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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    just keeping a log

    rofl thanks. People give me shit cause I don't shave often enough, but it grows too fast!
  2. ssh

    just keeping a log

    Trying to walk around in a handstand. Slowly getting better. On another note 7rm for weighted chins is up to 50lbs.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Go-kart track at Guantanamo Bay. http://jalopnik.com/5974947/this-is-guantanamo-bays-400000-go+kart-track
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh and one last thing before all the dust settles. Don't tell anyone, but I ate two sticks of butter today, and feel fine. Perhaps the chili I ate the day before didn't sit well with the butter, or I'm starting to produce more lipase.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Same as well. KM2s have a more aggressive pattern, and seemed to wear a little quicker than the all terrains. The nitto grapplers lasted well on our JK, but not so much on the dodge diesel (guessing the weight caused it to wear out faster, not positive).
  7. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But yet you'll eat 4 sticks of butter and have no fear about cholesterol problems or CVD. I have to chuckle. Your simply ignorant. I am ignorant? Or your ignorant? If you are going to call me ignorant for voicing an opinion that may be contradictory to yours, at least do yourself a favor and don't display your ignorance in just a few words. No offense dude, but your (properly used) ideas seem more than a little hypocritical and rather narrow minded. You elect to let me know why huge fat intakes, while the vast majority of the medical community disagrees with your personal beliefs, are totally safe. Yet in the next breath you elect to inform me that you choose not to take in sugar, since the vast majority of the medical community agrees with your personal belief. The cool thing about the internet is, I can find a million reasons why both of us are right, and both of us are wrong. Perhaps you should learn that when one is, what 22 years old, you don't know everything. No matter how much you choose to copy and paste shit to disprove someone both you and your source may be wrong. I am twice your age, and frankly I don't know shit. But I do know this: between the 2 of us your wordy disputes are proof that you don't want to listen and learn from people who have been around a lot longer, and have likely learned a thing or 2 more than you. Frankly I don't care to prove anything, unlike you who is getting terribly defensive and jumping everyone's shit for disagreeing with you, or simply voicing alternative perspectives. But I can tell you this; I have been lifting longer then you have been alive. I can gain weight and mass, and lose weight and mass quite readily. You are stagnant. So tell me, who do you really think has more real world, first hand experience? Who do you think is just reading shit and reposting it like it is prophecy? Who do you think is the more successful of the 2 of us at gaining weight and mass? I am currently 6'1" and 225 pounds. By summer I will be 205 pounds and cut fairly lean. Guess what will happen next year? Guess who doesn't have diabetes, even though my family has a propensity towards diabetes? Guess who doesn't have high cholesterol even though my family is predisposed to CVD? I have proof that my shit works, you have nothing but an idea that, thus far, has proven to be unfruitful. Exactly. Frankly I am tired of you (Stefan) being a defensive douchebag. It is one thing to debate and joke a little, but it has gone beyond that. The kindergarten playground namecalling is fucking weak. I am done with this conversation. Stefan, continue on with your failure to achieve your goal if that is what you want to do. The best thing we can hope for is that maybe you will put your ego aside for a little bit and try what is obviously working for others. On that note, I have no personal issue with you. But if you have one with me, let me know. I am not afraid to tell someone to go fuck themselves quite directly, and frankly, I will not be called ignorant by someone half my age who lives at home with his mother without telling him to go fuck himself. We cool? I truly didn't take any offense from what you ever said, Matt was the one getting under my skin--which really doesn't mean anything because no matter how much he or I hammer each other I believe we'll always be cool. Guess that sounded a little gay, but whatever. Only reason I called ignorance was the simple fact that you couldn't give me any reason as to why you thought butter had negative effects on cardiovascular health. You simply said it's bad because everyone says it's bad. I don't have a problem with you, or anyone else for that matter. I also admit this did get way out of hand, so I'm going to avoid the subject altogether in the future.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Depending on how much grip you want, bf Goodrich km2, all terrain, or nitto graplers.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Came out nice. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to even start that.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I understand that, and lots of what was brought up was well intentioned, but some of it was equally ignorant, or incredibly annoying. Ignorance doesn't bug me that much, but unwavering annoyance does. I feel this horse has been beaten to death, so we can all go back to whatever we were previously doing before I said "I'm going to regret this..."
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But yet you'll eat 4 sticks of butter and have no fear about cholesterol problems or CVD. I have to chuckle. Your simply ignorant. I'm laughing as I type this and not trying to be a dick, but when you call someone ignorant you want to say "you are" not "your", your is possessive. Sorry man, I do enjoy reading your posts and not trying to make an enemy. Grammar has never been my strong suite.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll concede to that, but I do like to still be able to use my bf when needed, and sometimes carbs can be a hindrance to that (elevated insulin levels blunting fat oxidation). Then again protein can have a similar effect, so I try to eat it at the same time I eat carbs so it's not a double whammy. Either way at the end of the day I'm still getting a substantial amount of carbs, and all I really need is more kcal regardless of what it comes from.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But yet you'll eat 4 sticks of butter and have no fear about cholesterol problems or CVD. I have to chuckle. Your simply ignorant.
