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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Now the fun begins!
  2. ssh

    What's a cool team name for...

    Love it.
  3. But the op doesn't care which one is more efficient, just that it can handle 3kw that it'll never actually see.
  4. ssh

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    No idea man.
  5. ssh

    Limited Space For Fi 18 BL..

    Or sell it / trade and get a 15.
  6. ssh

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    You lost me. What's up? Me too.
  7. ssh

    Clay subwoofer box anyone??

    thats right in your back yard.. you should check it out lols I can use it for when I'm camping OP is close too there you go. a brand new/used toilet for your house Maybe he has a lcd I can get to go along with it
  8. ssh

    Clay subwoofer box anyone??

    thats right in your back yard.. you should check it out lols I can use it for when I'm camping OP is close too
  9. There's two JL Audio 12W7's for sale on ca c o, for 375. I believe they are rated around 1000watts each. Your kinda walking into a ferrari dealership saying you got $45,000. Not quite enough for a ferrari but still enough to buy a very nice car. Oh and you wanted two ferraris Not trying to be a dick, just seeing how it is. I know for me, I've switched drivers over and over again, getting something better but not exactly what I wanted. Kept doing it over and over again once I saved enough money. If I had just waited a few more months from the beginning, I could have gotten what it took me a year to get. Good luck, be sure to check your local craigslist.
  10. They look well built, like they actually could handle 3kw vs some other stuff. I know lanzar made some killer amps (optidrive?) back in the day, I think? I'm too young to remember lol.
  11. ssh

    Clay subwoofer box anyone??

    Funny it says "made to spec", to what specs? lol
  12. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    I haven't decided yet, depending on how smooth I can get them with the sander, I may just paint them. Depending on the resin, some has wax which helps. Although I don't believe mine did. I didn't use anything between the tape and fiberglass, just waited til it was hard, started prying a little around the edges and it popped off. But I could see where if you were doing some very contour or odd shapes that it would grab on and never want to come off Yeah I always figured doing a small pod to fill in the map pocket / speaker area would be the easiest and look the best, but after trying so many times I just decided "fuck it" and glassed the whole lower half, seems to be working out
  13. Buy some used higher end drivers. btls, nightshade, so forth.
  14. ssh

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    The enclosure looks like it was made for that car, perfect for four 12s. Looks just sick, bet its loud as hell without a ton of power And your friend looked like he came for a minute straight
  15. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    Thanks, I hope so!
  16. ssh

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Sweet tons of videos gotta check back when im on my comp
  17. ssh

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    Started doing the doors...again... Tomorrow I have to do some light sanding, another layer over to make everything smoother, and the orbital sander I ordered is showing up.
  18. ssh

    saz 3000d power supply questions

    yea that would be the most sensible thing to do. I have dual runs of 1/0 positive ran to the trunk. from there, i run both runs of positive to the 1st battery. Also have two runs of 1/0 negative ran to the 1st battery from the side wall in the trunk using (2) dual ground foots. from the first battery, parallel + and - to the second battery, and paralell + and - to the third battery. All battery wiring done with 1/0. Wiring in between batteries is less than a foot each. Any scheimatics (pics) I believe it would look something along the lines of this: I forgot to draw in additional grounds to the batteries at the end. (never hurts to have too many grounds
  19. ssh

    Look what DC Power sent me

    I ran a saz1500d with a 270xp and no additional batteries, at full tilt at idle, voltage was mid 14. Hope you get it figured out Edouble
  20. ssh

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    It's the motherload
  21. ssh

    one ZCON coil vs STETSOM 5k

    burnt fro rofl.
  22. Bored, decided to make some new wallpapers for myself, just thought I'd share. ssa fi more to come.
  23. Betcha hate me if your on slow dsl I can make some more for sundown, fi, etc products, just state which model or what you want it to say.