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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bigjon LOL.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Coleman was certainly hard working and gifted, but he did spend a pretty penny on steroids too.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know I know, but im willing to bet its his install, and not the drivers. But then again his install may have fucked it up too, so either way people will see it now and take note.
  4. ssh

    just keeping a log

    Me too, but the handstands and german hangs are helping.
  5. ssh

    For sale 2 zcon 12's D2's

    If they are, then more then likely its the install, and not the drivers. Sorry to post dump OP.
  6. ssh

    just keeping a log

    8/20/2012 hollow hold 2x30sec superman hold 1x60sec plank 60sec reverse plank 60sec frog stand, 3x20sec wrist pushups 10 german hang 3x5sec handstand 4x20sec tuck planche 3x5sec front lever tuck 3x20sec back lever tuck 4x15sec L-sit tuck on rings 3x20sec slow dips 3x5 curling 3x4 3000kcal, 130g protein.
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Build log pix please. Alright, I'll upload pics of the Nakamichi install and this install Pics galore http://www.soundsolu...passat-install/ Always love seeing a legit build. Tuned in for more.
  8. ssh

    This work?

    Expanding foam? How do you do it without getting it on the window tracks, and leaving room for glass?
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd love to go to a Ted event.
  10. ssh

    This work?

    I think you might be able to use it with a parabolic dish, and cook hotdogs.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love watching CrossFit videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnnOWfj2TW4
  12. ssh

    Is an email with an update too much to ask?

    I would marked that address as spam if it was me. You might want to create a more business professional account for future refrences. Why? He's not the seller, who gives a shit what his email is.
  13. ssh

    Nick not working at Fi anymore?

    Don't say that, people will think your serious.
  14. ssh

    Nick not working at Fi anymore?

    That is correct. I believe he decided it was time to try something new.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Incognito is for porn.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sold my ms-8. Guy installed it, said it worked for a while, and suddenly now it's not. UGH.
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anne Hathaway. I want her.
  18. ssh

    just keeping a log

    8/18/2012 restday 3750kcal 212g protein
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Gotta teach them young the ways of the internet:
  20. I loved the video. If only there were more.
  21. ssh

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    I've spent a lot of money on car audio in the last four years. I wanted something louder, and louder. Then I grew bored of it, so I switched to a sq oriented setup, and spent even more. Then I realized I could have spent a third of the money I did, been just as happy, and have had tons of extra money for other fun shit. Young people often make poor decisions, and takes them a while to figure out they did--I am no exception. In any event, do what makes you happy. thanks man advice well taken and if course I'm not gonna spend full amount on a system because I am getting a car and I am selling my bike Car is good, you can't pick up girls with a dirt bike. Especially if... *the instigator ducks for cover from Neal*