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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Need your vote!

  2. ssh

    Arizona meet

    Where were ya this weekend? Work? No, wasn't worth it to me to go. From what i heard though i would have cleaned house. True, wasn't sure how into it you were as far as racking up points. But I dropped by for about an hour, nothing very loud.
  3. ssh

    what does it take to get 150dB @ 25Hz?

    You can sometimes make something not designed for a certain application work, but it's often more costly and time consuming then using the right tools for the job, or in your case, drivers and enclosure design.
  4. ssh

    Ctek motorcycle

    wtf? weird stuff For those wondering: http://smartercharger.com/2011/01/cteks-big-toe-the-worlds-tallest-motorcycle-featured-at-the-barrett-jackson-auction-on-speed-tv/
  5. ssh

    T/S Specs for Re-Cone

    No, it needs to be tested on a klippel in order to get T/S specs. If you were really that interested in T/S specs then perhaps you shouldn't buy a "mix n match" driver. Not trying to be rude, just truthful. (I'm not associated with Fi by the way.)
  6. That's being incredibly ignorant.
  7. ssh

    * Ask Don of SDS *

    It doesn't take a Rocket scientist, or Don in this case to tell you it could be both your door panels and plastic snaps or either. No way for someone across the country to be able to pinpoint your exact source of rattling. Get a few clds to control panel flex, a layer of mlv (if you want to deaden it, door panels already off mine as well do it.), and ccf to decouple the plastic panel from sheet metal. You could even get some of the butyl to put on your plastic snaps so there not shaking about. At least that's what I would do
  8. ssh

    4 12's blowthrough LOUDER THAN TWISTED

    Wow real bass, awesome.
  9. car audio sucks Next build, use a couple dc alts
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For what purpose? Iced? If not, you are making too much at a time. If so, well then it depends on the water temp. I only drink iced tea; in this case black. Based on what I've read via the internets ~1 tsp/2 grams per 8 oz. serving, which would come to ~16 tsp. (1/3 cup)/32 grams per gallon pitcher. Ice Tea is good. Mix it up everyday.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Found a killer deal on a v50 about ten minutes ago, called, it had just sold an hour ago.
  12. Just for shits n giggles, I say you meter a 143 at the headrest. *rechecks thread in coming months*
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How do you like the torque-steer in that thing? It's my dads car and we just got it so I've only ridden in it, hes driving it. We were actually talking about it earlier today, it pulls you through the turns, it's a different feeling but handles well and it's the T5 model so it's quick. Yeah, I test drove the R-model, but it was nothing more than seats, wheels and a badge. They are pretty quick, but the torque-steer from a dead stop will rip the wheel from your hand. I wish they made one in AWD. I'm looking at getting a V70 pretty soon, I considered the AWDs in the v70 class but everything I read says they have transmission problems.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How do you like the torque-steer in that thing? It's my dads car and we just got it so I've only ridden in it, hes driving it. We were actually talking about it earlier today, it pulls you through the turns, it's a different feeling but handles well and it's the T5 model so it's quick.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We just got the wheels on our volvo c30 powdercoated black for ~$375, came out great.
  16. ssh

    Is ebay fine to buy a nightshade v2

    As stated above, Woofers etc is an authorized dealer for sundown, they are legit, so buying through their ebay account or website is safe, although I personally hate ebay
  17. ssh

    Looking for a BTL maker.

    Argent Audio Forum Section, http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/forum/91-argent-audio/ Send him a PM, http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&fromMemberID=12059
  18. ssh

    Looking for a BTL maker.

    x2, Argent Audio do amazing work and are very affordable.
  19. ssh

    loudest malibu in the nation !

    Well he edited it, so now the links are gone / being fixed.
  20. ssh

    154db on the TL at 20hz???

    I don't believe it. Mic was a piece of shit probably. Nothing against the drivers, but any drivers in that setup are not going to do 154 much less at 20hz...
  21. ssh

    sa-8 or sa-15

    Off-topic, but OP, do you have a build log on your volvo? I'd love to see it I'm looking at the v70s and v40s for my next car.
  22. ssh

    loudest malibu in the nation !

    Love the open door can trick. Kinda using the wrong shirt for the video though, don'tcha think? Fi shirt, Incriminator drivers?
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ah they look good. Fit well with your desktop area too.
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, how do they sound? I sure like the look of the drivers and the wood.
  25. ssh

    Arizona meet

    one of the big two? Meaning everyone else in the industry is?