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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bitch please.
  2. ssh

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    Also when breaking in a flat tappet cam keep the rpm's up around 2 to 3 thousand rpm for at least a half an hour or more no idling. Don't you just want to vary the rpm range, so nothing is constant?
  3. ssh

    JL Audio 2012 New Products

    What's bad about their HO enclosures?
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's a mb/sec when I download it. Yeah if you can find battlefield 2 + booster pack somewhere, then you could still join.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    did the upload work? http://beta.stefanhinote.com/battlefield.rar
  6. ssh

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Nice set of equipment, always wondered how those IA speakers were.
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Teo, I love you man! I watched it on my mobile with no issues, then clicked the link on my computer, and boom family filter. Guess they don't give a shit if your on your phone?
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Racing in slush?
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As sick as I am, I got in the car today and started fiddling with the ms8 again, although I like that "artificial bump" in midbass that the ms8 rids of while set to active, I can't help but notice an improvement in staging when set to active. Oh and when set to active, the vocals seem shallow. Time to do some eq, eww.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ANT makes every websites he owns a fucking pain in the ass, $$$
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got that feeling of rebuilding everything again, gotta use my hands and make something, hopefully new kick pods will do the trick.
  12. Thanks man, I just need to come up with some new arrangement to get a little more leg room.
  13. With the help of fellow ssa members, especially Sean, Brad, and Lithium; I've been able to narrow down my choices to the following equipment. 2 Exodus ex-anarchy, playing double duty (midbass, midrange) 2 Peerless hds tweeters 1 Eclipse ea4100 4 channel amplifier 1 Jbl ms8 The plan is mounting each ex-anarchy and hds tweeter in the kick. MS8 and 4channel amp will be mounted in the cargo area, next to rear battery.
  14. Im on mobile so can't see sigs right now Haha. Ill send you a pm later regarding a certain song.
  15. Band Waggon / Knock Out - Dynaudio album
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    On the bright side, I found promethazine-codeine cough syrup in our cabinet, finally able to get some sleep last night.
  17. What song is that in your video? I want to see that on my xcon pls! Also, I do apologize about the sig.. you're only the second to complain.LOL. I'll reformat it later today. ;-) Song is twist in my sobriety - tanita tikaram, but it's not the actual song the icon was playing.
  18. ssh

    Some interesting info.

    Right down the street at Raytheon.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How many more years before you could retire? Or so far off its not really worth waiting for? By the time my "So Long" comes up (July 2013) I'll be just under 10 years total service and just over 8 on active duty. Need 20 to get 'full' retirement. You can retire at 17 for less though. Also rumor mill says people with 6+ years may be offered a lump sum to leave, and then those who don't take it may be forced out with a smaller lump sum given to them. No pension, nothing extra. I am not sure what to do cause if I don't move up the ladder in a few more years I gotta get out with no choice. J Well, I hope it works out for you one way or another.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sadly, in our society of compromise, you have to be extreme in your demands to affect change in any way. You can't just say "we need a system that guarantees a basic level of medical care to all citizens", you have to say "100% FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ALL!"
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So that's why lots of european countries don't have doctors right?
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And bandpassed they can take some serious power. Of course, I'd still argue that imrpoving the enclosure is an easier way of livening up the bottom end. Aside from increasing volume, possibly aperiodic? Start with an enclosure. Oddball question, if I was mount a large format tweeter directly in front of a 7" mid (spaced out several inches), how would that effect the mid (below 1900hz)? Thinking of freeing up a little more space for my feet. If I could make the tweeters "float" in front of the mids and keep them in the kick panel area... Or the other option is putting the tweeters in the dash, but we talked about reflections and how unfriendly they may be. Lots of cancellation. Smaller is better in that layout as is getting the coils in as much of the same plane as possible. Alrighty, might just take a hacksaw and a hammer to make some more room. I kid. Haha
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How many more years before you could retire? Or so far off its not really worth waiting for?