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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you have an extra pc you could install a linux server distro, set everything up locally, and see how it does. Then do the same on a vps.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wells Fargo has kept prompting me to change my password, and I keep clicking "next time." Finally it says I have to do it, and under the guidelines it lists: "Cannot contain nine or more numbers." WTF. Why the fuck not. Oh and it's limited to 14chars. Why put a length limit on a password, so they can save a KB of data storage? Fuckers.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wouldn't use a laptop, or any computer at home for that because depending how many people are connecting, your internet speed is going to suffer, your isp may be nosy, and it opens up your local network. If your only sharing a few things to a few people, and everything is setup correctly then it can work, but I'd opt for something else. I would get a VPS account, and you could make it do anything your heart desires. Setup apache webserver for providing web links to files. Create individual login accounts for people (each would have specific access). When I have some free time I'm going to setup something similar, so I could help once mine is working.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lol, then in that case you could do a persistent os install on a thumbdrive. You'd have to check their bios, and make sure removable media / usb has a higher boot priority then their hdds. I assume I would only have to enter "setup" before the system boots correct? It may just work without entering the bios setup, but if it doesn't, then you'll have to enter the bios during comp startup and check the boot priority and change if need be. Once the boot priority is changed, it'll stay that way.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lol, then in that case you could do a persistent os install on a thumbdrive. You'd have to check their bios, and make sure removable media / usb has a higher boot priority then their hdds.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The computer has one internal hard-drive, completely partitioned for windows os. With the usb thumdrive plugged in, I select it for booting (same as you would with a CD), and the comp runs the Linux os from the thumbdrive. Any files that are created under the Linux os, are stored on the thumbdrive until reboot (then gone). You can make the usb thumbdrive os persistent, so anything saved during the session is still there after rebooting, I just don't have it configured that way. By default, when the linux os is running, the internal hard-drive is unmounted, so nothing is stored to it. However, I can simply double click on it for mounting, and the windows partition is available for reading and writing. Anything that I need to save, I save to a separate microsd card so it isn't tied to the computer. I'm not entirely sure what your trying to accomplish. If your trying to store data, and make it secure and hidden then you could make an encrypted linux style partition (windows wouldn't see it), and the only way to access it is through a linux os with sufficient credentials (whether the linux os is installed on another partition on the computer, or simply running from a thumbdrive). The Raspberry Pi comes with a Debian based os, or you can run Arch linux, or any arm based linux distro, so it's definitely going to have functionality, but I still don't know exactly what you would be trying to do with it.
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wouldn't be surprised if they had something in the works then.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I always prefer to do that in software, not hardware. MiniDSP can invert the phase. On the same page as the time delay. thanks! Just trying to think a head this time around. i'd really like to ditch the hu and go with 1 or 2 minidsp's. I'm really liking the idea of a 7" tablet as the "head unit". shame you cant tweak the setting on the minidsp with the tablet. I wonder if that's a possibility for the future. Their software is based on Adobe Air, so I don't see why it would be too hard for them to port to android os. Tablet has mini-usb type connection?
  9. Curious, were your results different then the software when testing in an open environment?
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Amen--to grammar.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh and the linux distro is called Back Track. It's all open-source. I have mine on a thumbstick, and store sensitive data on a microsd card. Without those two, my laptop boots to a blank win7 install.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mine is FBI Surveillance Van #42 That's more believable. Or "fbi-vhid1374." At LAX I made my lappy as a new AP labeled: "lax_guest," and had all url requests redirect to bangbros.com, but it only lasted a few minutes before so many connections lagged everything until it basically crashed. It was worth seeing a few people twenty feet away jerk their head back, and look back and forth like the coast was clear. How does one do something like that? For breaking wep and wpa, your wireless card has to support packet injection, but for faking a AP, I'm not sure if that's still a requirement. Luckily for me, my laptop has an Atheros chipset that's supported. I use a linux distro that's compiled specifically for pentesting, so it comes with a whole slew of programs. Specifically the aircrack-ng suite has all the tools. Then you need to reconfigure the iptables, and setup port forwarding.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lucky for me, there's always those neo groups. o_O
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mine is FBI Surveillance Van #42 That's more believable. Or "fbi-vhid1374." At LAX I made my lappy as a new AP labeled: "lax_guest," and had all url requests redirect to bangbros.com, but it only lasted a few minutes before so many connections lagged everything until it basically crashed. It was worth seeing a few people twenty feet away jerk their head back, and look back and forth like the coast was clear.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "FBI van outside" works very well also. I did originally start with: "USSR Command Post," but figured that might be over the top considering some of my neighbors are veterans.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "Oh yeah that jewel finish is nice! That's the one!"
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm confusing the shit out of my neighbors after renaming my wireless network to: "Bob's Coffee Shop."
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ahh foot massage.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Holy shit.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love to procrastinate, and what's always helped me is having a basic todo list, ordered by deadlines and importance. If it's something big, I like to take breaks here and there as a psychological reward.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My cousin, who has absolutely no interest in any type of motorsports, found it captivating. And this was at around 1:30am when he was going to go to bed but he stayed up because the race caught his attention. Damn, ill have to find it on youtube, or download somewhere.
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I won't ruin it for you. But there was an epic race long battle for a position and an unexpected accident! Sweet. Lately they haven't been very interesting to me.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've scratched the surface, and so far a lot is what I was looking for. Been listening to a bunch of the Spanish and french stuff, Spanish seems to be quicker pace, and french is well french. Cross section was more important than depth. My problem was my cross section started out 3x too big so when I removed some things I probably didn't do the worlds best job but figured anything is a start. 8gb is a good start.