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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Under-powering an SA-12?

    That's plenty, you could run even less.
  2. ssh

    SSA Pumpkin i carved. :)

    Hahaha, people are gonna see that and say wtf. Pretty sweet though.
  3. ssh

    1,000w build

    I could be wrong, but wouldn't very large sealed = ib? Oh and modeling ib didn't look spectacular, but id still like to try it like you said.
  4. ssh

    1,000w build

    What do you mean open up? Are you going ported from sealed? When I was doing my Anarchy build they are way more efficient ported. If I remember correctly I was building for 0.5-0.7^3ft tuned to 60-70hz. I remember reading from a couple users that the Anarchy mounted IB is very poor. Trying to port my kicks would be a pain trying to get enough port length under the dash for around 70-80hz. Ill have to check specs and my math again heh. I was planning on cutting open the back and making it almost ib / aperiodic, since it would be open against the carpet floor. I can always close them back up relatively easily. Was the info on ib for the anarchies on diy ma?
  5. ssh

    Rex excitement!!

    *facepalm*, completely forgot Watts has one.
  6. ssh

    1,000w build

    Thanks bro. I am going to drop an SQ bomb on the Hyundai next year! Can't wait to see what you have in store. I still have to open up my kick pods and see if my ex-anarchies open up any.
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Now you won't see my new sig with tits.
  8. ssh

    1,000w build

    I've probably said it fifty times by now, but man everything you do is so clean.
  9. ssh

    Rex excitement!!

    TRP has done / will be doing some extensive work on his. You could ask where he gets anything specific. He also sells suspension and other performance parts.
  10. ssh

    Front stage options/Ideas

    Tweaking your crossover points at the amp is going to suck. I'd much rather buy a cheaper amp with not all the crossover abilities as the 100.4 and use the extra cash towards an "on the fly" processing unit. Perhaps you can find a similar headunit with all the crossover functions. Or the RF 3sixty.2
  11. ssh

    1,000w build

    http://www.cabletiesandmore.com/ExpandableSleeving.php I read that. Although I missed the 1 3/4" sleeve, but I still think that's too small.
  12. ssh

    1,000w build

    Edub, have you seen any of the braided sleeves larger then 1 1/4" in diameter? I'd like to use it for a short run of 2 1/0 wires, 2 4awg runs, and 2 16awg runs, all in one sleeve. Perhaps I'd be better off with multiples of 1 1/4" sleeve and then zip tying them all together.
  13. ssh

    1,000w build

    Tuned in for the edub goodness. Damn just updated with more pics! I love the wire, use of deadener, and the JL amp. Custom rcas is pretty damn sweet, super clean.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Degrading eh.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just working on my art skills. LOL.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The computer I built the other day.
  17. ssh

    Dust Cap got hot today

    3,400,000watts may be pushing it Duran. That's bitch power! That's roughly 950 H/O alts, or god knows how many batteries...
  18. ssh

    Dust Cap got hot today

    3,400,000watts may be pushing it Duran.
  19. ssh

    Dust Cap got hot today

    BLs can handle a bit more then their rms, but enclosure and material being played will also have a large effect on this. I'm guessing your birthsheet says 3400watts? So in a absolute perfect world, at most, each BL is receiving 1700watts each? I'm not super familiar with RF bdcp amps, do they have the same power output at 4ohms that they do at 1ohm or 2ohm?
  20. ssh

    Dust Cap got hot today

    If it was fine before on moderate listening volumes, and now it's very very hot, then I'd guess clipping. But it is normal for the dustcaps to get pretty damn warm to the touch. Also depends how long you were playing them to get them that hot. Everything is relative. For a simple example, say you have a speaker with 1000watts rms, it could probably handle 2000watts fine, but maybe for only 30 seconds or a minute before it starts getting toasty. Or people do burps with massive amounts of power, but the burp is so short that the speakers handle it okay.
  21. Agreed. I wanted to do 10cu ft and use some aeroports but idk how to figure out what length and what size...how would i go about knowing? 10cuft net? I'd use 3 6" psp aeros. Tuning? Or Adrian on here is making some bigger size aeros.
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wonder how many people spell "scar" - "skar" Probably just half the people on smd.