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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Bandpass options.

    S10s are good at getting loud and mayhems are killer drivers Well now that we've established vehicle and what not, time for someone that actually knows something about 4th orders etc to chime in
  2. ssh

    Bandpass options.

    Budget for drivers? Vehicle?
  3. Doing the big 3 and replacing alternator on my jeep wrangler was a cake walk. My volvo, complete pain in the ass for changing alt out, big 3 was easy though.
  4. Finally a video This should help get some votes on smd So much flex and not even on regular power
  5. So much work. Call everyone from the block that you've helped with their system and have a crew of 5 guys carry it out Or are they all in jail?
  6. ssh

    Set up

  7. ssh

    Happy Birthday Don!!!

    Happy Birthday Don!
  8. ssh

    Lost a coil on an N2 today

    This is probably something that should be sent via email to Fi and see what can be worked out. Got any videos of your car? I would love to see
  9. ssh

    How much did you spend on deadening?

    Not surprising considering you compete with the geo, and nothing needs to be deadened behind a wall, and your doors and dash probably flex so much it's worthless to try and combat
  10. ssh

    How much did you spend on deadening?

    It's for his work truck
  11. ssh

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    Oh dats a sexy port. Deze 12s huh That camera was showing some crazy warpage / melting. I can only imagine how it'll be with the other amp in.
  12. ssh

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    This is the fun part Just don't run outta beer.
  13. ssh

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    I heard that!!!!!!! Should start wiring stuff up tomorrow. Can someone hook me up with a link to the best big 3 "how-to"? I know google helps ( ), but I know that somebody has one that is easiest to follow. Just look for braided wire going from engine block to chassis. Add wire to that. Then add wire from negative battery terminal to chassis. Then add wire from positive battery terminal to output stud on the back of alternator. (Good idea to put a fuse in between this one)
  14. ssh

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Wellll, compared to any batteries I've dealt with it is. Isn't the 3100 70-something pounds?? I couldn't imagine... Yeah I think the d3100 is 60 or 70. The d1200 will help out a lot
  15. ssh

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    That battery IS not heavy, order a d3100 haha It's a baby battery (d1200), I got one in my car
  16. ssh

    Road noise - need advice

    Is everyone driving near you going to need sound deadener too?
  17. ssh

    Few questions on tuning and building

    No your good, I was just being immature and dirty. I mine as well be helpful though, SSA has some box designs for your xcon http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/downloads/enclosure-designs/category/18.html Maybe they'll fit your vehicle, maybe not, but it's worth a shot. Your going to love your xcon by the way
  18. ssh

    Few questions on tuning and building

    Two heads are better then one.
  19. ssh

    15's The Punch Power

    Look great I'd try Fi first.
  20. ssh

    port volume for DCON 10

    You sure about 50%, seems like a lot.
  21. Your not jealous or anything, right?
  22. ssh

    port volume for DCON 10

    Just use that design if it fits your vehicle. Port area = port width * port height
  23. As of now on paper the amp fuses wil be 600 amps together. Guess I need 2-300amp alts. Then take into consideration that the amps won't get up to their fuses, so your at less then 600amps. And then your not playing test tones, music is dynamic. Then 6-8 batteries... You should be fine with a beefy alt and all those batteries. Either way just go with what you can afford and install. Is this build going to start sometime this summer? Can't wait to see! If I can get some other things I have in the works completed, then Yes I will commense this summer.
  24. Why do you all of you feel bad for my car? These are SQ drivers...