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <- Should have been in bed hours ago.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    More then anything it was just a major annoyance as I felt it was going absolutely no where--all the while in the back of my head I remember you mentioning you had so much experience in the field, yet some what recently developed diabetes. I have a stance that the majority of one's health falls to their diet, exercise, and lifestyle. I'm not saying genetics don't play a role, but I feel that the majority of the time they aren't the reason why John Doe had a heart attack, diabetes, etc. I just get tired of hearing people saying "it runs in the family," so therefore it's predisposed, and whatever I do diet or lifestyle wise is immaterial. I will admit that I haven't spent that much time researching anything to support this stance, so it's sort of a prejudice. Fwiw everyone on my mother's side has had heart attacks. My great grandfather died at age 55, and my grandfather required open heart surgery in his forties. My grandmother is a diabetic, has Alzheimer's, and dementia. I still genuinely feel I'm at an even playing field as almost everyone else for a healthy life regardless of all that family background--perhaps I'm wrong.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    All I was trying to achieve was finding a way to add more kcal into my diet, so that I don't limit my potential gains from my workouts, and using butter seemed like a good idea as I was already getting plenty of protein and carbs. If I didn't have an issue with appetite, I would simply eat more real food, but I can't. So yes I could drink juice or sugar water all day and net the same thing plus have higher insulin levels, but I choose to use fat instead because I don't want elevated insulin levels throughout my entire day. I'm sure I could drink sugar water all day, get more kcal, and probably wouldn't develop diabetes, but I'd rather not fuck with the possibility when I don't have to. I haven't smashed against the paradigm. I take protein and carbs before wo, carbs during wo, and protein+carbs after wo then later eating more carbs protein and fat. The only difference is I'm choosing to eat additional kcal from fat, and not solely carbs--which I don't believe is that out of whack. You've pissed me off so I know I'll regret this later, but if you worked in the industry for twelve years and know so much then why the fuck do you have metabolic syndrome, and diabetes? Perhaps you were just predisposed, and I'm an asshole? Either way, I find it interesting.
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <- Doesn't really give a shit anymore.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Okay I'm done talking about this.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like you a lot. No homo. Because you have spark and are honest and want to help others. But I am going to break your shit apart here in no kind manner. Hope you know it's because I want you to do better for you. Debating with assholes like me will make you a better person. I am convinced of it. You didn't read what I wrote at all, or you are taking it more out of context than NBC quoting a Tea party member. You are trying to add callories through fat to gain weight. You have a problem with eating as much fat as you want to get there. So you are going to slowly acclimate your body to SOMETHING IT TOLD YOU NOT TO DO. Replace the butter or fat you want to eat with dense carbs and I bet you grow like a sprout. And you won't ever get sick from it. Unless you have a reason to have a fear of diabetes. In general, nothing wrong with that. But with you stated goal of trying to gain muscle..... you could instead skip the fat, eat some noodles and oats, and even, dare I say it, sugar. You would have a BETTER insulin response, and not have to acclimate your body so you could start today and not tomorrow working on getting to your dream. A while back you said that people just stick to medical info because it has been repeated.... well listen to yourself. "eating butter didn't work, so I will just eat less until I can eat more. And yes I recognize that insulin would help with growth but I already eat a few non nondescript carbs so I am cool." What's worse is you don't even know how many kcal you take in a day. Your mom cooks for you and you eat what she makes. There is no way unless you weighed the ingredients that you know. And even then there is a 10% difference in total kcal from one chicken breast of the same mass to the next in some cases. Some MUCH more because of water content. So really you are not using any science behind your diet as you don't have a standard. You don't have an argument for what you are doing as you GOT SICK FROM DOING IT, or at least I missed why this method sounds better to you than eating or drinking a fuck load of carbs. Finally to put this to rest, I have NO problem with your philosophy. None. Not a bit. I even think the whole getting used to a fuck load of fat thing is interesting and worth investigation. What I don't like is this. In addition to you not having a control, using no scientific method, and you not using mass to measure things, your arguments are circular in an extreme manor. I don't understand why because you are so fucking smart. **** Facts I am thinking we agree on. Fat is fine and a dense source of kcal. But it made you sick and you probably spent more kcal heaving than you did on your last wind sprints. Insulin is the strongest anabolic hormone we are currently aware of. You want to gain muscle. When you work out your glycogen is depleated at the time of workout, but continues to drain for hours and hours. Maybe days. We even talked about how the meals the day after intense muscle breakdown may be more important than the immediate post work out refill. Carbs refill glycogen faster, and fats have a hard time doing this because of the problems they have to go through during liposis. Carbs produce a more controllable(I will omit preferable because I know that you have some hang up on the whole issue) insulin response. Carbs can be digested and taken into the blood stream in a greater quantity than fats or proteins over a given length of time. Carbs have more fiber than the fats you are talking about and will speed digestion allowing