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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    ZCON 15 enclosure build log

    I wish I could see "600watts."
  2. ssh

    Attention SQ And SPL lovers Alike!!

    Make the angled panel larger, in terms of changing the 14" to a higher number. However, this will decrease the volume.
  3. ssh

    Attention SQ And SPL lovers Alike!!

    Different enclosure volumes and types yield different results. The driver will function well between that amount of airspace. Too little and it isn't as efficient, too much, there isn't enough cone control, or it simply isn't practical. A lot of what I'm saying is generalizations.
  4. ssh

    Attention SQ And SPL lovers Alike!!

    The top panel where the speakers are mounted to, is: 36" x ~14"-14.2" Correct?
  5. ssh

    Attention SQ And SPL lovers Alike!!

    Have you checked to make sure the motor will clear the rear panel when mounted?
  6. ssh

    Attention SQ And SPL lovers Alike!!

    The sealed enclosure will have a flatter frequency response, and not as much of a peak like a ported box (with 30hz tuning, etc). Sealed enclosure requires less airspace, which works well for your case.
  7. ssh

    Attention SQ And SPL lovers Alike!!

    Sounds like you got it down. what exactly do you need help with, or want answered?
  8. ssh

    Can two AA Mayhem 12s hit 150+DB?

    damn , I'd work my butt off getting that extra 2 tenths ! sooooo close ... Duct tape around the gaskets, done.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want to know how she managed to live long enough to make that video.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Basically yes but you forgot the sanding Wrapping is kind of cool if you have a heat gun. Oh I don't sand. I don't have a sprayer for the adhesive or heat gun. :/ I do have contact cement that works pretty well, but wrapping is always a Bitch for me. I should practice it more when I have some time. For the primer and clear coat do you have any brand or type suggestions? This is all new to me. I also got cabosil for smoothing out the last layer, but it'll be harder to sand. I don't have a sprayer either I just use some cheap contact cement, the same I use to carpet boxes. Works fine I have dap weld, it works pretty well for what it is.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    190ml each: Fun stuff.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got a little overcast, should be nice for working outside today.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Snowing right now. My neck is getting baked right now, sitting in a lawn chair, break time from art. If only I had a scarf.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Primer and clear coat TOP
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Basically yes but you forgot the sanding Wrapping is kind of cool if you have a heat gun. Oh I don't sand. I don't have a sprayer for the adhesive or heat gun. :/ I do have contact cement that works pretty well, but wrapping is always a Bitch for me. I should practice it more when I have some time. For the primer and clear coat do you have any brand or type suggestions? This is all new to me. I also got cabosil for smoothing out the last layer, but it'll be harder to sand.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Painting fiberglass: Several coats of primer, several coats of paint, and finish clear coat? *despises wrapping*
  17. ssh

    Can two AA Mayhem 12s hit 150+DB?

    The volume of the cabin and enclosure alignment will play huge roles. I see you mention a high output alt, but don't have one? Is the 4500 at it's potential, or gained down until electrical is upgraded? If your going to wall your car, you mine as well go with larger drivers (15, 18).
  18. ssh

    dcons or ZCON!!

    My exact thoughts.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Comfort Eagle was their best album IMO. Huh? I just want a girl a short skirt, and a looooooooooooong dress. A few of their other albums are still pretty good.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want a girl with a short skirt, and a looooooooooooooong jacket. I want a girl who gets up early, and stays up late.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just paid $37 for a rattle can, oem volvo. Guess it could be worse.
  22. ssh

    Hyundai elantra HB

    Google Sketchup, isn't made specifically for enclosures, but works quite well.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I actually slept quite well last night, tonight should be even better.