I will take pictures and post them tonight so everyone can see where I currently am running it. Thanks, Jeremy
  18. I found a good priced amp for the LI 12 I'm getting soon and was hoping to get some feed back on if it is a good buy or not. Phoenix Gold RSd 600.1 (RSd600.1) (rsd6001) Mono Subwoofer Amps Car Amplifiers Car Audio Car Audio, Video, & GPS Navigation - Sonic Electronix The link is what I was looking at. So if I were to get that amp and get a DVC 4 ohm LI would I wire it like http://a248.e.akamai.net/pix.crutchfield.com/ca/learningcenter/car/subwoofer_wiring/1DVC_4-ohm_mono.jpg <That? Any help and feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks, Jeremy
  19. PhishHead

    Speaker Wire Gauge

    Wow.....What a horrible way to try to advertise....After all of whatever you just said that makes no sense at all....You expect us to buy something?
  20. PhishHead

    Phoenix Gold Amp for Sub?

    Within the next week or so I will be ordering everything. Cant wait to get it all installed and hear it for the first time. It's going to be a big upgrade from my last system.
  21. PhishHead

    Phoenix Gold Amp for Sub?

    Thank god for taxes.
  22. PhishHead

    IA Lethal Injection Sub Box.

    That's awesome. Thanks so much pm your paypal info. I will give you the 45 dollar down payment tomorrow. Thanks, Jeremy And to Argent Black carpet if you would. I have beige interior and think it would pop more with black carpet.
  23. PhishHead

    Phoenix Gold Amp for Sub?

    I just feel that for an extra 70 bucks its worth getting something brand new.