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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I generally like black more, but this one looks pretty damn awesome:
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Reminds me of the Koreans and Japanese. Can't design either, but copy of course they are skilled at. I'd rather have a company copy themselves than their competitors. So true. I don't care if the new 4door Porsche looks like the 911, it's still pretty sweet if you ask me.
  3. ssh

    2 Fi SSD 12'' Setup Help

    If your on a budget and can't afford to drop $300-400 on an amp and $200 on a battery, then use a smaller amp, they don't need 1000watts each to perform well.
  4. ssh

    2 Fi SSD 12'' Setup Help

    Installation is going to play a big part. Are you getting a custom enclosure made? Building one, or buying a prefab?
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shake shake shake, get's the air bubbles out and levels the surface. That heavy duty grinder would probably work well.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sean, sounds like a fun project, you can use a wheel barrow as i did for my countertops, making sure to use buckets to measure all ingredients, including water for consistent mix. measuring everything will insure all batches are the same, it's easier to mix two medium batches versus one large one. for my tops i used quikrete 2000 (bag mix) with cheng design pigment, cheng pigment is formulated to work with the bag mix, Lowes sells the 2000 mix. i used rebar for outer and remesh for inner reinforcement. mold material was compressed fiber wood with one plastic face, joints are sealed and contoured with black silicone. rebar and remesh is wire tied in mold, suspended to stay in center of concrete thickness. shaking table will full mold will help concrete settle, tapping mold face with 2x4 will force air out , giving you a smooth face. you tube, concrete network,and cheng design have online demo's. That's what my uncle had to say.
  7. So your alternator is still supplying power, to what specifically and what not specifically, I don't know since I can't see under your hood and don't know what all is going on down there. But it's blatant that your batteries are toast. You could try throwing them on a charger, low amperage, high voltage, overnight. Might be able to bring them back, maybe not.
  8. ssh

    break in question

    Just add it in and use it. It'll eventually "loosen up" a little bit.
  9. Is the fused wire from the output stud to the positive battery terminal, the only wire going from the output stud on the alt? (only wire charging batteries, stock electrical, etc)
  10. Currently: With the engine off, what's the voltage at the battery? With the engine on, what's the voltage at the battery?
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tuned in for the rest of the sink.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fuck, that's nuts.
  13. If your starting from a jump then I don't see why your starter would be an issue. Whats the float voltage on your battery and or batteries? What size fuse did you use between your alt output stud and positive battery terminal? If it melted then too much current went through it, but I'm not sure why it didn't just pop. Something fucked up (not sure what or how) and your fuse melted, your alt could no longer charge your batteries, and you drove it enough that your batteries are dead. That's my guess.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Labyrinth TOP.
  15. ssh

    my little buddy. audio unrelated.

    Cute kid, my cousin is right around that age, fun stuff.
  16. ssh

    Got money, need a quote for a 15" BTL N2 D1

    Shipping to French Caribbeans.
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone wanna learn some math?
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got a bunch of Iron and Wine albums today.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds fun, the water is always tiring. Whenever I get a chance to visit the ocean, I get my ass handed to me at the end of the day, completely wiped.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Making me jealous. Weather has been great here, 60-70s.
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I remember I had to kill some time at night, waiting for a movie. My buddy and I sobered up a bit and walked over to the Walmart next to the theater. We went to the camping / sporting good section, sat in some fold out chairs and just watched people. Definitely see some oddball people.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aaron why were you throwing bleach in Wal-Mart? Only at Walmart.