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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Need votes for IA Dream contest

    Post a link for us to vote.
  2. ssh

    Thinks this is legit

  3. ssh

    12" Xcon

    Have you tried firing the xcon back instead of up?
  4. ssh

    12" Xcon

    What vehicle is it installed in? Where is the driver positioned, and facing? What amp?
  5. ssh

    12" Xcon

    The xcon can take more power that then, but it doesn't necessarily need it. If you want more output then consider using a larger ported enclosure. If space is an issue, then use more power.
  6. I understand it is a low frequency high pass filter. Why wouldn't you use one? Because of the rolloff? Frequencies below a ported enclosure's tuning frequency cause a big increase in excursion. Enough that it's possible to exceed the suspension of the driver, and tear everything apart. So a sub sonic filter (hpf) can be used to attenuate the signal where frequencies are below the enclosure tuning, so excursion will be reduced. Example: Ported enclosure tuned to 30hz. Sine wave of 35hz with an rms amplitude of 500watts causes the cone to move 15mm. Sine wave of 20hz with an rms amplitude of 500watts causes the cone to move 25mm, and the driver's rated limit is only 20mm. Set SSF to 28hz, and the 20hz sine wave is now attenuated by 24dB , 10log(x/500)=-24dB x = 45w, and the rms amplitude would be 45watts. Now that 28hz sine wave has way less power to it, and the excursion will be reduced enough to where it's well within the driver's mechanical limits. A sealed enclosure doesn't have a port, so there isn't any point where the excursion shoots through the roof. If you were to model excursion vs frequency in a program, you would see that in a sealed box the excursion is relatively linear with less change.
  7. A line driver and volume know is all that you need then. Knob. I'm guessing is what he meant--he's probably drunk right now.
  8. ssh

    12" Xcon

    Lol. There is no set point where it becomes "really loud." Use what ever power you have available. In a perfect world where impedance, cooling, and power compression don't come into play:
  9. ssh

    40 hz too high?

    He doesn't have anywhere as much space as that above top mount baffle, but if you did stagger them, it's going to be extremely close. I believe the outside diameter of the 18" ssa icons is 18.5"
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's how I do my chins and deads. Per Mr. Leangains recommendation? Pretty much. On the chins I don't do a warm up set as I've already done other warm ups, and feel comfortable. 52.5lbs x 4 chins 37.5lbs x 6 chins 22.5lbs x 7 chins rope chin-ups 8 Then deads: 90 +bar x4 105 +bar x4 120 +bar x4 150 +bar x3 135 +bar x4
  11. ssh

    40 hz too high?

    You would have to angle the mounting baffles inward or outward.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's how I do my chins and deads.
  13. ssh

    Good protein supplements

    If you don't have any issues with dairy, then just use Whey. Read on the nutrition / serving size labeling before buying because some stuff has a lot more flavoring/filler then actual protein, but it may be easier to drink for you. Personally I try to buy Whey without any flavoring, but some people can't stand the taste cause they bitches. I try to get most of my protein from food, and supplement the rest with Whey. IE: I weigh 135lbs, and I shoot for at least 160g of protein per day. six glasses of milk = 12cups, 12x8g protein = 96g protein can of sardines, 24g protein 4 eggs, 4x6g = 24g protein ----------------------------------- 144g, then I'll take 30g of whey or so. Milk is about 80% casein and 20% whey, so if you drink milk, you get the best of both worlds so to speak. Casein does have a slower digesting rate then Whey, but that doesn't mean you couldn't sip Whey throughout the day, or take it with a meal to slow down the digestion rate.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <- Kinda jelly right now.
  15. ssh

    40 hz too high?

    I didn't "bash" anyone-only pointed out false information that anyone with a relatively intermediate understanding of speakers would laugh their ass off at. Now if you want to hear bashing: I find it incredibly amusing that one might think of themselves as knowledgeable in the car audio realm, yet don't know what either a Low Pass Filter and Sub Sonic Filter / High Pass Filter are, or how to set them. I don't have any credentials, so you can choose to take what I say with a grain of salt. In fact I believe you shouldn't just listen to my bashing, but instead research for yourself. Maybe read a book on the fundamentals of speakers and enclosure design?
  16. ssh

    40 hz too high?

    250hz for the LPF is way too high for your subwoofers. Generally people cross around 80hz, but really that's sort-of an arbitrary number as everyone's install is different. And generally for those that use a ported enclosure they set the SSF a few hertz below the tuning frequency of their enclosure. It also isn't uncommon to set the SSF a bit below the Fs rating of the driver. If your SSF is set too low relative to your enclosure tuning then over-excursion can become an issue.
  17. ssh

    40 hz too high?

    You just stated you didn't have room, then asked about getting some? I'm confused. What you heard was wrong-plain and simple. Poor installation can make any driver sound terrible.
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I didn't think it could be done! Better yet: Yikes, that dcon instantly killed those motherfucking rats that fucked with my car-it was pretty rad.
  19. ssh

    40 hz too high?

    I'm sorry, but what you've known to be true is actually wrong. Aside from slight T/S changes from say a 15" model driver to the 18" model, SQ / FR with appropriate enclosure volume should be similar aside from output.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Or people won't be taking you seriously.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hope not in the same sentence.