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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I haven't gained any weight in the last three years, I'm eighteen. I'm guessing on account of my high metabolism. I eat steak and a salad once a week, pasta / spaghetti once a week, and the rest of the time it's either left overs, or junk food like Inn n out, Mcdonalds, etc. As far as exercising, for the last three years it's just been dirt biking twice a week. In the last two months: mountain bike 2-3 times a week, dirt bike 1-2 times a week, and workout for 30-40 minutes every two days.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yup. Secret to life right there. Set goals then break into smaller parts then start achieving. Have you read the article about why video gamers make the best body builders? It's so Damn funny. And true. Link. Now. There are exceptions.
  3. There was a thread on c a c o where a guy got a saz3000d and crescendo 3kwp and pulled them both apart. He said they were identical except for their cases & heatsinks. The guys username was "807tubenut." The guy also modified the 3kwp to see how much more power he could get out of it (just for fun), he seemed to know what he was doing.
  4. I just want to make sure your on the same page as what Drew is suggesting. This setup is not geared for playing music, just tones, correct?
  5. ssh

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    I guess I'm the only person that understood what Edub was saying, just adding to what Jon said, that's why he quoted him... I honestly don't know anything at all about the DC amps, but one thing for sure: they look awesome. Hope they're reliable and robust, hold up to your "non violent" setup.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not sure of any free applications. Do you need it for future use or one time deal? If it's just for a month or so, you could download trials of Sony Vegas or Adobe Audition. Hell Windows Movie Maker may work if your just trimming.
  7. ssh

    Front stage options/Ideas

    There's a used bitone for sale on diyma or c ac o, like $550 or so.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Cute kids. We only had a few tricker treaters this year.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Even better: http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/eug/1965721396.html
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Go in the "strictly platonic" section. Even weirder. Like this http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/phi/1755781713.html "Not a narc"
  11. ssh

    Mac's GTI build

    Schweet. I like the look of the new dustcaps.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Go in the "strictly platonic" section. Even weirder.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Love the desk Teo. But whats up with the hard drives being tilted.
  14. ssh

    XCON 18" Subwoofer doing work. SBN 2011

    Now super patriots will get mad!
  15. ssh

    XCON 18" Subwoofer doing work. SBN 2011

    Is that another Volvo? Looks damn loud.
  16. ssh

    60's Mustang Build

    Well im tuned in to see the results.
  17. ssh

    60's Mustang Build

    No doubt 600 watts is plenty of power. I was just saying since there was a concern of lack of output and there was only "600 watts" going to a sub rated for "1500 watts". Maybe a little more power would do the trick, since the sub is in a small box. It'll be interesting to see what the culprit turns out to be in this one. Keep us posted. Nonsense, when I had my bl I was using a saz1500, when I sold the bl, the guy tested it in my car, same box, but with his 400watt Sony xplod amp. It was almost as loud as before.
  18. ssh

    60's Mustang Build

    Im on my phone, otherwise I would. Looks clean.
  19. ssh

    '80 Corvette Install

    Now to find a somewhat shallow set of components to work in the space, am assuming I will have minimal depth to work with in the doors. Will be running passive with around 80-100 watts of power. Amp is still in question. Have you decided how many speakers will be running and how many channels the amp will need? I'm guessing you need a 4channel or 5channel? Infinity KAPPA FOUR (4channel) http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17780_Infinity-KAPPA-FOUR.html Infinity KAPPA FIVE (5channel) http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17416_Infinity-KAPPA-FIVE.html JL Audio XD700/5 (5channel) http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_28013_JL-Audio-XD700-5.html I've used all of those and they worked great. Not saying that's what you need to get, might be able to find a 5channel eclipse cheaper. So many options.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Peaks and impedance, but that's about it. Thanks. Found a stellar deal on a hertz amp locally. The used xcon I was looking at sold, getting a pair of dcons. Pretty excited to finally have a well rounded setup.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is that what you ended up with or just found those? Another option is just powder coating the stock ones black. Finally found something that doesn't have a shit ton of chrome. Werd, Chrome don't get you home! Unless you are using Chrome to browse Google Maps directions to your house...
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't get into any hype of "tuning low to kill the low notes, blah blah blah" but 20hz seemed to make the FR pretty damn flat in relation to sealed, but in modeling it's only a 1-2dB increase. Sounds like I should do sealed then.
  23. ssh

    Under-powering an SA-12?

    thanks, I'm having someone build my box to so maybe they can make it a little larger to make up for the lack of power. Ideally I'd want to run 750rms to it but I dont want to deal with issues down the road. plus kicker sells this 500rms amp that apparently has a rly small footprint and is pretty efficient which I'd like to run. Don't get caught up with numbers, your going to be hard pressed to notice a difference between 500watts and 750watts (really wouldn't be able to tell). Not to mention those numbers don't actually mean your drivers will be receiving anywhere near that power for very long. Larger enclosure volume increases efficiency, if you have the room for it.
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well then. I'm either tuning very low (assuming I can get the port length) or going sealed. Going to look something like this: May just do sealed since the port length might be a complete bitch to try and fit (say 20hz tuning), plus 18" driver will have tons of output for me (at this time ) I'll have to do some more tuning with the ms8, perhaps crossover the mids a little higher.
  25. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thinking about going sealed for my next enclosure. I modeled the xcons in sealed vs ported, ported is already fairly flat, or with a lower tuning it's nearly identical to sealed but with more output. What exactly makes the difference in sound between sealed and ported?