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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Think I'm going to watch Punch Drunk Love.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What's a good dark comedy? Something along the lines of: funny people, everything must go, henry poole is here, shrink.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wouldn't even know where to begin on how to pick headphones, aside from aesthetics, brand name, and price. I'm guessing any listing with a frequency range is a joke, alike speakers advertised for x to x when in reality it'll only perform decent at x to x. Maybe sensitivity? I know I'd just be shooting in the dark.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Why can't you wrap them? The flocking is nice, but I don't know how well it will hold up with the sun beating down on it. Check with Donjer to make sure it is UV protected. I have used their product several times, but only to line glove box and console interiors. i cant get the grill cloth to follow the curves without creasing, etc. according to the website, nylon is the way to go, 'Nylon flocking fibers are Durable, Weather Resistant, and Colorfast, making them popular for outdoor use!' Well until yesterday I had no idea what flocking was, but I'm tuned in to see how it goes.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hadn't bothered to click on that thread, didn't realize it was a vote thread. Since you asked, you got it. I almost feel bad for the rep since no ones really voting. I don't like to the tactic of PMing people and trying to round up as many votes as you can get, rather just have more people vote, but thank you.
  6. ssh

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    Looks can be deceiving. More weight does not automatically mean more output, or better. Just saying in general.
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone care to vote, second skin round two Hasn't gotten much attention, not very many votes. And by all means, vote for who you want.
  8. ssh

    Round 2 Team Second Skin - Looking For Members!

    lol Need to start pimping yourself a bit more. In all honesty, I'm just glad to see two vehicles that aren't a truck or SUV! Heh, I'd rather just get more people to vote in general, not just more votes for me.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My buddy had a cheaper pair of sennheisers, liked them a lot.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Id see what denon makes around that budget.
  11. The house at "1200 Cameron Creek Marietta, GA 30062" is for sale, so someone was obviously planning on waiting out until the ups driver drops it off.
  12. ssh

    Problems with the new Fi SSD 15"

    Nick can take care of the guy, no need for everyone else to chime in and cause any confusion between the OP and an employee of Fi. Think about it. Otherwise he can post in the general section and everyone else can chime in.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Post more pictures through the process
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    UGLY. That ain't ugly. This is ugly. That isn't ugly. This is:
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That article is BS. I have three sitting right outside in my driveway. I'm not sure I follow. Care to explain? That article is the first I've heard of it and in the picture it looks fantastic. They stated it's not available yet, but I have three of them in my driveway. According to the jaguar site, it's being revealed on the 13th of this month, http://concept.jaguar.com/ So... is going on.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's a very good point they brought up, fucking geniuses. Actually, I'd be an asshole and make shit up too if I had my own show and was getting rich.
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hummada Hummada Hummada! Gotta get some snacks and watch a movie. Then attempt to finish my online math homework before their server decides to time out on every single page request. Then write a paper for art history, oh such a terrible class, it's right up their with philosophical bullshit. As long as you sound confident in what your saying, the teacher agrees. BOOM BOOM BOOM,
  18. ssh

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    That's what happens when you do a xxx vs xxx vs xxx thread, topping it off with "which one will get the loudest and sound the best?"
  19. ssh

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    Personally, I despise the company, whether or not the driver is decent, I'm not one to tell. Even if you were to say "would my ssa icon, xcon, fi bl, etc be louder then my buddies blah blah blah in his car", no one knows, sure people can guess or assume something will be better or louder then another, but I'd rather not guess. SA = VVX I've heard them and Today i've purchased 6 of them.. I know kevin personally, he's a cool dude looking to help people out. Maybe now, but I've seen enough stuff from the past that I couldn't simply shrug off.
  20. ssh

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    Is Skar run by Kevin/Lambo911? Yep. Perhaps you've seen his exploits on ca, with all the cheap shitty enclosures he sold there. There was a thread all about it "the real kevin/subtilis..."
  21. ssh

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    Personally, I despise the company, whether or not the driver is decent, I'm not one to tell. Even if you were to say "would my ssa icon, xcon, fi bl, etc be louder then my buddies blah blah blah in his car", no one knows, sure people can guess or assume something will be better or louder then another, but I'd rather not guess.
  22. Agreed, had an XD in another vehicle and loved it. Also just bought a jl hd 6channel and it's awesome!
  23. ssh

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    will my skar on 1000 watts with a pro design box in a 4runner be louder then my buddies w6 in a spec box off of a 500 watt in a basically Hyundai hatch? No one on here knows.