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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Head Unit Powering Coaxil's

    Believe it or not, but there's a fair amount of people that actually make multiple threads concerning the same stuff. Perhaps he just didn't notice that yours were exactly the same.
  2. ssh

    Head Unit Powering Coaxil's

    A fluctuation in voltage causes the lights to dim, now whether your fluctuation is serious or not, I do not know. IE: I had a high output alt in my previous vehicle, and the lights would dim from voltage fluctuation 15.5v to 14v. Obviously the larger the change = more dimming. So as already mentioned, adding grounds, and adding power wire from alt to battery can help. Best thing is to get a dmm (digital multimeter), and actually measure your voltage drop. Will a comp set work on headunit power? Yes, but you may not be pleased with the results. Don't be surprised if it doesn't sound as good as the stock speakers.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Goddamn pack-rats tearing shit up in the front yard, AND still fucking with my car. Time to sit out front with a bb-gun.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I ask you over again You only answer perhaps perhaps perhaps if you can't make your mind up, well never get started and I don't want to wind up being broken hearted so if you really love me, say yes but if you don't dear, confess-- and please dont tell me perhaps perhaps pehaps perhaps perhaps perhaps
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If it's dry and bland, no bueno. Main reason I don't like chicken 99% of the time.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I only eat chicken if it's cooked in wine and broth, and wrapped with bacon. Ironically it's one of my favorite dishes.
  7. ssh

    New system Ideas?

    You should also learn about port area, how to calculate how much is enough, and why. Hint: It has to do with the speed or velocity of the air at the port. "vent mach" "port speed" The forum has a search function, it will be your friend.
  8. ssh

    New system Ideas?

    There are different enclosure types ie: sealed, ported/vented, 4th order bandpass, etc. For you, stick with a ported enclosure. The tuning frequency of the port & enclosure volume will effect the frequency response (output vs frequency). The direction in which the subwoofers will be firing and the port location will also effect the frequency response. How much? Possibly enough to be noticeably louder, perhaps not.
  9. ssh

    New system Ideas?

    I wouldn't bother with a c-pillar wall, mine as well just use a big ass box in the cargo area, and you'll still be able to use your rear-view mirror. Perception of loudness is a funny thing. IE: One could build a spl box for an 8" playing a high frequency, have it meter high, but in another setup metering lower with a lower frequency, and the latter sounds and or feels much louder. As much as I despise the smd forum, I believe there are a few people on there with grand cherokees. You could try PMing them, and pick their brains on their enclosure alignments, and what they managed on termlabs.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's how I cook when camping, always turns out well.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's a big ass pot you have. I have a big ole gulasch pot, I could boil 3 of those at one time. My next response: That's a big stove! Must take up all the burners?
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Riding yesterday was hot and humid, but there was a weebit more traction. Also found a new trail someone cut, always nice riding something new.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Few months before that when I first got my weights, I tried doing a single chin with all 50lbs, and I couldn't even budge my arms.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Looking through all my notes from working out, in two months I went from 15lbs 5rm to 50lbs 5rm for weighted chins. Gotta love beginner gains.
  15. ssh

    New system Ideas?

    I still wouldn't say that. Honestly it depends on your set up you're correct stefan. i know what you mean now. But if you set it up right it is absolutely possible to get there. Yes it's a possibility. I've seen people with 4 15s and tons of power struggle to break 150, and I've seen people with a pair of 12s break it. All varies from Competing format, mic positioning, vehicle characteristics, and enclosure alignment. To the OP, if you get into competing and want to break some number goal that's cool, but for a daily setup I wouldn't worry so much about breaking some number.
  16. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_43829_Precision-Power-BK210.2.html http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_43832_Precision-Power-BK340.4.html There's a few others depending on exactly how many channels and power you want.
  17. ssh

    New system Ideas?

    I still wouldn't say that.
  18. I believe Precision Power has some relatively cheap amps, and they get great reviews. Check them out on SonicElectronix.com
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's a big ass pot you have.
  20. ssh

    New system Ideas?

    It's not an instant 150dB.
  21. ssh

    Happy Birthday Justin (TRP)

    Happy Birthday Justin!
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wanna fuck with me: http://s1.reutersmed...r=ALNE81N0VBG00
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Catfish and crawdads!
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Cool grass. Just an FYI, the boot fitters at REI told me to tighten them a shit ton and not to wear them loose. Looks more like clover to me. With my toe length, they fit nice and tight. Not what I meant. The elastic strap. Pull the shit out of it Til ya turn blue.