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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah the site doesn't list it, just saw a pamphlet at the dealership, not sure which year. Supposedly had slightly larger engine
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You must be smiling. I hate torque steer though. If you can, try and find a Speed3 to test drive. That thing will rip the wheel out of your hand. I loved driving that though. I preferred the C30 though as it was so damn quiet in that thing. I wish they made one in AWD and a little longer WB. The torque steer in our c30 was a little surprise at first, but after a few days don't notice it much. New c30 r looks awesome, 300 some hp.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mysql could probably handle it better then excel, and you can run it locally on the computer but access it on any other comp on the network.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whose in san fran? I AM!!! Woot!
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Passing Monterey Boy was the i1 up the coast fucked, had a bunch of old classic cars driving for a show, about six broke down on a single lane road... all at different spots.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Diesels don't have a big rpm range like gas engines, so you can't say that because it ran out of juice at 4k, 4k is probably near red line lol. Our diesel pick up would fucking haul at 1500, 2000rpm. I would think all diesel vehicles are designed to deal with the additional weight, I don't see how they couldn't be...
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    U need to take a ride in a tri golf or better yet a blue tech Benz. And the giddy up in those is neutered bad. Chip them to unlock unlock their balls and the power is wild. We don't use diesel because of politics, nothing else. Yeah I was gonna say. Been in a beamer with small 1.8 or 1.9l diesel and it hauls ass. Or the dodge ram diesel pickup we had... lol.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Eating breakfast in buellton, weathers great.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I skimmed 18 pages and had enough. Favorite part was when they listed all the "bad words" and percentile it appeared.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Downloading to phone
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Agreed, actions speak louder than words; congressional voting records are publicly available from about a bajillion different websites To be fair he's been saying the same rhetoric for decades, unlike a lot of politicians Cspan
  12. ssh

    Looking for a new setup. Ideas?

    Depends on the circumstance and ones view on sq / loudness to another. Every company will have its issues, just have to see how many and how their handled.
  13. Depends on the circumstance and ones view on sq / loudness to another. Every company will have its issues, just have to see how many and how there handled.
  14. ssh

    Why just one power and ground input?

    Yep for the most part, even with 100% efficiency its still way way over rated amperage for the wire, but in a short run there is much less resistance, less heat, and can handle much more power. And you can always use bigger wire for longer runs with a reducer on the end.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Drove by dc power about fifteen minutes ago
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not so sure you could call his budget balanced considering the mortgage fandango he put in place. Regrettably he was still better than bush deux and barack osama From all that I've read it seemed we were doing pretty well, but I didn't pay too much attention then as I was about eight or so.
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't think it would anything detrimental in comparison to the shits that's happening now I just think women have a choice, of course under guidelines and certain time periods. But that's just my opinion, as well as gay marriage, I don't give a fuck who fucks who, as it doesn't effect me. I love how people try to argue that its a choice to be gay, well its not, little johnny doesn't wake up one day and go hey I think im gonna suck some dude off today, or Susie wants to munch some carpet. Not saying its wrong and they need some sort of help, they don't. Not only is it wrong for the government to tell who you can or cannot marry, but why should straight couples get tax deductions while gays don't because there legally not married... But im 18 what do I know.
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But they do. Society is full of idiots. Yes. That's why I don't get mad anymore, I just accept it and keep my ideals to myself for the most part. Or when I see the real crazies, I just say "hell yeah brother. Amen to that!"I whether it be a "repent your sins" deal or a "anti abortion, baby killers" person. Gotta have fun in this world, it is what it is.
  19. Most events are a joke any ways. What I love is when someone can have a basic stereo and they have no competition, and they become state champs and think there amazing. Not everywhere, but certainly see it here and there heh. In particular in Missouri Guy in Tucson, az, had a bare mdf box, average install, nothing clean or fancy, competed in spl, managed a 143-145, become state champ in class (likely no one else in class /attended more shows), got an invitation to go to world finals, he was so bent out of shape because he had to work that day, so now its a plaquered (sp?) In his house.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Balanced budget with clinton, who gives a fuck if he cheated. Bush senior alright. bush, fuck. Deregulation of financial institutions allowed bigger home loans being written up, stupid fucks getting loans they couldn't really afford, variable rate fuck, loan officer doesn't care, all the loans wrapped up in a pretty package and sold off to another company to deal with. Years pass and the ARMs (adjustable rate montage) kick in and rate goes up, people can't afford it, so they walk away. Yadda yadda yadda. Big fucking mess. Im all for less government but that's not always the case. People can't expect the economy to recover overnight...
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Officially in California! Passing through LA later then looking for a hotel off the 101 near the coast, Woot.
  22. Most events are a joke any ways. What I love is when someone can have a basic stereo and they have no competition, and they become state champs and think there amazing. Not everywhere, but certainly see it here and there heh.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did they up the price this month? Ill have to check our statement. Directv fucked us over so we switched to dish, then switched back a year later cause dish was shit. Our Directv receiver broke (the one we rent monthly, not own) and they wanted to charge us some absurd amount to fix the rental...
  24. ssh

    Looking for a new setup. Ideas?

    I have confidence in mark and arron, Ive had nothing but great experiences with them and their products. I've read too many horror stories about kevin, this you cannot deny. From the beginning I should have said, in my opinion whether or not skar drivers are good, I would never buy them because of the owner. Some people wouldn't care was long as the product is good and they never have any issues.
  25. ssh

    Looking for a new setup. Ideas?

    Big part is owner. But a few reputable people I trust have played around with the skars and weren't impressed. I think some people see a shitload of skars in a vehicle and because its loud, they think the drivers are good. Does Kevin even know anything about speakers and amps, or does he just have people for that? I see all these people saying "kevin when are skars amps coming, and comp sets?" Well just gotta see what the buildhouse in china has to say. Jacob builds in china... Why do people like his subs so much..? But jacob actually knows what he's designing. But didn't jacob also design the skar drivers?