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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, fuck. Oh shit, glad I'm not anywhere near that.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not to diminish the quote, but that's from The Dark Knight isn't it? Sounds familiar.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But my hand won't allow for such intricate drawing, so text and imagination will have to suffice.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wish I actually had art skills and could draw a massive boner with numerous people seat-belted on, and Kevin on top holding some reigns saying "Hold on guys! Your in a ride "
  5. Sorry for not keeping track of my own thread. It was the crossover points. I've fiddled with some test tracks from a focal cd, testing out the imaging and stage depth. The imaging is good, no issues, stage height is up good. The depth is pretty wild too (although I only really notice it on well recorded / test tracks). Sounds like there are several instruments being played 20 feet in front of me, drums in the center, one instrument to the left back a few feet, another to the right, a singer in the center. So the stage depth is sweet. The midbass is good on some material, lacking on others. Also big difference if the vehicle is moving or parked. When I can afford it I'm going to order more sound deadener and that will help immensely.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have yet to understand Stefan, why are you being such a hater? Not to sound like other people, but god damn. You relentlessly hate on this guy for no exact reason besides you see other people hating on him. This is rather annoying, you just follow the trail of hate regardless if you know it leads to anything. Kevin is a douche and deserves no better, so I don't see the issue. You've had good luck, good for you, but Kevin is of questionable character. Is the product good, perhaps, but not because of Kevin. We all know who designed the subwoofers, and we know the guy who keeps acting like he has the knowledge and ingenuity, has none. Okay I'll stop here, because really it's all pointless, but Kevin is a waste of space in my mind and the minds of others. We're all free to voice this, just as you are free to voice your pleasure with him. And on that note, I just want to show my maturity of the situation with this hand drawn image showing my love. Try not to take it personally Julian.
  7. ssh

    12" or 15" for trunk?

    The sealed enclosure will have a flatter response then ported (unless you tuned extremely low). If you did tune extremely low and used the 12", the 15" in a sealed optimal would likely yield more output, at least in an open environment, with a trunk The Big 3 is simple and cheap to do and helps if your stock wiring and grounds are wimpy, so why not do it. The owner of SDS, Don, is an awesome guy. Shoot him an email with your vehicle, budget, and he can recommend approx how much product you'll need and how to apply it. He won't sell you more then you need, at least not intentionally.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have yet to understand Stefan, why are you being such a hater? Not to sound like other people, but god damn. You relentlessly hate on this guy for no exact reason besides you see other people hating on him. This is rather annoying, you just follow the trail of hate regardless if you know it leads to anything. Your absolutely right man. Not to sound like a dick, but do you ever lend your account to Kevin?
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Still speaking of writing, I got back another essay today. 100% What?!?!? Turned in another today thinking it was due now, it's due next week. Just gotta play catch up for calc.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Looks like now a days anyone can drop 50k to China and get anything they want made. If my parents were rich, I'd have my own hinote amplifier and speakers.
  12. ssh

    Havoc 12 not hitting 35hz+ well

    Just for testing, wouldn't want to leave it off permanently. Run your test tones where you think it lacks output and start turning the lpf up. If there is an increase in output then perhaps your silk screened label for the lpf is just off and the lpf was set too low. But you don't want to have the lpf set too high either.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like my freshman year of Chem. It's also ironic that he teaches to write differently, out of format, non-standardized, so it's more interesting and griping. Yet those were the papers I got the worst grade at, fell back to standard formatting with no effort and wa la, A+ good sir.
  14. ssh


    One word: Loud. About it.
  15. ssh

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Car looks epic. Can't wait to see the results with all the leaks fixed and more power.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just about to finish one up. Ironically, the less effort I put in, the better grade I have received.
  17. ssh

    Poor Peal N SEAL!!!!

    I fucking love peel n seal--for my roof.
  18. ssh

    Fi frankenstein???

    Depends what you listen to.
  19. What exactly is it lacking? Output? If so, larger vented enclosure would be an option. Does it sound good on average volume but near max listening it starts to sound stressed or distorted at all? Perhaps your crossover points or gain is off.
  20. ssh

    4th order band-pass for two SA-10's

    You can get nice binding posts from Parts-Express.com http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=091-1245
  21. ssh

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Bet those were pricey.
  22. ssh

    New Interior Design

    If you try it, I would use SEM dye (it comes in a rattlecan).
  23. ssh

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    Which BTL? What year?
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That would fucking suck trying to get that smell off. My friend actually cared more about his food outside not getting eaten (consists of a pint of cream and a block of cheese, high calories). Then he told me about a way people were using their CCs to buy money from the us mint so they could rack up flier miles. When I got home and researched I found the us mint just recently stopped accepting CCs because of it. Guess it wouldn't have worked any way, unless I had $5k to play with.
  25. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just got back from camping. Drank way too much. Apparently after I passed out with my head sticking out of the tent, two skunks came up. My friend said he got a stick and kept jabbing them away.