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Everything posted by ssh

  1. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  2. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Take a deload week and go BBW hunting with Matt.
  3. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What the hell are those? I get invited to them all the damn time. Is it just another social network? For work, or business connections--IIRC.
  4. ssh

    Another bloody calculator

    Can you offer up a little info on this? I use an old box program that tells me vent noise may occur when the vent is too small. Loudspeaker Design Cookbook by Vance Dickason.
  5. ssh

    Another bloody calculator

    If the vent speed is too high than port compression can occur, and depending on how high it is, it can cause audible noise and/or a reduction in output. Is there a point when it can be too low? From what I've read I haven't found anything mentioning any limits for too much port area / too low vent speed, but generally it's a moot point because the port length gets longer, and becomes increasingly difficult to fit in the enclosure. I have been looking for an answer to that and have not came across anything either. I have read the lower the better and anything below .4 desirable. 0.4 as in 0.4*340.29 m/s = 136 m/s is way too much vent speed.
  6. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The ihop is full of random tangents, and perhaps obscenities, but not to the extent of posting shit literally.
  7. ssh

    Another bloody calculator

    If the vent speed is too high than port compression can occur, and depending on how high it is, it can cause audible noise and/or a reduction in output. Is there a point when it can be too low? From what I've read I haven't found anything mentioning any limits for too much port area / too low vent speed, but generally it's a moot point because the port length gets longer, and becomes increasingly difficult to fit in the enclosure.
  8. ssh

    Another bloody calculator

    If the vent speed is too high than port compression can occur, and depending on how high it is, it can cause audible noise and/or a reduction in output.
  9. ssh

    Hertz EP1D Amp

    Already sold sorry.
  10. HDMI is digital, and RCA is analog, hence the reason you can't find a cable that converts it. You would need some sort of converter device in between.
  11. ssh

    Hertz EP1D Amp

    210 shipped on hertz amp.
  12. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I found it!
  13. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azC_r1ulHW8 Scary, must be listening to some dubstep. wub wub wub
  14. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I can't remember for the life of me if it was me or you that posted the video of a crazy guy doing made up exercises on a bunch of gym equipment, and everyone was watching in disbelief and laughter. It was epic.
  15. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I see your Hollow Back Press and raise you Barbell Hip Thrusts Prepping for his GF. Hmm, *runs off to find something even better*
  16. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    @centrifuge video, If only...
  17. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you ever thought my posts were odd--think again.
  18. ssh

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    true story i rememeber before he got skar he was pullin scams on ebay.. selling amps as new, but if you looked back in his feed back ratings he sold them as one already as new, turned out they were blown amps,. he finaly refunded the money got the amps back had them repaired then tried to sell them again on ebay as " new" something like that i may be lose on the facts it was years ago.. but i recall a few shady things done like that... Made a bunch of uber cheap shitty enclosures for people (you get what you pay for I guess) on CA, and after running into "issues" he just started a new account. Did the same with Ebay.
  19. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    As long as you can manage, or bull shit your way through then do it!!!
  20. ssh

    Big Dilemma for my New Dodge Dart.

    The miniDSP does EQ also, so no need for another device. You do need a computer for tuning (setting XO points, slopes, EQ, T/A, etc). With a laptop you can sit in the driver seat, and adjust everything on the fly. I could not find any info on the miniDSP site on anything other than crossover and EQ controls. I wasn't aware they could do T/A as well. Nice price for such a powerful little box, lol. After Sean had good luck with his I bought one to replace my MS-8, and never looked back.
  21. ssh

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Welcome back--noob.
  22. ssh

    Big Dilemma for my New Dodge Dart.

    The miniDSP does EQ also, so no need for another device. You do need a computer for tuning (setting XO points, slopes, EQ, T/A, etc). With a laptop you can sit in the driver seat, and adjust everything on the fly.