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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just what I was looking for.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    *Watches videos* I'll likely get a book too.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You need to read that article i showed you. A good scope can see a target at 1000 yards with ~10x I'll do that now, I just skimmed it earlier.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I apologize for making things difficult, as this is similar to saying: I want SQ & SPL, small box & high efficiency, and only want to spend $50.00
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I should probably grasp a better idea on the size of target and distance, as 100y small target could be much harder to hit then 300y bigger target. So yeah I'm all over the place, and new to this. I guess the best way to clarify things for now, is a variable scope that fits within a $600 budget that would mag low enough to do some close shooting with the 22, but far enough to still have some fun with the 308.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Obviously in the mean time on the 22, it will be drastically limited, and would likely require a somewhat low mag. I'm figuring the more variable, the more costly, which isn't exactly working in my favor, but I'm pretty sure it's what I'll need.
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For the 308, I'd like to shoot as far as I can, until some super expensive scope is needed. I've seen testing with some of the "cheaper" scopes, and they were shooting 308s at 700yards ish. I don't expect to just go out, and shoot far, but I would like to progress. So I understand the further away requires better glass, and mag. So I was hoping I would be able to eventually shoot at least in the 500y range.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Let me dig a bit for you. i like the idea verry much for you. once you can bughole your. 22 at 100 yards move up to something else. I am on my tablet so give me a few and I will do some digging. Perfect. Thanks.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Matt, I haven't looked that much into specific scopes, or even which magnification range I want, but this thought crossed my mind: Get a fancy scope now, put it on the 22 I already have, plink shit as far as the 22 will do, and down the road get the 308. Then I still get to shoot some shit now, and later I'll have the round I want. Only issues I see: Fitting a big ass scope on the 22 (smith and wesson m&p15-22), and getting one that has a big enough magnification range that I can set it at lowest for the 22, and higher for longer range shit with the 308. So am I asking for a scope to do too much, at least one that would be under $600.00? I wouldn't mind buying used, but I'm also not sure if that becomes a big deal if it's somehow fucked up. Or entire idea just a bad idea?
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Head tilted to the side, phone against shoulder, and fingers typing or: Bluetooth headset walking around throwing a football in the air, and occasionally bending down to type another ihop post. Which is it?
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The order in which people have too much time on their hands.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When I used to deadlift, I would do it every week. I never went for weight more than I could do 5 times in a row though. Some people will tell you once a month, but I know Olympic guys who would do a huge heavy 1RM and then do light deads another day. Hell they did powe cleans too and that is just a dead lift + extra shiznit. I would only NOT do an exercise if it caused me pain. Not soreness, but pain. Hooray deadlifts I was reading some lower back safety article and got the same advice, 5 reps, maximum weight. Thanks to the mix-up at work with the gym passes I missed 3 deadlift days and had to drop down the weight a little but I'm back to 1x a week. Funny thing is not many people where I go to the gym do dealifts. They are all huge from the waist up. Not many people do dead lifts in comparison to everything else a gym has to offer, for what ever reason. I've been doing a 5x5 program suggested from Starting Strength by Rippetoe, but I'm only doing 145lbs. Dead lifts are one of the more complete singular exercises, but form is paramount. Also why I took a long time doing them with low weight, and blocks. Eventually removed the blocks, got the form down, and very gradually upped the weight. I do not want to fuck my back up. Gotta make sure that shits arced. I kid.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When I used to deadlift, I would do it every week. I never went for weight more than I could do 5 times in a row though. Some people will tell you once a month, but I know Olympic guys who would do a huge heavy 1RM and then do light deads another day. Hell they did powe cleans too and that is just a dead lift + extra shiznit. I would only NOT do an exercise if it caused me pain. Not soreness, but pain. Hooray deadlifts I was reading some lower back safety article and got the same advice, 5 reps, maximum weight. Thanks to the mix-up at work with the gym passes I missed 3 deadlift days and had to drop down the weight a little but I'm back to 1x a week. Funny thing is not many people where I go to the gym do dealifts. They are all huge from the waist up. Not many people do dead lifts in comparison to everything else a gym has to offer, for what ever reason. I've been doing a 5x5 program suggested from Starting Strength by Rippetoe, but I'm only doing 145lbs.
  14. The replacement screens are about $60, but then you would have to deal with powering it, and the connections.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't stop posting Peng. While waiting to meet an advisor for classes next semester, I read London blip, and laughed at the rest.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You have a piss bucket, or something close by? That's about an average piss for me. Okay, not average but not twice average. I've never measured my piss before. Never start a sentence with but, so I won't, but I do drink a lot throughout the day. I'll have to borrow my neighbor's measuring cup tomorrow. Measuring cup? ROFL. I won a bet in college filling up a gallon apple juice jug. I'd obviously fill, dump, and repeat. Duh! I thought you knew this! What did you win, a BJ afterwards, or a high five?
  17. ssh

    Competition box

    Testing different tunings, different net volumes, port area, port firing orientation, driver firing orientation. Smoothing out the inside of the enclosures, and entrances/exits of port(s).
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You have a piss bucket, or something close by? That's about an average piss for me. Okay, not average but not twice average. I've never measured my piss before. Never start a sentence with but, so I won't, but I do drink a lot throughout the day. I'll have to borrow my neighbor's measuring cup tomorrow.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You have a piss bucket, or something close by?
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

  21. Ok, that's what I was more or less looking for on the SSF setting. I assume it uses the type of filter, but I have no idea how to tell the difference lol. Where does the .707 come from? Just curious so I can educate myself. Thank you for your input. I've had it for some time. I previously had a pocket o-scope which was very inconsistent and died in about two weeks. It works fine for what it is. -3dB change = half power. If you have 100watts from 10v*10a, then a -3db change would be 100watts / 2, so 50watts. In order to drop from 100watts to 50watts from a change in both voltage & current, you end up with 0.707 0.707*10v = 7.07v 0.707*10a = 7.07a 7.07amps*7.07volts = 49.9849watts.
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll read it in a bit, don'tchu worry.
  23. ssh

    once in a lifetime experience!

    So jealous, that indy car would be awesome.
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Matt, how often do you dead lift? I know some of the people doing olympic type shit / massive weight only do it once or twice a month on account of serious cns fatigue. I've been doing it once a week with relatively lower weight, and it seems to be a good compromise currently.
  25. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ya ya ya I get all your points you motherfuckers.