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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah this is what I use to do on my old flip phone.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This? http://www.amazon.com/CytoSport-makers-Muscle-Milk-Chocolate/dp/B003U0FFCU/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    People also seem to have good luck with http://www.truenutrition.com/, and Dymatize Elite / ON Gold Std.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's cheap. May need to consume a little extra then other stuff, but either way it would probably work fine. I think some of the cheaper whey use to have more lactose in it, which causes issues for lactose-intolerent people, but it's filtered better now a days, and if lactose isn't even relevant...
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd look on labeling, and see how much of everything it has. Also see if 5lbs is actually 5lbs of whey, and not 4lbs whey + 1lb flavor. I've been buying "now whey protein isolate" in the 10lb bags ($100), definitely cheaper then buying in small amounts.
  6. I'm not entirely sure, but this may have something to do with it: Sound displaces air, and creates pressure. In our skin there are sensory receptors called mechanoreceptors that pick up pressure. There may be more mechanoreceptors in areas with more hair, so that may be a partial reason for having a tactile sensation in one area more then another. Or I could be full of shit. *shrugs*
  7. Alternator and or voltage regulator, not sure if that car has it built in with the alt. Additional batteries will increase your "power reserve", but if your alternator can't properly charge a single battery then don't expect it to be able to charge multiple. I would get the alternator / regulator issue fixed, then go from there. A new working stock alternator is better then an old failing one. Otherwise, a few more batteries, bigger amp, and failing alternator = killing your batteries' lifespan, and eventually getting stock on the side of the road one day.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Pay or don't pay. Kinda shitty if you don't in my opinion, but shit happens.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nothing beats a wind trainer for building endurance.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When I was 14 I use to do 80 some miles. Haven't gotten back into though.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Need to go older...WAY older. Oldest I have is abraxas 1970
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I now have hours and hours of new music, and none of it is in mp3 format!
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Cuft? Port freq and area? 0.635 Gross 2.5" x 5.5" long - 60Hz Cool. If you don't dig on the Sundowns I have some recommendations that'll fit in those enclosures then They might prefer slightly higher tuning, but that's pretty close. I don't have that much experience to tell if they are good or not so I'll probably stick with them. And not really into spending even more money. You'll always be able to flip the Sundowns. Just saying that the enclosure size you chose in general works pretty well for PA style drivers. You may want to be prepared to raise the tuning if it can't quite handle the lows. I haven't seen T/S specs for it yet but am a little suspect of tuning it that low. Normally 70Hz is sort of the bottom end for a 10" PA and not many will do that. Obviously that is an off the shelf PA mid of some sort, the only question is which one. Perhaps there are some changes done to it, but my guess is they are minimal. I'd love to stick something in there geared for midbass. *drools* Although the sundown probably has enough cone area to still have a good amount. I wouldn't say that those are geared for midbass. Upper midbass sure, but not midbass. Pro audio drivers ALWAYS give up frequency extension for sensitivity. Absolutely no way around that. Of course they are 10's which help the cause a ton I am sure they will still start rolling off around 100Hz though so to me that means they are not midbass drivers. In the PA world they will call them that, but their subs are geared to play up there as well. I didn't say they were! I said exactly what you said.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I understand that exactly. And I will be looking for a car that is hell of a lot of fun to drive, but is also capable of being comfortable for long trips. If the best for my money ends up being a Honda Accord then that's what I would want to get. Honda Accords are NOT fun to drive, lol. Well considering I drive a 1995 Saturn. When my friend and I traded cars for a weekend (2005 Accord V6) I was quite happy Then you'd absolutely LOVE the new 3 series. You would love a Honda Accord Mike, the gas milage and reliability make it worth it alone. While not as fun as an Audi or Bimmer to drive, still a pretty zippy ride with decent handling. Yikes, no. Even the reliability is questionable. Hands down by far the car that have caused my friends the most trouble. Everyone of them with one is always complaining about it being in the shop and the repair prices are as bad as BMW. And they are far from fun to drive. FWD SUCKS! I'm so there are plenty of fwd cars I would be content with (and not break), but I've already destroyed both my front drive axles. Lesson learned: I can't drive my car like I ride my bike.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Cuft? Port freq and area? 0.635 Gross 2.5" x 5.5" long - 60Hz Cool. If you don't dig on the Sundowns I have some recommendations that'll fit in those enclosures then They might prefer slightly higher tuning, but that's pretty close. I don't have that much experience to tell if they are good or not so I'll probably stick with them. And not really into spending even more money. You'll always be able to flip the Sundowns. Just saying that the enclosure size you chose in general works pretty well for PA style drivers. You may want to be prepared to raise the tuning if it can't quite handle the lows. I haven't seen T/S specs for it yet but am a little suspect of tuning it that low. Normally 70Hz is sort of the bottom end for a 10" PA and not many will do that. Obviously that is an off the shelf PA mid of some sort, the only question is which one. Perhaps there are some changes done to it, but my guess is they are minimal. I'd love to stick something in there geared for midbass. *drools* Although the sundown probably has enough cone area to still have a good amount.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hopefully mostly early albums. Any with other "famous" musicians? Abraxas, Borboletta, Freedom, Lotus (1,2,3), Marathon, and the list keeps going. It was a discography, so it may be not have stuff released in the last few years, but everything else.
  17. I have the scanspeak discovery D2608/9130 / peerless hds tweeters, and they work just dandy to 2500hz.
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <-- Just got thirty albums of Santana. I like that the majority of the songs have a nice mix of instruments with stellar percussion.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I do more then that in a month on the bike. Room is going along. That is a day on a snowmobile. And two really quick bursts in the boat. Sold the boat a couple weeks back though and haven't picked the other one up yet. Sounds more like it.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I do more then that in a month on the bike. Room is going along.
  21. ssh

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    4/16 25lbs x 4 chins 20lbs x 4 chins 15lbs x 5 chins 10lbs x 6 chins body weight 7 chins (l-sit progressions) 10 dips 7 dips 5 dips 20 squats 15 squats 10 squats 20 pushups 15 pushups 10 pushups 10 rows 8 rows 6 rows 10 seconds back lever 10 seconds front lever 5 seconds back lever 5 seconds front lever 7+ dips 10 chins (l-sit progressions) 7 chins (l-sit progressions) 5 seconds back lever 5 seconds front lever 10 pushups 5 dips 5 chins (l-sit progressions)
  22. ssh

    '97 Toyota Celica Wall Build

    Trim down those nail ends.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Its all bull shit anyways. My brother is into body building and lifts a shit ton of weight, but has no real strength. His punches are weak, he can't loosen a stubborn bolt, and when we wrestle, I simply whip his ass. He's got 40lbs on me and it's all muscle and still doesn't have the strength I have. That's why some people don't just shove weights around, but actually build muscle from doing shit. Perfect example would be using rings (like gymnast), or exercise routines that are coined "primal fitness", all usable strength that transfers over into real life. One area I would love to gain more strength in is body weight exercises. I guess its really just part of my genetics to not be able to do a lot off pullups, push ups, dips, etc... I'm too lazy to join a gym, everything I do is in my room with a dip bar and pull up bar. (plank progressions, weighted chin-ups, pushups, weighted dips, rows, front levers, back levers). I'm not working on becoming super ripped, especially since I'm going to start running after summer, and they don't go hand in hand.