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Everything posted by ssh

  1. I would say with running a stock alt that 4gauge is fine, but if you get a H/O alt down the road then I would run 0gauge. 4ft of 4gauge can carry 250 amperes so your good Some will suggest just going with 0gauge but unless your upgrading your alt, I believe 4gauge is sufficient.
  2. ssh

    Company Car

    You could say I'm biased for saying this... and Ant did it to his vehicle... but I say a jeep Everyone says jeeps are impossible to get quiet, I say prove them wrong The JKs are actually fairly quiet to begin with... ^This, or an older muscle car
  3. ssh

    Two Fi X 12" Amp

    How can you tell him not to go with a smaller enclosure when you don't even know his enclosure's volume...
  4. ssh

    sundown sae1200d adjustment

    see whichever way sounds best.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You make it sound like it's coming in a crate, or is it? Getting it shipped on a flat bed?
  6. ssh

    Pictures of my system

    Man I gonna steal yo shit dog jk but in all seriousness no know cares how much it rattles or if sounds like 200 18"s, numbers from a tl are "impressive" Get a dmm and check your voltage before you end up ruining your amp man.
  7. ssh

    Pictures of my system

    four subs? no way man! that's sick!!! Doing the "Big 3" helps the flow of current from your alternator to battery and amplifiers, but it does not increase amperage... I suggest you get a dmm and see how much your voltage is dropping at full tilt... My guess is you'll need a second battery... but post your voltage drop before you go out buying a battery. As for your headunit shutting off at high volumes, check all your grounds and make sure their on solid grounding spots.
  8. Oh and I didn't buy a h/o alt for nothing... Box looking good Andrew, thanks.
  9. It's a "I don't need a lot of bass, I need storage area SON!" -Dad
  10. ssh

    need some box help..

    accidents happen
  11. ssh

    SSA !!! I need your help !!!

    Voted, good luck man
  12. ssh

    SSA App anyone? :)

    The ssa forum uses a forum software called IP.Board, they already have their own app that allows you to login and view any ip.board based forum. I know it's available on ipods and iphones, not sure about the android. May just be better off viewing site in mobile theme. And no, not everyone can just make an app... Check out Tapatalk, link: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3037-iphone-android-blackberry-nokia-app-for-ipboard-tapatalk/ it runs on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry/Nokia
  13. 8" driver box is nice and simple
  14. ssh

    i was thinking

    I would not run that amp regardless of the driver due to the fact that the ssf is set at 15hz, as suggested by watts put a ssf in between your amp and driver and you shouldn't have any issues Using a fixed ssf at 15hz isn't going to "hinder performance", it will destroy your driver (if your using a ported enclosure) It'll allow your driver to bottom out and kill it's self, unless your enclosure is tuned around 15hz... which wouldn't be very good for car audio Now if your going with a sealed enclosure then you won't need to worry about the ssf, but I'm guessing your going to want a ported enclosure to get the most output from your drivers... Good luck
  15. ssh

    TinyBox =(

    PM sent.
  16. ssh

    TinyBox =(

    I got a small job for you this time Andrew The driver is a Polk Audio db840DVC... Black carpet no double baffle sealed binding posts or terminals, on 15" side near top (see two white dots) How much for deposit and I'll get that paypal'd to ya. Thanks, Stefan
  17. subwoofer signal would theoretically be mono, but your monoblock amp should output a mono signal whether its input is mono or stereo...
  18. ssh

    I am being silly

    Are you planning on upgrading your amp in the future (not saying its needed), but I don't see the need for the h/o alt if your only running 500watts... Now if you intent on going louder down the road then that's a whole different story
  19. ssh

    TinyBox =(

    all at once is best. thanks
  20. ssh

    sa8 on 300watts?

    Yeah I was really leaning towards an SA8 but the driver was for my father and decided he wanted the smallest possible box and bought some polk driver...
  21. ssh

    sa8 on 300watts?

    Ported Enclosure would be around 1.2cubes, sa8 is rated at 400watts and I see everyone seems to feed them a lot more for even daily... So will the sa8 still move enough to get some decent output with only 300watts? This setup isn't for competing obviously, just for my old man
  22. ssh


    hehe I was going to try and come up to phx and help you out Mark with your build, but my mother disapproves of driving my jeep at freeway speeds. Perhaps If I take the 79 instead of I10 it would fly with her...
  23. ssh

    TinyBox =(

    ~0.375 This paypal correct? [email protected]
  24. ssh

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    I know, he is stressing me out if it will get done on time as so many pieces are coming from so many different places all at once. He just keeps telling me to chill as he is the "Master Delegator". Yea he is good at putting others to work!! Trust me i know!! The other night is evidence of that!!! I came over to work on the truck, yet i ended up packaging up all the stuff to go out!!! Just as long as he can get that alt on time, i think it will all be good, the wiring is done, and the amps arent going to be installed pretty just placed to work, so not alot of attention to detail stuff will really hinder the process. I am so excited to hear this thing!! I think it is going to crush some chests once it is done!!! I am hopeful for a 60, but i dont know if it will get there or not, maybe a 56-58 is more reasonable. Yeah thanks for packaging up my bravox speakers