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Everything posted by ssh

  1. So your head unit is turning off at vol 26? If so then your amps aren't the problem.
  2. ssh

    Sundown SA12 vs Skar 12

    My son is currently running 2 Pioneer 12s in a 4'cu ft box tuned at 35hz.Goals.....he wants everyone to go "wow".I say....hair trick....but we need more cone area for that.Will there be a big difference from the Pionner subs to either of the sa12s or Skar 12s? Not to be a dick, but the last time I checked pioneer made more then one model. Is that ap1800 amp 1ohm stable? Willing to upgrade electrical? Extra battery at the least
  3. Looks awesome, big beefy and loud
  4. ssh

    Which subs

    Start looking for someone that needs your box
  5. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    Most shops have a minimum job price. Meaning if you want something done it's $100. But they'll do multiple things for the same price. If your talking about small parts. Wheels I checked locally and they wanted $200 for a set of four wheels. If you have room. You could powder coat yourself for a few hundred dollars. You need an old oven, a sand blaster, powder coat gun and powder. You can pick up a sand blaster and powder coat gun and powder for about 175 at harbour freight. Then get a beat up old oven and find a 220v outlet to plug it into. Sounds like a lot of work verse just paying them to do it But then again if your planning on powder coating a lot of stuff then that's a different story.
  6. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    Well my dad got his done at a local shop and the lady who runs it remembered him from High School, so I don't know if she gave him a discount or not. His wheels were like $350 (i think his wheels are 16 or 17 i don't remember). We went back and got mine done, they charged $275
  7. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    haha thanks to someone
  8. ssh

    Sundown SA12 vs Skar 12

    The skars are brand new, so few people have them. But from everything I've read and heard, the skars are almost identical to the sa12s.
  9. ssh

    Your Vote Needed!!! Final round!!

    Voted final round.
  10. ssh

    Real world numbers for the 2500?

    Not everybody documents everything they touch in their cars. Furthermore, 2 of them in particular are friends of mine who doesn't post on forums, or take pics of his install to show the nobody he tells about it. One of them swapped 1 amp, one of them swapped 6 amps. Ask around for people who have swapped and they'll tell you. http://****/forum/showthread.php?t=5340 That's an old thread, but going from the 1500 to a 2000 gained 0.7 and from a 2000 to a 3000 gained 0.8. The 2500 is actually close to the 3000 board. Even testing right there would be 1.5 dB. I am asking around, I posted here didn't I? I just think there are too many factors to say how many decibels you will see. Even if it is a rough estimate. I just like to at least see pics and/or videos of things like this before I believe it. It's like the three Lamborghini's I own, I just can't show you pics or any proof of them existing but I totally have them. I've seen it a few places here and there. But for starters (and these are from Jacob and Derrick)... Post #2 the whole thread. But here's a portion: Now obviously these numbers change depending on the rest of the setup, vehicle cabin characteristics, etc, but you get the idea, it's very well possible.
  11. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    Always a possibility lol
  12. Just bought a saz1500d off him, shipped same or next day (I don't remember lol), easy to keep in contact with, on the ball.
  13. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    Just a matter of time Actually the freeway was all screwed today, luckily the direction I was headed wasn't affected, looked like a car was hit and caught on fire...
  14. all the events are slow paced, show up whenever
  15. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    It's dark enough for me I was just hoping I didn't get pulled over for speeding for the next two days after tint (can't roll down windows), or I'd have to open the door and they'd go ape shit
  16. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    For the front side windows he wrote 35 but said it's actually darker (when he did it he asked, legal or darker? and I said darker) rear side and back window are 04
  17. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    heh thanks, it's pretty fun to drive too
  18. ssh

    looking for a single sub set up

    do you feel that they hit low notes smoothly in the right box? everyone will say yes to that, on every driver there talking about...
  19. ssh

    looking for a single sub set up

    I've used both the ssa icon and fi bl. I liked both drivers equally. Both drivers sounded good, but the icons seemed to have better sq. But it's hard to compare drivers when there is so many other variables at play. I don't want to compare output because I can't. I had a pair of 12" icons and the BL was a 18". So I had different enclosures, slightly different tuning, different port and subwoofer orientation/placement, and different amounts of cone area If I was to buy some again, I'd buy the one I could get a better deal on Just can't go wrong either way.
  20. ssh

    what amp?

    Since your planning on running two but want to buy one now to have some bass in the mean time, I would do: Buy a 15" BTL or whatever with D1 coil, and wire it to 2ohms. Build your box for two drivers, but only make a cutout for the one. your driver's power handling will drop since it's in a box too big, so between running your amp at 2ohms (assuming it makes 2-3k watts at 1ohm) and gaining down your driver will be fine. Then when you can afford it buy your second driver with a D1 coil, wire drivers down to 1ohm, cut panel for second driver and mount. Now you didn't buy / build two boxes. Now if your good at building boxes or don't mind then I guess you could just build one for the time being
  21. ssh

    hello ssa

    Welcome to the forum
  22. ssh

    Kevin S

    He's posting in the FEEDBACK section, it's what it's for... Just because someone runs a business doesn't mean their not a scammer or have shady practices, not saying Kevin is or isn't tho
  23. ssh

    Which subs

    Having a single(or even multiple for that matter) drivers in a larger then recommended will decrease power handling but increase efficiency. I had 2 12" icons in a 3.5cube box (smaller then recommended) and they sounded fine, although I'm sure if the box was a cube or so bigger that it would have been a little louder.
  24. ssh

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Sweet, glad you made it over
  25. ssh

    Which subs

    I did some testing with mine, had two saz1500ds on a pair of icons w/aluminum coils, didn't have any issues.