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Everything posted by ssh

  1. Do you happen to have some design on the box handy? I'd be curious to take a look.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

  3. Anyone have Battlefield 2 for PC? Considering setting up a bf2 server for ssa members.
  4. ssh

    just keeping a log

    10/18/2012 hollow hold 60sec superman hold 60sec plank 60sec reverse plank 60sec frog stand 3x20sec wrist pushups 10 L-sit 6x10sec handstand 3x35sec handstand 1/2 down 2x20sec front lever tuck 2x30sec back lever tuck 4x15sec support hold on rings 4x15sec HeSPU box 5x4 pullups 5x5 oac+assistonefinger 2 per arm chins 5x5
  5. ssh

    Modified Crescendo BC3500d's

    So the heatsinks are on the bottom? Heat rises...
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I forgot my jacket today. Holy shit is class cold. Its like a fucking server room
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I figured they'd be the one of the last to be called that--at least for engineering.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My phone does the same thing to alert me that i'm using International towers. But it waits a second. Enough time for me to push "call" and put the speaker right next to my god damn ear *BEEP* Fucking devs.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Make sure to clean up. K? Nah dawg. I'm sitting in shit right now talking to you.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Stupid fucking Android. Battery is at 15%, and listening to music with headphones at medium volume. What does it do? Max volume alert beep that battery is low. Scared the shit out of me.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I... took a shower today!
  12. ssh

    New Build Ideas?!

    What ever you can afford. After spending thirty seconds with your dimensions I would most likely go with a pair of 15s.
  13. ssh

    New Build Ideas?!

    Def not harsh, very informational actually. and max would be 40 wide. somewhere around 25 deep and 20 high....whats subs do you reccomend then? Tons of possibilities. I'm inherently biased towards SSA. They run this awesome website. They have the best customer service--period. Their drivers speak for themselves.
  14. ssh

    New Build Ideas?!

    Your young, and prone to terrible ideas. Don't wall it--especially a c-pillar. Max dimensions would be helpful otherwise any advice doesn't mean much. Since your on a budget I would spend the money towards the cone area, and not bother with "3-4k." The difference in output likely won't be worth the investment. Especially after you factor in all the electrical upgrade costs. Provided you have adequate room I would opt for 2 18s in the cargo area, or 2 15s. If I sound harsh it's because I was in a similar position not that long ago, and I've made many vehicle alterations that I highly regret.
  15. ssh

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    The port is done--it's 4" long. 90hz tuning.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Definitely. 99% of my shit isn't important, but it's still nice to have a place to talk about it.
  17. ssh

    Crescendo Midrange speakers

    The only useful piece of information on that webpage is the mounting depth. That's my favorite part.
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That would take a little practice to learn how to drive. Pretty sweet though. just like a limo or a buss. nothing for me. i tow 18 wheelers, daily thats right around 90 feet and over 100 thousand pounds It'll be a go-kart for you.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091122174438AA8mXQN :rofl:
  20. Then it makes no difference. Port area is port area.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You need P90X, and burn that fat off TODAY!