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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just take it one day at a time.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Awesome. Once I get the hang of it, I'm good. But that initial learning is extremely difficult when it's not actually taught. My teacher literally skips slides, starts problems, works half way through then stops and goes to next slide.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I posted my problem on a math forum and someone said I did it right, except for my units being mm and not mm^3 since it's volume. Woot.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have never forgotten a subject so fast in my life as calculus lol Me too and I'm only in first semester. Whatever I learn in week1 I forget in week3. I have to go back and practice. I took 1 and 2 and when i got to the second one i was like is this shit again? i was so glad to finish with it, its so useless in my field but i think im gonna need some of it for pchem next semester I'm barely getting by. So far the content hasn't been THAT bad, but my teacher isn't much of a help, and the book is poorly written. I find myself searching google for other lecture notes and problems on math forums. Sounds like me for my classes i use google and wikipedia a lot depending on how well the book is written there are also books you can usually download from torrent servers that are usefull, like Schaum's for example Schaums is basically an outline with a bunch of solved problems. Theres a Schaums edition for almost any subject I'll have to check it out, thanks.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have never forgotten a subject so fast in my life as calculus lol Me too and I'm only in first semester. Whatever I learn in week1 I forget in week3. I have to go back and practice. I took 1 and 2 and when i got to the second one i was like is this shit again? i was so glad to finish with it, its so useless in my field but i think im gonna need some of it for pchem next semester I'm barely getting by. So far the content hasn't been THAT bad, but my teacher isn't much of a help, and the book is poorly written. I find myself searching google for other lecture notes and problems on math forums.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have never forgotten a subject so fast in my life as calculus lol Me too and I'm only in first semester. Whatever I learn in week1 I forget in week3. I have to go back and practice.
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone want to help me with a quick calculus problem?
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Going to Sante Fe on Friday, Sat, and Sun. Highs are mid 30s and lows in the 20s, should be fun.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    DIY. Stole them from some buildlog since i wanted something similar. Dad got bored one day and built something similar for my mids, all soldered, not welded. I'll have to dig up pics. Damn, looks like I'll have to do the same.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    BEATS FOR MY VAN, BEATS FOR MY VAN. Oh Yeah! Sometimes I just have too much time on my hands...
  11. ssh

    FI BTL 18 or SSA ZCON?

    This. I just wish I had a car I could put my sony xplods in. Ahh, going for numbers I see. Why of course good sir!
  12. ssh

    FI BTL 18 or SSA ZCON?

    This. I just wish I had a car I could put my sony xplods in.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

  14. ssh

    18" BTL N2 Box Design

    But as long as the port isn't extremely huge then you can't tell a difference, and therefore it doesn't matter? That's a one sided argument as well, say it was a small port and the vent speed was too high...
  15. ssh

    10" xcon

    Really isn't much of a difference between the 10" xcon and 18" xcon except for cone area and differences in output. Musically they should be equal, assuming one uses the same enclosure alignment and proportional enclosure volume. I've heard a few setups with xcons (15" to 18"), and was lucky enough to own a pair of 15" xcons at one point. I absolutely loved them. The amount of detail and tonality at high listening levels would put a huge smile on your face. Oh and just because they are rated for 1750watts does not mean you need anywhere close to that amount of power to take advantage of their awesomeness. For example: with the pair of 15s, each seeing around 500-600watts, and a 35hz tuned enclosure, I was able to do a 147db at 40hz at the headrest.
  16. ssh

    Burp a sub

    Yeah I guess I should have just said that. :facepalm:
  17. ssh

    Burp a sub

    There are lots of different ways to compete, read the rulebooks, and use some common sense. I never geared my setup for competing, but I did like to show up and just for kicks see what my daily driver was able to pull off. Of course a larger amplifier and higher tuned enclosure would have raised me an easy 5dbs, but I wasn't serious about comps. If you are indeed serious about competing, you need to be able to build enclosures for yourself, and have access to an accurate meter for testing purposes.
  18. ssh

    Burp a sub

    So If I want to burp the sub the life will be short. Depends on a lot of factors. Time length of run, power used, enclosure, amplifier settings. I could see one person burp the same driver without ever needing recones for several years, while another person completely melts the coils and needs a recone in five minutes.
  19. ssh

    Another Icon 15" box

    Man that box is stout, just looking at it and I know it's going to be loud.
  20. ssh

    Burp a sub

    Okay. "Burping" is just a term people made up when running excessive amounts of power to subwoofers for a short period of time. Normally burping is done for SPL competitions, say your run is thirty seconds (I don't remember what the run lengths are for: meca or usaci), so you pull up in the lane and they say go. You have thirty seconds to play what you think will meter the highest. Most subwoofers can handle double, triple, etc their rms rating in short short periods of time. If the time length is short enough then the coils don't really get a chance to heat up, so to speak. This allows you to use a bigger amp, more power, and get more output for your runs on the mete. For daily it means absolutely nothing except a cooked coil if your an idiot and don't bring down the power. I hope that makes sense.
  21. ssh

    Burp a sub

    I'm going to take a guess and say "bigger"
  22. ssh

    Burp a sub

    I think you need a sub with the best bang for your buck first.
  23. I haven't seen anywhere where the dev. says he is affiliated with SMD.
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am not sure what size that speaker is, but Parts Express does carry that type of grill for 8"-12" subs. hmm, maybe I can at least find the name of the style. I need it for a 181.8mm / 7.15in OD basket, 169.5mm / 6.67in distance from opposing mounting holes. (Exodus anarchy mids)