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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Here to Learn

    Your husband sounds like a lucky man Perhaps you should put a system in your car, all on your own, that would be a good way to learn, and you'd have something to show for it and it'll sound good too
  2. ssh

    Here to Learn

    Upload the picture somewhere, for instance imageshack.us Copy the url link and make a new post here on ssa, when typing in the box click on the icon that looks like an image. If you hover over it it'll say "image" then just paste url in there and that's it
  3. ssh

    Here to Learn

    I don't know how far you want to go into the audio world, and this may be overkill, but reading a physics would shed some light on how everything electrically and even acoustically works. You'd definitely be able to "connect the dots" on a lot of subjects
  4. ssh

    Here to Learn

    so, as girly as this will sound. ohm measure basically how hard it is for an electrical current to travel through conductive material. right? yes That's why depending on how speakers are wired, parallel vs series they put a different amount of resistance in the circuit to the amp. Less resistance = more power, but if the amp can't handle the lower resistance then there's a chance of it frying
  5. ssh

    Here to Learn

    http://www.the12volt.com/ohm/ohmslaw.asp ^This explains ohms the12volt.com should definitely be bookmarked, it has tons of useful information on this hobby
  6. ssh

    4 DP21 Wall Build

    When I first saw how close your cutouts were to the edge, I was like dang that's not too good and I read you were adding another sheet double baffle and was like i guess itll be okay... But now I see your 5? 6? layer baffle and feel at ease Your crazy man, your work is ridiculous, all the time, patience, and effort you put into this IS amazing. I can honestly say this is something I can't wait for, videos of this pounding...omg. I'm done.
  7. woot!!!! more pics, im a pic whore
  8. ssh

    my subs sound like poo

    OP stated his voltage doesn't drop below 12.5v, it's not perfect but doesn't sound like his problem. But he did state he set his gains by dmm which isn't very accurate, I'm curious too if its just the hu. OP, plug your ipod directly into the amp, using 3.5mm to rca cable. This will bypass your headunit and rule it out or not.
  9. ssh

    my subs sound like poo

    What type of enclosure? Ported? if so whats it tuned at. sealed? whats the volume of it? etc If you expect help then you need to give us more information then "it sounds bad"... Hows your amp setup? wheres the lpf,ssf set at? Whats your voltage at full tilt? Are you using bass boost functions in headunit, eq, etc...
  10. ssh


    I'd get two ssd's
  11. I certainly don't want to make my roof look like shit, I just wonder how much sound output i'm losing with all the flex, but I may just have to bear with it...
  12. ssh

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    paint looking good I don't think Id have the patience to do that
  13. I would definitely add tiles and some sort of thin foil material with adhesive such as damplifier. I'm lucky that mine doesn't rattle since its plastic, but im still losing output lol
  14. I could weld thin strips of metal together in the shape of a rectangle, then use what to mount it on the plastic, epoxy, glue? hmm Next thing is how would I cover this up so the interior doesn't look like hell Perhaps Damplifier from secondskin? I've read it's pretty thick and might help stiffen everything?
  15. ssh

    18" subaru outback build

    Great start, theres no correct or incorrect way to do a build log
  16. ssh

    Awesome sub, weird box

    I'm glad your happy with your dcon
  17. ssh

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    if you don't have anything good to say then
  18. ssh

    IA Li 12"

    A couple hundred watts isn't going to make a noticeable difference to the ear. The Li's are great drivers, power handling also comes down to your enclosure specs.
  19. ssh

    I fuckin miss NY

    I just got back from driving through several towns as described, some were cool and everyone knew everyone and were quite friendly and welcoming, but you could tell in some towns that the people didn't exactly want me there haha
  20. ssh

    Wiring help please!!!!!

    As long as your hifonics amp is 1ohm stable then yes you can wire your btl in parallel. Just tell the shop to wire it in parallel, then check and make sure it looks like this: If they mention anything about it being .75 then just tell them thats cool and you don't care. It's often pointless to try and explain something to some shops... goes in one ear and goes out the other, not all shops, but a fair amount. by the way, considering your having the shop do the install, you should adjust your gain setting on the amp when their done, who knows where and how they set it. If you don't know what the gain is or how to set it then search the forum, I'm not going to spell everything out for ya Post back with how everything goes
  21. ssh

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Been gone for a week and feel like i've missed so much on the forum Lights look clean, and i'm digging the wheels (even though theyve been on for a while), hows the inside coming? I remember you were messing with some fiberglass pods? bass, midbass enclosure? I wanna see this thing go boom boom so badly
  22. ssh

    Wall ?

    he told you, a hatchback And I agree with tuning around 35hz, 40hz seems a little high for daily and your going to lose some output on the lows (especially rap).
  23. ssh

    best way to place sub and port

    The only way to find out is to try different combinations, but I can say that my home theater subwoofer enclosure is firing down, and port to the side. I'm not saying that's the best way to do it or not, but mine is designed that way (and just possibly for a purpose)
  24. ssh

    IA Li 12"

    cause hes cheap?
  25. two 12" icons for sale, pm if interested :)

    1. Mark LaFountain

      Mark LaFountain

      really!? Haven't sold those yet? Those look killer! Someone buy these beautiful subs!
