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About jma20a

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    Fairfield, CT
  1. jma20a

    lethal injection sub

    well i just talked to IA on the phone and informed me they don't make a sub with a duel 2ohm LI sub. and the highest he would ever power it would be 800rms.
  2. jma20a

    lethal injection sub

    x2, if you want to get something to throw a 1000 rms at then get a sub that is recommended to handle a 1000 rms at the least. People nowadays give horrible advice since they dont share any other information with you on why it was able too or could be able to handle 1000rms. Does it need it no, could it probably handle it (yeah under certain conditions) but it depends on a lot of factors. sounds like this guy is lying to me about the sub and amp he is trying to sell me. he said the sub is a lethal injection 2ohm dvc 1000rms 12", and the amp is a used mb quart dsc 1500.1d. he is asking for over $400.
  3. i am planning on getting a 12" 2ohm dvc lethal injection and the buy is claiming that wired in paralell it will run at 1 ohm and be able to handle 1000watts rms. is this true?