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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh


    Happy Birthday Steve
  2. ssh

    Osama bin Laden No more

    Seriously. I was talking to a soldier from Afghanistan a few months back, he said they would drive out and see all the people working in their poppy fields and there wasn't a single thing they could do about it. The Taliban provides a way to make a living for many Afghans, just like cartel in sinaloa. I am not sure which way to take this, if you are saying it is good the Taliban are there or not? I am not saying that the people working it are bad, or shouldn't, heck most of them own the fields but the Taliban have come in and have taken it by force. I want the Taliban out of the picture as they take about 90% of the money and use it to supply their fighters. The people can own the fields and work it themselves and make a better living that i would like to see happen, not that i condone the use of poppy or other substances derived from it. I'm not saying the Taliban are good, I'm just saying they provide a way for locals to earn a living, and that's why many locals support them. The country needs a stronger government, and an education system.
  3. ssh

    hhr 4th order wall build, fo fih-teenz

    I believe so, but not entirely sure.
  4. ssh

    Osama bin Laden No more

    Seriously. I was talking to a soldier from Afghanistan a few months back, he said they would drive out and see all the people working in their poppy fields and there wasn't a single thing they could do about it. The Taliban provides a way to make a living for many Afghans, just like cartel in sinaloa.
  5. ssh

    Osama bin Laden No more

    Just the fact that you try to relate Obama and Osama together based purely on their names shows your ignorance.
  6. ssh

    Osama bin Laden No more

    Amen brother, we need to get that non-citizen, muslim terrorist out of office. Impeach him!
  7. ssh

    Fi Bl 12 Flexing out the Dodge

    Your ssf is helping out Either way, looks loud, especially for the vehicle and space constraints. I know I loved my bl.
  8. ssh

    Fi Bl 12 Flexing out the Dodge

    23hz is far below 31hz tuning. I'm assuming your ssf is set correctly and attenuating the signal so your driver isn't playing 23hz at full tilt, or your going to need a recone sometime soon
  9. ssh

    Fi Bl 12 Flexing out the Dodge

    Whats it tuned to? Not very many songs go that low, I know I'd rather get some more output in the usable spectrum then playing tones.
  10. ssh

    hhr 4th order wall build, fo fih-teenz

    Not even close, heh. Any room under the vehicle?
  11. ssh

    Fi Bl 12 Flexing out the Dodge

    Well see in six months if you still have the same setup I know I can't resist but change setups every few months, always trying to get a little louder
  12. ssh

    Osama bin Laden No more

    From Afghanistan, I hope. Iraq, doubt it.
  13. ssh

    Fi Bl 12 Flexing out the Dodge

    Nice, did a good job of using all the available space
  14. ssh

    Fi Bl 12 Flexing out the Dodge

    That rattling is annoying, lol. Got any pictures of the enclosure, would love to see how you fit it all back there, quite impressive.
  15. ssh

    Osama bin Laden No more

    http://www.whitehouse.gov/live Obama is supposed to make a live statement sometime soon.
  16. ssh

    Thank you SSA

    Looking good. SSA for the win! I loved my icons as well
  17. ssh

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Have you tried mounting the sub inside the enclosure in comparison to inverted? I know it'll have less volume, but it seems weird inverted in a sealed box not ported. Just curious if there would be any noticeable difference
  18. The voltage from the DC alt jumped around ridiculously but voltage on average was 1v higher than my stock alt. The DC alt held voltage good at idle were as my stock alt falls on its face. Go crazy on your grounds, that really helps. I can jump in the car first thing in the morning when everything is cold, 12.8v at idle, with stereo, ac, etc all off. I could then drive for two hours so its hot, park somewhere and get lunch, get back in, and my voltage is 14v+. Talk about sporadic. A few extra grounds can't hurt any, and I do have some extra wire laying around... If I ever for some weird chance happen to be in PA, I've got to hear your car though!
  19. ssh

    Box size for 12" MoMo's?

    I would try a ported enclosure. Argent Audio builds great stuff on here, pretty affordable too
  20. My stock alts voltage varies like crazy. Not even dependant on temp or rpm. Trade stock alts?
  21. ssh

    XCON 15 flex'n my Hyundai

    Tons of flex, camera did a good job of picking it up. Loved how you jumped in and just pulled back the fake stock hu piece Any plans on tinting windows? Consider it an investment in not getting your xcon seen and stolen
  22. ssh

    Need Info on ID Horns

    Huh? The v2 and v3 will be completely different as they use completely different drivers, including using an actual compression driver instead of a piezo unit. Every post you make is so informative.
  23. ssh

    hhr 4th order wall build, fo fih-teenz

    I love all the detail.
  24. ssh

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Looking good