for more food intake sooner. A fuckload of carbs is a fuckload cheeper than a fuckload of fat and WAY easier to drink in many many many forms. Honestly this isn't a "health" goal but an athletic or aesthetic goal. *** Now being stronger and heartier and thicker bones aside is a health benefit, but the real immediate goal isn't that is it? I want to have an real debate with you, and I feel either you are holding back information or you are holding yourself back from the goal because you have something to prove. So tell me, honestly, why would you choose this method? I don't care if you use logos, pathos, or ethos for you argument. Even if it is to prove a point, own up to it. I cannot find your logic here when I drill down, or when I look at it from a really wide angle. On the surface, you got sick from it and no one else in the industry finds this method to work effectively. I don't think you want to look like those indian wrestlers right? A bit more lean correct? lol. I don't see any culture using this effectively for an athletic purpose so I to me if not even one group along the millions of cultures uses this to get to the goal you want from a broad stroke it doesn't fit. When we drill down, we don't have a control, we don't have data supporting(or defeating it per say), we don't have established goals, we don't have methodical data that you have taken, it made you sick, it appears more difficult than quaffing a bucket of juice, and it is relatively expencive. So from a cost vs reward vs risk, I am adding it up to be a no go. Once again, I'm all for "I DO WHAT I WANT!". However if you want to defend you doing what you want, I require a solid argument. It's in my nature to be critical, I want to see you do better for yourself. And that has NOTHING to do with agreeing with me. Just that if you state a goal, and I see a flaw, I'm going to call it out so you can get to your goal faster. Especially in an area where I have such a huge load of data and experience on and can provide you with help. And when you defend what I call you out on I'm going to break it down and make sure your argument makes sense. Let me start by saying I actually do know how many kcal I take in. Approx 90% of what I eat I "prepare," and I know EXACTLY how many kcal that is. The rest is what my mother makes at dinner, and I under estimate it, so perhaps I'm off by a few hundred kcal at the end of the day, but I'm dead sure I have at least xxx amount of kcal. You continue to draw this picture where I don't eat any carbs, attempt to use fat for everything, and have become sick from so much fat. one gallon whole milk contains 128g fat, or 1152 kcal from fat. one stick of butter contains 90g fat, or 810kcal from fat. I have no issues with the fat when drinking a gallon of whole milk, lactose I do have issues with, so I use lactase and or lactose free whole milk. 128g fat (gallon milk) vs 135g fat (1.5stick butter) Do you honestly think I have an issue digesting fat if I can consume 128g from milk, but not 135g from butter? Or rather perhaps I just went overboard when I decided to eat 1.5 sticks of butter? Perhaps I was simply overzealous, and should have eaten less, or given myself more time for digestion by spreading it throughout the day. Perhaps I should test my theory before simply saying fat makes me sick. What sounds more logical to you? I would have to consume 300g of carbs in order to get the same kcal as I would in 1.5stick butter--that's why I opted for butter, easy to eat, and lots of energy. I'm not going to sit down and drink 300g of carbs, and trying to eat an additional 300g carbs in real food negates my entire purpose as I won't have the appetite for it, where as drinking hot chocolate + butter isn't filling. For what it's worth I drank 0.5stick butter today with my milk, didn't have any issues, and it was fucking easy. On to the idea that I don't eat enough carbs, and that's my problem: one gallon whole milk contains 208g carbs, or 832 kcal. Between my pre, during, and post WO drinks that's 150g carbs, or 600kcal. Plus a carb meal after the workout, say it was super small 100g, or 400kcal. That's 1800kcal from carbs alone. Did I miss something? Something else you'd like to attempt to "rip apart" because so far you haven't proved a damn thing.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll get to you're shit later tonight when I'm home and if I'm still awake.
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's funny, I find it grainy. Not so used to eating my fats in powder form though. Stefan if you want butter powder I can tell you how to make it *gags* It's chill.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I agree with everything you said. They have actually done studies where they fed people cholesterol, not fat, but pure cholesterol, and they didn't have a rise in cholesterol at all on subsequent blood draws. The only fats that are "bad" are when you eat more than you can burn off and get fat (or puke.... or shit slime). Tras fats can also be bad, but it reeally depends on the definition, and then the type. Some classify perfectly fine forms of MCTs as trans fat. Those are probably ok. What isn't ok is when you take a healthy fat, high in the "healthy fats" and heat it, or alter it to a point where it is plasticized(this is the easiest term to understand what happens). Basically making a fat that was once a liquid at a given temperature a solid at that same temp. Those are actually found to be a possible carcinogen, and at bare minimum cause mutations of your fat cells. They are also really really really likely to increase the plaque build up. Maybe by the pathway you mentioned, or maybe during digestion it hits the bloodstream and starts causing shit on it's own. We don't know the pathway as far as I know. Doesn't change the fact that you would have a better anabolic response and easier time digesting and using carbs as a source of energy. Insulin is king for gaining weight. Muscle or fat. That is all there is to it. The discussion on that subject is completely 100% been hashed out. I'm on mobile so I'm not going to write a book, but Im eating carbs after workout, and drinking milk throughout the day. Don't forget protein has a significant effect on insulin. So I'm sure my anabolic response is there. Either way I'm finisHing my workout now, peace yo.