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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And convince her you want to go.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Suck it up.
  3. There's a relationship between port area, port tuning, port length, and enclosure volume. If port tuning and port area are constant and the volume of the enclosure is reduced then port length must increase to maintain the same tuning. I'm going to speculate that the car stereo calculator doesn't account for the displacement of the port itself, which means the actual box volume is less and thus the port length given by the calculator is too short (so the real tuning is higher), and perhaps the Torres calculator does account for such and that could explain why it's port length given is longer--or perhaps you're calculating the net volume differently for the online calculator than what Torres is doing. Either way I'm not certain only thinking of one possible explanation, this is a prime example of why many people do the math by hand and don't rely on such calculators.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  6. ssh

    Not Ready to Give up on FI yet. what would you do?

    You've managed to kill the driver three times already by pushing it past it's limits. You need another setup with the same output within it's working limits, sort of like saying this car is fast enough for me, and you're driving it at redline. I highly doubt lowering your enclosure volume to Fi's specs will all of a sudden save the driver, it'll probably have less output than before and you'll end up turning it up more to get the same output and you're right back where you started. Depending on your space you might be able to bump up to a ported enclosure, that'll net you a good amount more output so you won't have to be running the driver at max. A few other points that I'm not sure were mentioned completely, check your vehicle's voltage when playing music and make sure it's not low, if it is then it could screw with the signal from the amp to the driver--I think. I know you're using a sealed enclosure but you might try setting the ssf around 20hz (not sure what you listen to but if it's that dubstep / rap music boosted by people in their garages than that might help control the excursion somewhat). Someone mentioned lowering the LPF to 80hz, that's a good idea and I would even suggest going lower to 50-60hz (try different points and see what sounds best to you).
  7. ssh

    How to figure shipping rates?

  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Where are you looking?
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  10. ssh

    2010 civic sedan daily drive

    These kick panel pics are giving me the itch to glass something. As always, awesome work.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I remember having that issue at one point as well. It seems to me that they wouldn't populate on one of my media players as well... WinAmp or Windows Media. I'll try to look on my computer to see if I can remember how I fixed the issue, but I can't remember what it was exactly... it was last year, and I haven't repopulated the folder in a while... with all the new music I have at this point, I need to. Just wondering, is all the media currently linked to your server/network? I do remember having some media on a device that was not on my network at the time and all it's media did not show up. Seems like there was just an IP conflict I was not aware of. Simple, and likely something you already checked, but easy enough to overlook, is why I mention it. I have to cut my media into 10ths to get it to load in winamp. Never used Plex... I'm running mine on a VPS and access it through the web interface or phone app so I can play stuff anywhere I have internet. Plex shouldn't have any issues with a large database of media, but then again I'm still having trouble with it recognizing everything I add.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I remember having that issue at one point as well. It seems to me that they wouldn't populate on one of my media players as well... WinAmp or Windows Media. I'll try to look on my computer to see if I can remember how I fixed the issue, but I can't remember what it was exactly... it was last year, and I haven't repopulated the folder in a while... with all the new music I have at this point, I need to.Just wondering, is all the media currently linked to your server/network? I do remember having some media on a device that was not on my network at the time and all it's media did not show up. Seems like there was just an IP conflict I was not aware of. Simple, and likely something you already checked, but easy enough to overlook, is why I mention it. Thanks, everything is local in one folder, so network can't be it, just seems finicky about what it wants to add.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That was hard to watch.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seth, or anyone using Plex. I've added music to my media folder and yet it doesn't all show up after doing a new scan. I've done "Analyze" and "Force Refresh." I looked online and I guess they have some naming convention of artist -> album name -> songs, but half the music I added followed that and didn't add. Doesn't matter if it's mp3 or flac.
  17. That makes sense. I take it the caps have enough reserve so they won't drain from the ecu / clock / etc if you didn't drive it for a week or so?if I disconnected the battery, they will drop a few tenths, the first. Then maybe .1 or .2 per week.After a week of sitting with a battery in parallel, they will drop to batteries resting voltage. Caps have very low reserve, but when you only need instantaneous power, they are king. Now say my alt died, I'd be screwed. That being said, I can always pull the fused links to my bank just start the truck with a backup battery I keep in the bed. (unhooked) then move my charge wires to my 2nd alt. (currently unused because of class restrictions) All things considered, I don't daily drive the truck anyhow. Gotcha. That's essentially what I was thinking in the back of my head if something happened.
  18. That makes sense. I take it the caps have enough reserve so they won't drain from the ecu / clock / etc if you didn't drive it for a week or so?
  19. Yessir. A 12v bank. Lol. Why?
  20. Why are you replacing the starting battery with caps?
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Found the artist: http://www.adamconnelly.com/index.html
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you fuckers still can't see it, squint your eyes.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    There's one more but it's even harder to see.
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    ? I see the number 4. Take a step back and look?