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Everything posted by ssh

  1. Awesome, what time you guys showing up? registration and all that is at 9 and judging is at 11.
  2. Won't be competing but I'll be attending!
  3. Okay just making sure it's not pirated otherwise that could be the problem
  4. So you bought the game right?
  5. Did it just randomly start messing up?
  6. ssh

    ICON Prototype 12" Temp build

    love the flat look, still weigh 30lbs on the 12"s?
  7. The xcon will perform excellently on music
  8. Lols pretty urgent shit right here! Try updating graphic card drivers, search google for people with similar issues. Goodluck
  9. ssh

    Starting the logo.....

    I'm skinny so a medium woot
  10. ssh

    I'm bein told i can't beat Bola... in MECA

    I have faith in you shizz I'll be rooting for ya
  11. ssh

    BL12 in stock?

    Topic can be closed, thank you.
  12. ssh

    Starting the logo.....

    Cool Hopefully your lady won't charge a ridiculous amount like the other guy you guys were talking about lol
  13. ssh

    Sundown SA-10 Pre-Sale

    This includes the sa12s as well, correct?
  14. Well it is a normal ported box. Owned. I think he means without the 3142553523521"s of port lol Yes. It's a very small net volume box. The port area is appropriate, and the length is just what was needed for the very normal tune of 33 hz. Any other ported box with those specifications would be built the same way. So Well I did not know that
  15. Well it is a normal ported box. Owned. I think he means without the 3142553523521"s of port lol Yes.
  16. ssh

    Starting the logo.....

    you would be welcome to have one sent to you if you would like...... we like the support, lol just pm one of us your info. chop IAK Sounds good, Once there made and I got some extra cash i'll be sure to pm ya
  17. ssh

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    I love the car <3
  18. ssh

    Starting the logo.....

    Be sure to post pics of shirts when done
  19. ssh

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    Can't wait to see what you have in store not f******* around anymore!
  20. ssh

    18" BL fully loaded questions

    You could upload them to imageshack.us then post link here
  21. ssh

    Having a hard time getting ahold of IA

    Well I'm not sure one way or another as to using polyfill in a ported enclosure, so hopefully someone knowledgeable of the subject can clear this up for the both of us
  22. ssh

    Having a hard time getting ahold of IA

    I could be wrong, but I think polyfill only works with sealed enclosures, if it was in a ported enclosure it would be blown out, unless you staple it down. I'll search the threads about it and post back.
  23. ssh

    18" BL fully loaded questions

    It' seems to me that you want to ignore everyone's advice and stick a 18" in your car... People are trying to help you, not talk you down.
  24. ssh

    Sundown MAY Sale!

    Sundown always having sales
  25. ssh

    More Sundown Issues Unfortunately

    Didn't read previous post about being refurb, my bad