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Everything posted by PhishHead

  1. PhishHead

    Jersey Fresh!

    Thanks for the welcome! There's NO car audio here in Jersey man. Just kids with Xplods and fleamarket Pyles Same up here. Everyone has walmart specials. That or people who actually go to a car audio place and get talked into buying Diamond. It's horrible.
  2. PhishHead

    Jersey Fresh!

    Welcome. I'm not from Jersey but upstate NY. We are almost Neighbors. Jeremy
  3. PhishHead

    First Bit of Testing... 32x SA-12s

    Wow that is awesome. I wish I had the cash to do something like that. I barely had the cash for the setup that is on its way now. Hahaha
  4. PhishHead

    mounting amp on enclosure

    Good Choice
  5. PhishHead

    mounting amp on enclosure

    I've had my amps mounted to my enclosure for YEARS. There is NOTHING wrong with doing this. Please dont give advice that could potentially ruins someone's equipment. Just because for some miracle you never had a problem doesnt mean that someone else will. It all depends on the amp build quality.
  6. PhishHead

    Hondakilla98's build log

    Looks good. I like it. Wish I had the ambition to build my own sub boxes. LOL.
  7. And it's for meeeeee! haha great work bro He does good work doesnt he? I cant wait to get mine, I should have it Thursday!!! TY I thought yours was heavy until I built this one lol Hahaha. The best part is I am friends with my UPS guy and I have been busting his balls all week about when my package is coming. Hahaha.
  8. PhishHead

    Ryan J's build log

    Looking good!
  9. I'm down with stuff in the North England area! Auburn NY is only 3 hours away which isn't bad. Same with Tewksbury. I wont compete but I would love to go watch! Keep us updated! mbarber where are you located in Mass? I have family I go see all the time that live in Wareham.
  10. PhishHead

    Hondakilla98's build log

    X2 I love Jeeps.
  11. PhishHead

    New from NY

    You're about 2 hours west of me. I live in the Lake George area. Warrensburg is the town I live in. Good to finally see some fellow New Yorkers on here......jesus even East coast for that matter. Well as said before WELCOME!
  12. And it's for meeeeee! haha great work bro He does good work doesnt he? I cant wait to get mine, I should have it Thursday!!!
  13. PhishHead

    New from NY

    Welcome fellow New Yorker. Where abouts are you in New York?
  14. Yea agreed for someone who thinks this forum is cool you would think that he would follow the rules and wait until he gets 25 posts before he tries to sell anything. Well anyway I'm sure he will get the ban hammer dropped on him soon.
  15. PhishHead

    3-Way monitor (Home Audio)

    X2 Loving the stands.
  16. PhishHead

    SSA DCON 10' D4 on 440-500 watts?

    First welcome to the forum. Second, the specs say 300wrms. I would imagine as long as you set your gains correctly and watch your volume knob you should be fine. Where abouts in NY are you?< Sorry that is off topic. Jeremy
  17. PhishHead


    It's good to see a father/daughter team in car audio. Haha got to love it.
  18. PhishHead

    Fi Q 10" sub Warranty Claim Cant get response from FI

    Yea they have some 200 subs on backorder due to a customs issue. They will adress this as soon as they can. From what I have seen they are very quick to respond to issues, when time is allowing of course.
  19. PhishHead

    Paint for MDF

    Dont know what you are looking for in terms of final color etc. but I have seen a couple people on here use Herculiner. That stuff seems pretty chip/flake resitant. Like I said I dont know if you are going for a flashy color or you are just trying to coat the MDF in something.
  20. PhishHead

    Hey!!! Oxford PA Here!

    Hello! Someone from sort of the northeast.
  21. PhishHead


    Checking them out now. This been around for awhile? I havent seen this around.
  22. PhishHead

    Why ?!

    Same thing with grits(Yes I eat them). It says 2 serving size....4 and 10? WTF? Some of the people that make directions on food preparation labels need to be choked.
  23. PhishHead

    Rattlebox317's new build

    Knowing Chop he has already calculated for it, actually you dont do any calculations (the subs displacement is zero, so the only displacement you account for is port and bracing if any when mounting sub inverted). I hope you were kidding, displacement of a sub isn't zero, it depends on the sub. The displacement of this sub is probably around 0.23 cu ft or even more. Nice build, i like the box with rounded edges. And i like the sub, real beefy. If you could read I was explaining about the displacement for this install since it is INVERTED, next time read buddy. Thanks though
  24. PhishHead

    Bass Knobs.

    Think that is what I might do with mine. Nice head unit by the way!
  25. PhishHead

    Bass Knobs.

    I have the subwoofer volume on my head unit too but never use it. I have the CDA-9883. One model before yours.