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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That would be funny shit to see them duke it out in the oatmeal business.
  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Someone should make a spoof video called: "It's not easy being Kevin."
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And no, I don't like the banners either.
  4. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://loadimpact.com/page-analysis/www.soundsolutionsaudio.com-ca68f1f2d8a5bb8a871e58f34d7798c7 The largest contributor to total page load time is the green, or "Time til first byte received." Meaning the web-browser sends an http request to the server for some page/file, and it takes xxx amount of time before the server replies to the request, and starts responding with the data. In this instance it took 3.36 seconds for the server to respond. Visit the soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum, and the first page called for is index.php Once the browser receives it's data, then it begins calling new requests for files that index.php calls for (ie: images, javascript, fancy banners, style sheets, etc). Before the server can respond with the data for index.php to the browser it must run the server side code (PHP in this case). The php code retrieves a shit load of information from the mysql database (ie: online users, latest posts, index of topics, subtopics, everything that makes this a forum dynamic basically). Visiting soundsolutionsaudio.com is fairly fast, but it's not running the same php code the forum software is, and it's not retrieving a ton of information from a database. So the forum is slow because there is either an issue with some snippet of php code, or the forum database.
  5. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The bar at the top is a static image with links embedded, shouldn't have a speed effect. The side tabs are a tiny script that shouldn't have much effect on the page load. Ha, you sound like our IT department. Key word is shouldn't; however, in life my experience when it comes to IT that is RARELY the case. I'll bet you it isn't either of those causing the issue.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    From the new ihop? If so you're going to have a lot of shit in the morning.
  7. ssh

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Uber sharp. Wiring looks nice and tidy.
  8. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So far it seems to be a lot better--though not the same as a few months ago. I have had a LOT of errors since. I am always wary to mention it but I have still been getting errors saying SSA is down. Pretty sure it wasn't the hop. It's acting worse than ever. :(/> WAY slower than it has ever been. I must have had a lucky stint because it's not any better now.
  9. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It's something with the server load, IP board software, or mySQL database.
  10. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    She's dead I tell you! All the local channels broke away last night to televise the press conference. I was not enthralled. Funny how he is a "victim." When I heard that shit I was literally laughing my ass off for five minutes. Even better, this chick I know from class has had a huge crush on him, so now I just give her shit about it.
  11. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    She's dead I tell you!
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Couldn't find one with chrome rims, Ryan.
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I never cared much for them, but the latest ones (2012+)...
  15. Following SSA recommendations for optimal volume, 2.5ft^3 net volume is what you'd like to shoot for. Plug in T/S specs from: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/product-information/dcon.html into here: http://bitpusher.in/?p=portarea to find out how much port area you need. Then go here: http://bitpusher.in/?p=ported Then all you have to figure out is your cutout dimensions.
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Best twitter account ever: https://twitter.com/ghettohikes
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Youtube comments--lawl.
  18. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    All posts about the infamous supertweeters were deleted. Edit: not deleted, just made a new thread.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Mac's are aesthetically pleasing.
  20. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I think it's finally time I replace my desktop speakers. There's a bad connection on the volume knob, so I have to bump it to get sound, and when it does work--only the left channel works. Now the volume is periodically going up and down.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Add some fruit with the veggies, and I don't see why not. I've heard of smoothies made with yam, but yet to try it.
  22. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm pretty sure the slow loading is a server issue, so I don't see how it would be any different on your mac--unless Safari is caching pages like crazy.
  23. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Or at least like the rest of the pro audio world an cite the Fs as the lower point. He should build a demo vehicle using XO points near his "usable" numbers. In Florida land it would sound pretty good.
  24. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    So far it seems to be a lot better--though not the same as a few months ago.