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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    SSA ICON 12' vs SSA XCON 12'

    I'm guessing you already have an enclosure? Or set on a 12" for space reasons? Otherwise more cone area is a good way to increase output. If your current enclosure is an off the shelf one purchased from Best Buy, I suggest you invest some money into a custom enclosure, or build one yourself, as that will make the biggest difference. The Xcon does have a higher power rating then the Icon; however, that doesn't make it any less efficient, in fact it's slightly more efficient in comparison to the Icon series, according to modeling using WinISD. But the difference shouldn't be audible. I have an Icon and absolutely love it. I've also had a pair of xcons and loved them as well.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think they may be in production, but for racing, not street. Edit: I guess it may be street legal, but there only making a hundred, with a price tag of ~40k.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Without HD, I couldn't get any lumber either. But yes.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's asinine. But i keep on wasting time trying to think of a way when they clearly, clearly don't go together. And surprised Sean remembers i have a buell! That's not all he remembers. I would say just use headphones, but then again, I'd rather have whatever hearing I have left for traffic.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Until you ride the thing. It's stupid putting speakers in a bike, I'd much rather just listen to the engine (of course I wouldn't be on a cruiser with grandma on the back, with a skull bandanna over my face either).
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My fault for not being more specific. I wish i could combine my two hobbies; good audio and good motorcycles. Here: http://tucson.craigslist.org/mcy/2737494754.html
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Get a harley with a big windscreen and speakers.
  8. I would check the RCA connections first, if they seem good, play some music and push against/slightly wiggle them and see if that effects output.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh and I found out I can just rent a plan for BF2 on a server, for like 7 bucks a month, 10 slots.
  10. ssh

    100% the most EPIC ZCON flex. Ever

    That PT Cruiser looks like it's going to literally explode any minute. You should take it to the dealership and be like " "
  11. ssh

    voltage issue

    What's the voltage when the battery is disconnected and the truck is idling.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's one way to make someone pick the burger on the right.
  13. ssh

    voltage issue

    I heard of this being done on older vehicles, but not sure if it could present a problem on a vehicle as new as yours, but: If you were to loosen the ground terminal on the battery, start the truck, let it idle for a few minutes until your seeing that low voltage, then lift the ground terminal off the battery post and hold it. If the truck dies, your alternator isn't charging. Hopefully someone can chime on this.
  14. ssh

    voltage issue

    stock alt. @ 12.8 resting voltage the batt should be fully charged right? is it possible my alt is cutting off because of this?12.8 is good, I don't see why the alt would turn off because of this.It also seems unlikely that a near brand new alt would go out so early. Guessing not too many miles?With all the batteries disconnect, except for the starting battery, it idles around 13v? Then with the extra(s) in the rear, it idles at 12v?22k on the truck and only one kinetik 1800 in the front no other batts So when you say before, do you mean: stock battery, idling, 13v. Then swapped out for kinetik, idle and 12v?
  15. ssh

    voltage issue

    stock alt. @ 12.8 resting voltage the batt should be fully charged right? is it possible my alt is cutting off because of this? 12.8 is good, I don't see why the alt would turn off because of this. It also seems unlikely that a near brand new alt would go out so early. Guessing not too many miles? With all the batteries disconnect, except for the starting battery, it idles around 13v? Then with the extra(s) in the rear, it idles at 12v?
  16. ssh

    voltage issue

    Sounds like your alternator is only working for a few minutes when you start it and have it running (14v), then after a few minutes your alt stops and voltage drops down to the batteries' resting voltage. Do you have a stock alt or aftermarket? If aftermarket, did you have to manually wire in the remote turn on?
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm not a gamer or anything really, haven't touched my 360 in months. Anyway, I thought it might be fun to setup a Battlefield 2 Server, and on scheduled times or something, people from ssa could jump in and screw around. Game is fairly old, but good graphics, so most of you don't have to worry about your computer not being able to play it. I can upload my files for installing the game, and I think my cd key should work for everyone. Tried installing the server files on my hosting server, but it was against their ToS. I'm going to try running it locally on my computer and see how much resource it takes up. Whose interested?
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can't believe some of the people posting themselves.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    honest man there! thank you ! for real challenge try playing during the day!... you will see hows wifes, school teachers in the faculty restrooms, students .. mind blowing . everyone knows the freaks come out at night...
  20. ssh

    FI BL 12' for a 1600W amp

    Assuming your enclosure volume isn't well over the recommendations, and your ssf is set correctly, then you shouldn't have any issues.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yep, my Jeep is diesel VNT FTW! They are on the third generation, nothing like the ones you are familiar with. We had a second generation VNT on the VW and it was all good. Obviously I will have to design and program my own controller which means loads more time in tuning than actual fabrication. And there is the answer to my question. I coulda told you that! I kid, I kid.
  22. ssh

    Sundown Sa 10

    You wouldn't really notice much of a difference in terms of loudness from 700watts to 900watts; however, that doesn't mean switching amps in general will not change the sound or loudness.
  23. ssh

    Sundown Sa 10

    Its the dual 4 sa-10, and the amp is a Soundstream stealth 1200D. The amp is rated at 700wrms at 2ohms Should match well.
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Jon, you are hilarious. You should have your own thread, Narrations by Bigjon.
  25. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Funny shit.