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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    what else does my box need?

    From what I've read on the forums it doesn't seem like they do too much, but I don't many boxes either, so might be better to wait until others chime in.
  2. ssh

    what else does my box need?

    Must be magic. If you don't double baffle then I would add some hefty bracing to that panel. Perhaps a rectangular panel between the drivers, with holes cut through it. Like this:
  3. ssh

    Voltage dropping irregularly

    Actually your voltage is 14259. You should get that looked at.
  4. ssh

    what else does my box need?

    What drivers are you using? Depending on drivers, you may want to double baffle. Doing anything with the lower right hand corner part? A lot of people use wooden dowel rods. Cheap, take up little volume, and seem to work well for bracing. The driver in front of the port wall shouldn't be an issue.
  5. If your electrical is up to par, and your amp has the gain set to the max before audible distortion then your at the limits of it, You would need a different amp, or possibly a second one if they are are strappable (sp?). What amp does your buddy have? What does your voltage drop to at full tilt?
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Curious what language? Good ole' C Oh cool. I started learning c++ a few years back, but only got passed the basics then got busy with other stuff. Now I wouldn't mind learning ruby on rails.
  7. He's doing a side port. The external width of the box is 40.5" - 0.75" - 0.75" = 39" The port length would be 36". Why wouldn't 36" fit in 39"? So if his port was 38" long he would still not have to bend it? but he would have 3.75" left open to the port entrance. You don't think that's enough? I always try to bend at the port width if possible. 3.75 should be enough but I would still bend at 34.75. I know with aero ports people say half of the port width, but that is a minimum and I always try to use more if possible. Would your way sound any different than my way, probably not. It is just how I have always done things and I was curious as to see when you would draw the line and bend it. so would you say go through the trouble of bending it or jus leave it with 3.75 inches of clearance? It doesn't require much more effort, so mine as well play it safe, and bend it.
  8. That's what I was envisioning, but wait until Rick replies to my last post. I'm curious, and he's built more boxes then me.
  9. He's doing a side port. The external width of the box is 40.5" - 0.75" - 0.75" = 39" The port length would be 36". Why wouldn't 36" fit in 39"? So if his port was 38" long he would still not have to bend it? If it was 38" long then that's pretty close to the panel, and I would reconsider it, but he would have 3.75" left open to the port entrance. You don't think that's enough? If so, he could make the one length 34.75", and 1.25" for the second part. Correct?
  10. It only bends if you run out of room going that direction.
  11. Your port should have the same amount of area from the entrance to the exit. Anything apart from the port is enclosure volume.
  12. I've been using this: http://www.bitpusher.in/?p=ported
  13. He's doing a side port. The external width of the box is 40.5" - 0.75" - 0.75" = 39" The port length would be 36". Why wouldn't 36" fit in 39"?
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yo Aaron, http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/product-information/dcon.html You guys have the Vas for the 12" model on the 10" and 15".
  15. It won't have a bend. your box width is 40.5" - wood thickness of each side(.75x2) = 39" > 36" That is accounting for woofer displacement. The only thing not accounted for is any additional bracing you may add, but dowel rods don't have much volume so I wouldn't worry about it. No problem, glad I could help.
  16. When I posted the previous numbers I thought it was back firing, so I calculated for a different displacement from double baffle, but don't fret: With what you posted just change the port length to 36", and you'll end up with 33.5hz tuning, and 4.08 ft^3 Looks like your all set.
  17. Before anyone tries it--don't.
  18. If strapping is an issue, I'm sure gain matching will be more of an issue. Not very difficult to take a DMM and make the numbers match. If you know how to read numbers, it should be fairly easy to match gains. I could teach my 8 year old how to do it. I heard one coil in phase, and the other out of phase is the way to get loud.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Curious what language?
  20. ssh

    Been missing the forum

    I just had to post this.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Latest release has some bullshit gui. Remove gui, run from console, win ! That's pretty much how it is with BT5.
  22. Nope. Well under 3 ft^3 net. Plus it really doesn't make any sense to use 5" for height when the enclosure height is 17.75". Quit using 1" MDF, your already limited on space, and that's not going to help. 0.75" MDF 40.5" width x 17.75" height x 20" depth double baffle. Presuming the baffle panel is 40.5" x 17.75" port width: 5", port height: 15.5". Fits with the height of the box. 77.5 in^2 port area Port length: 34.25" tuning: 33.5hz net volume 4.27 ft^3 Throw in some dowel bracing, and your still over 4 ft^3.
  23. ssh

    Port calculation help

    Server is down right now. Not sure why. Use this instead for now: http://stefanhinote.com/bitpusher.in/