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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And those were ALL done on a shitty stove/grill/whatever. Way too much differential between the crust and the rest of the meat. More time to room temp and a longer rest would probably help as well. Cook me a steak and ship it to me, keyboard Commando. Serious about steak though
  2. It's cool 19" and 25" at headrestsI feel bad for your car lolThis thing is a tank. Andrew Yeah I'm going to need stiffer springs I was expecting baffle and flush mount, and instead double baffle and flush mount haha. I'm gonna have a hoot trying to get this in the back all by myself lol
  3. 19" and 25" at the top of the headrests
  4. 34" width 24.25" height 26" depth If I remember correctly. 8cubes and 35.5hz tuning
  5. a car. Sorry I just had to 2002 volvo v40
  6. Whose excited? IM EXCITED! Stellar craftsmanship as always
  7. ssh

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    Epic flex, and just two 12" sq drivers
  8. FTW, end of bs thread! SSA can go back to norm
  9. So you DO admit it, Your cock is small Yes, but your girl doesn't mind. Happy? ...
  10. My cock is HUGE. Not really. This thread is already down the drain, game over! Lets all go back to enjoying what we enjoy
  11. ssh

    Tacoma Cut Through

    Looks loud
  12. ssh

    MECA Finals Death Penalty Rebuild.

    Huge box, looks great though
  13. ssh

    steve's anti-cliiping device

    But for how long? Bass race?
  14. ssh

    steve's anti-cliiping device

    I pre ordered twenty! hehe. And another twenty
  15. ssh

    15's in a tC?

    *Did that with the tC*
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He found a giant to do that.
  17. ssh

    wanting to replace my Q

    Decisions, decisions. What if you did a box with a width from fenderwell and to fenderwell and had a height of 12" or so, depth of cargo area. Down fire, and dog can sit on box. If you did this, mine as well just get enough Q and have two of them sealed or ported. More output either way.
  18. ssh

    2008 Lexus IS250 Double Din

    Looks factory Stuff like that is so dreading to me. I agree the car looks awesome, black roof and wheels
  19. ssh

    wanting to replace my Q

    If you have the room for the ported enclosure I'd try that first. It should be a big difference in output.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Makes you feel small
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    why why why lol. Is this really artistic, a huge pen cap?
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My bad.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's okay, laugh
  24. ssh

    15's in a tC?

    Nonsense I bought a station wagon just so I could use the cargo area for a large sub enclosure. And I get better mpg then previous vehicle. But yeah don't buy a school bus or a limo just so you can have bass.