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Everything posted by PhishHead

  1. Looks awesome. Cant wait!
  2. I dont know about killer , its $40 off but it is better then nothing To me $40 off on something that is so highly recommended in the car audio world is a great deal. Most car audio manufacturers do not have sales.
  3. PhishHead

    Subwoofer displacement?

    I just searched and looked at every website I could think of and got nothing in return. Going to have to find out how to do the math or call Clarion. Sorry I couldnt help you.
  4. PhishHead

    Sundown March Sale !

    Thank you Sundown. Just bought my amp.
  5. PhishHead


    I can get them for $182 a each or the 15" for $230 a each which is 40-200hz...... Even 40hz is high. I just ordered an Incriminator Audio Lethal Injection 12 for 189 plus shipping and the low end response on that is 15Hz.
  6. Yea me too. I wouldnt have it any other way!
  7. Well if its just an ipod he wants to connect get one with built in ipod controls. If he wants to plug in a hard drive you can get hard drive head units. If you could give more details on what you wanted to run or use with it will help.
  8. I agree with Ivan. I am a big Alpine fan. I have a CDA-9883. It's discontinued now but I think the upgraded is CDA-9886. Why do you need a usb port? Just curious.
  9. PhishHead

    New here

    Welcome. I'm new too and I love this place now. I'm on here all day at work.
  10. PhishHead

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    If I took a poll I would imagine 98% of people would say they needed a DMM when it comes to Car Audio. Just putting that out there.
  11. PhishHead

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    You can get one at Wal-Mart for like $15. And on top of that if a 200 dollar subwoofer is in your budget but you cant afford $15 for a DMM then something is wrong here. Just my .02. Not trying to judge. Just stating an observation.
  12. PhishHead


    50Hz the lowest? That seems really high to me. The Solo X was 20Hz.. They might sound louder might not hit the lows as hard. Just my .02.
  13. :woot: Thought I would keep the pattern going. Love this site. Most helpful and knowledgable group of people I have ran into online. THANKS! Jeremy
  14. PhishHead

    Sundown March Sale !

    Saved 40 bucks. Works for me. Haha.
  15. PhishHead

    Sundown March Sale !

    Ordering my sub and amp today! Glad I waited!!! BOOYA!
  16. PhishHead

    Estimated Build Time?

    I'm going to be ordering a 12'' Lethal Injection on Friday from SSA and was wondering what the normal time from order to delivery is? Just curious. Thanks, Jeremy
  17. Cranberry.....you a /b/rother?
  18. Woooo looking good.
  19. PhishHead

    what screws

    Thanks for the tips Duran.
  20. PhishHead

    Sound Deadener

    This has probably gone over HUNDREDS of times but the search function didnt give me the results I was looking for. From what I have read sound deadening will make you lose spl? Well I like my sub being loud but I hate the rattle from my trunk. What is the best way to apply Second Skin (Seemed to be the best) without losing the loud boom that I am going for? Any help would be appreciated. Sorry to those I anger with this post. Thanks, Jeremy Also....Has anyone ever tried Spectrum? Seems easy enough.....
  21. PhishHead

    Sound Deadener

    Thanks for the help. I will see what is rattling and look on the web to buy some. Thanks.
  22. PhishHead

    Sound Deadener

    So most likely between the skeleton of the trunk and the actual trunk itself?
  23. PhishHead

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    Nice to be with people on a forum who are actually as tall or big as I am. Hahaha. I'm 6'6'' 300 pounds. Not fat just big. Anyone ever watch Rob and Big? Big has 22 inch arms....I got 19s son!!!! BOOYA! I will be picking up a shirt on friday!
  24. PhishHead

    what screws

    What if my box is already made. Then what? Hard to put t nuts in correct?